Congratulations Blizzard!

Yikes. Your posts definitely don’t say “full grown adult” to me.

Might wanna work on that…

Says the guy who still refuses to answer a simple question and would rather stick his fingers in his ears and go “lalala i can’t hear you”

If anyone is being childish its you. So good day to you guy.

Well my 2 cents on this is that I don’t like it one little bit. Its just another time sink and talent system. Yes I am currently working on getting all the Glyphs but I feel I should not have to. Its a waste of my time. I work full time and instead of questing I am chasing down things to make flying “easier”. I should just be able to fly and use my mouse. I can see why some will like it but I do not.

This is not true. Depending on where you’re going like I said, you will have to land even with max talents. Although it also depends on how skilled you are with angles and such. Which not everyone will be.

I never have to land unless I want to land with max talents.

Also it is so easy to do the angles. Skyward Ascent until you get thrill of the skies buff, angle slightly lower, your vigor will fill up super fast and just keep skyward ascenting or surging forward.

Never have to land unless you want to.

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agreed about the trolling garbage kids do on here just because you said something i feel you on that

The only time i was motionless while questing was turning in quests… lol Maybe you are doing something wrong?

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Good on you my dude or dudette. Some of us are not “l33t” players and play (and pay) this game for a way to relax after a days work. Its a time sink and not fun. That is the point off all the posts. You like it? Great. I do not and a lot of us do not.

I feel like Dragon flying was designed to counter botting, you have to always be engaged to get around, even gathering herbs will freeze you or push you away. I’ve noticed little things like that since playing DF and it doesn’t seem like it’s a coincidence but purposely designed that way.

May I recommend pvp.

its hopping so muhc of late I can see my dragon geting tired. and…pop.

run the bg, come out all rested.

rinse lather repeat. It took me 45 minutes to see south main quest story kalecgos from dragon city last night . 2 epic pops en route lol.

Someone got annoyed while getting the Apex glyph.

But you have it now, I’m sure, right OP? So the expansion is saved. Good thing nobody overreacted.

Them being bad at the game and getting mad at the game for it.

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You’re literally complaining about having to wait a measly few seconds for a bar to fill up…a lot less time for a DPS (as you are a hunter) to wait for a dungeon queue to pop. You’re acting like an entitled Karen where you want everything just handed to you on a silver platter. Of course people are going to criticize you for your outrageous and utterly foolish opinion.

Thaldrasuz peak was the easy one!

“privilege to pay you”

… Uhmm… Tell me your joking right? YOU made the choice to pay for this game, and in turn, Blizzard is giving YOU the privilege to play THEIR game. Its not the other way around, this the core definition of “Entitlement” That sooooo, soooo, many people on this forum have trouble understanding.

The game is actually fun, for the first time since Legion… Its just not fun for you. And I will also add… That your post, in no way helps Blizzard identify a single problem that YOU have with their game. Or, how to make it better, your just B*ing to Bh.

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If you were smarter you would have noticed you could learn them from the button on the minimap.

Warfronts were such wasted potential.

Down and dirty truth? You would normally be on a mount without flight for the first 6 months of the expansion. So yeah it may take you down a minute or 2 but overall it speeds it way up compared to mount only ground pounding like its been since warlords. No fanboi or anything but take a step back and use the right context. First time we could fly or glide so soon without achievements.

I find it fascinating the number of people who make assumptions about others based on zero evidence. Nothing in the OP’s post says they did not learn how it works or get all the glyphs. You’re making things up to prove you are right/make yourself feel superior, but all you’re doing is exposing how dishonest and hostile you are.

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I appreciate you taking time to reply with a solution, thank you.