Consensus on the nerf?

they nurf just went out lol not everyone spends every single second of there life on the game dude XD and they didn’t just nurf the passive absorb

The overall absorb in an arena was around 400k, as in that’s the total damage it usually absorbed throughout a match

They did just nerf the passive absorb. What are you talking about? That’s all they nerfed. JVs healing got nerfed slightly but it’s actually still healing a decent amount

And yeah that’s great maybe you should play it first before commenting lmao? How do you know anything about the nerfs if you haven’t even played it yet?? I am literally telling you I have and it’s still an extremely good spec in multiple ways. Don’t trust me, go watch vanguards or mes play ret and see what it can do.

Well for doing 4 million dmg you got the 400k absorb.
Now for doing 4 million dmg you get 100k absorb.
4 million just with your generators that is.

But it stacked to max 100k, still does.

How often do you do 4 million dmg in arena with just your generators?

the dude is just trying to get the class to uselessness so he can go back to his other fav FOTM lol don’t waste your time


Very often. Crusading strikes does 2 mil for me, blade of justice (with double BoJ) does around 1-1.5m. Judgement does around 900k combined

I literally don’t play any other classes. You can verify that on check.pvp

How long does an arena like that last?

The problem is, people wont stop asking for nerfs for Rets, they will find another thing they don’t like to complain and cry about.


Uh it depends. If it’s a ret v ret lobby it lasts a while because rets are hard to kill, vs other melee maybe 4-5 mins, vs casters longer.

Ret definitely doesn’t need any more nerfs, it’s a top tier spec right now and should stay that way. Damage profile is quite good, but not op. If anyone is asking for more ret nerfs definitely explain why that isn’t needed

You do realize that people don’t need rating to make logical points about a spec and hold a tenable position on something, right? I’d like to see you address people’s arguments rather than looking through everyone’s profile and dismissing them. It doesn’t matter how Ret is performing in the moment - at least my argument doesn’t depend on that.

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somebody has never fought a warlock lol or a mage for that matter


So in 4 minutes you can do 4 mil dmg with your generators for 100k shield?

100k healing means like 1 WoG hit under 40% with cd’s.

1 extra wog per 4 minutes.
versus was
4 extra wog’s per 4 minutes, else 1 wog per minute.

Why is that considered strong? lol
Literally 3 extra HP spent defensively per minute… now it’s 3 extra HP spent defensively per 4 minutes, which is very low.

I haven’t dismissed anyone, I literally made an argument against you and all you said was “yea I disagree”.

Playing the game is how you are able to form an opinion on how your spec performs. How can you have an opinion on nerfs and the state of your spec without playing it? I fully understand providing feedback on a rework like we got, but in terms of performance and what these nerfs did for ret you need to play it do you not?

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It isn’t considered strong. Fading light is no longer strong. Before hand yes it was strong. So is the passive lock absorb that should be looked at probably

You seem like a pve Andy that bought a SS carry XD and if not you need to take a break form the internet dude

Why was 3 HP spent defensively per minute considered strong?

Believe it or not, I’m not the only source from which I base my opinion. As for how I responded to you, you didn’t address anything I said, you argued points I didn’t make, I felt you basically were putting words in my mouth, and you strawman’d me to death. I would absolutely double down on dismissing you.

That’s definitely a good argument. For sure, lmao

This is what happens when I provide an argument and the person doesn’t actually play ret and can’t respond properly @orlandeu. This is why I say playing the spec to understand it’s performance is important