Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

i lvled my warrior to 70 in about 5 hours.
just do dungeons and quest, LMFAO
you choosing to gimp yourself isnt anyone elses problems

yall are big mad, yet were all loving this.
whos really winning here?

I mean if you only do WQ and completely ignore the 100s of other quests, then yeah. Seems an exceptionally silly way to level though.

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well I guess it’s probably a good thing I have about 90 level 60s spread between two accounts so either way I would never run out of WorldQuest to do lol

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I mean the race Quest alone every 3 days will be about 200k gold

hahahahahaha oh blizz, you just couldn’t afford not having those daily logins huh LOL business would be bad without em… way to make a stand! LOL what a joke… but you have made a lot “no-lifer’s happy”, let the sweat men sweat lol

Thats exactly what im saying.
If thats the way hes choosing to level, that sounds like his problem and his problem alone.
To complete each zone in the wowhead guide says you gotta do around 500 quest per zone.
And this guy is choosing to level through world quest?
Like…rly dude?


This will be good for me as a player I play 12 hours a day and ran out of stuff to do on my main every day but I thought twice a week WQ was suitable for the player that doesn’t have the time to do daily WQ

since my focuses are this:
3. mounts &tmog
4. crafting
5. Gathering

But the Focus of the casual player from I observed is:

  1. Fun
    2.lvling/world pve content
    3 maybe crafting if they have time

Now Blizzard changes I feel are good for alts 100% but they need to be careful which WQ they do this with that’s all it should be fine.

(Spoiler alert You most likely already fell behind) You mean besides the people ya know key farming and already farming out renown 19 with valdrakken? go at your own pace and if there isnt respect for you needing to take time for yourself ya aint playing with the right people.

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Can you really consider “Kill 9 swogs” Today, tomorrow, the next day, and if you’re lucky the day after that CONTENT? You might be content with that content but i am not content.

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I think apart of that mentality, in general, comes from the reputation system being a barrier to what people want. For instance in DF, our reputations gives us new pets, mounts, transmog, and quests for the campaign. So right off the bat, people are going to be doing WQs, regardless if they like it or not, because they want that max rep, they want that reward, they want to continue the quest campaign.

So for people who like WQs then it’s not an issue, for people who don’t like them it feels like a chore to do in order to get what they want. On the flipside the lack of WQs for people can make them view things like the Obsidian Keys with Sabellian and Wrathion as a chore to do, since the chests give items that can be turned in for Expedition and Accord reps.

All in all when it comes down to it, every player wants difference things, every player has things they don’t like to do. And when they do the later, there is this feeling of “I have to do this, so that I can get and/or do what I want.” And their have been instances of people doing content, getting that reward, and then just not doing said content again.

Granted no one has to do the content, for example I stopped doing Torghast (outside of the Emissary quests) because I lost interest but there will people who did it, and I did see that “I have to run, Torghast mindset” from other people.

Thus this WQ debate is more of the mindset that players can in regards to them, and how not everyone can be polite or respectful about their differences in opinion.


You all are big happy because you stopped other players from having their fun!



yea man. im sure that stopped players from having your “fun”

I was wondering how I was going to find the time to juggle a new WoW expansion and the new Destiny 2 season that comes out today, and now I know…

well servers are up, go put your 24 hours in bud LOL don’t forget your dailies hahahaha

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unfortunately i am a crane operator in a tool and die shop on 3rd shift, and only have limited time to play.
because you know…job.

i cant log on anyway, keeps saying world server is down!

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“All along, our goal has been to avoid making World Quests feel mandatory, while still offering them as a worthwhile option for players who are looking for things to do on a given day”

So because a small amount of people said “we dont want to be forced to do WQ” The rest of us get to have nothing to do for 3 days at a time?

If you dont want to do WQ, dont do WQ. That shouldn’t mean that people who WANT TO play get punished…

I dont understand the logic here. Just because we have daily WQ, doesn’t mean anyone is forced. But Blizz’s response is to just leave it the way it is and punish people who want to play daily…


totally agree, Sharinah.

“All along, our goal has been to avoid making World Quests feel mandatory, while still offering them as a worthwhile option for players who are looking for things to do on a given day”

So because a small amount of people said “we dont want to be forced to do WQ” The rest of us get to have nothing to do for 3 days at a time?

If you dont want to do WQ, dont do WQ. That shouldn’t mean that people who WANT TO play get punished…

I dont understand the logic here. Just because we have daily WQ, doesn’t mean anyone is forced. But Blizz’s response is to just leave it the way it is and punish people who want to play daily…


Since you enjoy doing WQs, would you agree that removing endgame progression (e.g. rep, which locks a lot of things) from them would be a good idea? That way, you could have your daily WQ reset while others don’t feel obligated to turn them into chores.