Congratulations Blizzard!

Great way to slow progression - it’s so much fun to be stuck on the side of mountain and get the privilege to sit motionless in the game for several minutes doing nothing.

Whoever dreamed that way up certain figured out a way to slow people down outside instances without making us sit wondering why on earth we are playing a “game” for “fun” to sit motionless watching an “hourglass of a timer” fill up so we can continue.

Bravo, you have figured out a new way to make the games less fun and waste my time while i get the privilege to pay you.

PS haters gotta hate, not trolling simply expressing an opinion which I am entitled to without all you people telling me I should quit the game or take up knitting while I wait.


Ok, so how about giving me all your gold instead?


I took advantage of that time to toss some auctions up with the bruto.


What is this thread about?


Youtube where all the dragon glyphs are. Once you get them, the amount of time you will be on the ground will decrees by 98%.

Wish the dragons could hover in the air but it is what it is.


Handynotes has a glyphs plugin that works amazingly well too.


The worst glyph in the game to obtain… I didn’t make a thread about it… but i did get terrain stuck and dc’d.


I got all of them in an hour without issue. So I still have no idea what OP’s vague complaint is about.


I actually felt the same way with baseline Dragonflying at the start, but by day 2 (or three?) I had it all maxed out and I haven’t been stalled out waiting for energy since, and grinding them out (without handynotes or anything like that) took about an hour and a half.

I think if you take the time to do that, which actually also really helps you master dragonflying, you’ll do just fine.

After I got the first 3 or 4 powerups you’ll basically be able to keep up your stamina indefinitely while gliding about at “blue streaks” speed and using your double jump ability to maintain height and climb.

Once it’s maxed out you’re unstoppable.


It’s another useless and dumb feature that will quickly go the way of the dodo just like island expeditions, warfronts and that stupid campaign table thing nobody uses.

If the dragons could just fly regularly with the addition of cosmetics, abilities etc it would have been good but the current iteration is trash. Let’s not even get into the fact that some players spent a great deal of time collecting mounts which have been made useless now as well.


K…if I am reading this vague rant correctly, I believe you are complaining about dragon riding. If that is correct, my advice would be to NOT just sit there like a tool, jump off the ledge and glide your way to the nearest flight master. And in the future, until you get the hang of dragon riding, try flying around the mountain instead of over it. Or stick to flight masters until EZ flying is opened in a year.


once the honeymoon phase ends the forums will be a dumpster fire about how they are tired of dragon flying


Why are you a dwarf now!?


yup, I’m sure the threads will multiply 10 fold in a couple weeks


I find it fascinating the number of people who complain about DR without:

  1. Learning how it works
  2. Getting all the glyphs

i excel at it

i got all the glyphs

it still sucks and i cant wait for regular flying


Once you get all the glyphs, there’s really very little down time. That being said, due to the general gradient of Azure span up into ohnaren plains, you will have to land a couple times to recharge energy. But then you have to ask yourself why you’re trying to traverse such a long distance when you can use the teleport system or a flight path.


I would guess some of the dragon flying glyphs which are not easy to get (the person who said it took about 30 minutes to collect them all has a Tardis).

There were a couple that you had to fly, rest, fly, rest, etc. It’s not thrilling.



I did none of that when getting them. I only landed once, because I accidentally hit the floor trying to get the one inside the building. :rofl:

Every time I’ve been in the old world and on an old mount, it feels like I’m not even moving.