Congratulations Blizzard!

Click on the icon on your map that was like for garrisons and covenants… Under there you’ll see dragon riding and your renown for the 4 different major groups… Click the dragon riding… fill out your tree.

Edit: Here


i know this. still sucks

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Thank you. I must have missed it, because i checked there last night lol.

No problem… have fun.

Oh my goss you have to do it once, only once.

I hope blizz does not listen to people like you. You are in the minority. Exploring and levevling dragonflying was fun and i hope they do more in the future

Takes 30 mins to get all the glyphs in the game and you will never have to sit like that again. Stop whining and go get your glyphs.

interesting to note. you can intentionally stall using the keys you would used on normal flying to fly upside down. *(Insert)

almost a hovering slow fall.

Cool. Now hush while the rest of us enjoy the game.

My problem is that I tab away to entertain my adhd with something else and forget to check if my vigor is back. I’ve spent way to much time faffing around clinging precariously the side of these pointy mountain tops

Elitists: “LFR must be timegated so people aren’t clearing it on day 1. It’s more meaningful that way!”


Seriously, if that’s what you have to cry about, you’re doing pretty darn well. People are starving and enslaved around the world. But you had to wait 30 seconds…. Lol

30 min total is what it took me to learn how to properly fly a dragon.

I am a scrub player (never did anything past LFR) and it is quite shameful for this to be coming from someone like me; learn to dragonfly - it is quite easy.

i sympathize with those having LEGIT problems with DRing, but the fact is it does take the boredom out of air travel.

Yeah no. Dont tell me what to do.

The wife has motion sickness and somewhat poor motor skills and while shes not an ace pilot or anything, shes actually doing quite well now that shes gotten dragon riding and says she loves it. lol

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Says the one demanding Blizzard change the game just for them.

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I never made any demands. Show me where i did.

an hourglass is a timer lol

Also, I know your generarion loves those idle mobile games where you don’t do anything and you just watch it happen, but the rest of us don’t like those and don’t want to pay a subscription for an idle game.

What are you talking about dude? Im in my thirties. What generation are you referring to? Also answer my previous question.