Congratulations Blizzard!

Dragonriding is very fun and a fantastic idea, the fact that you haven’t figured it out instantly doesn’t mean it’s bad. Maybe it’s just you, get good kid.

You might get stuck on the side of the mountain in the beginning, but once you get all the Glyphs and learn the simple mechanics, it’s pretty awesome and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

you should go around and get all the glyphs and that shouldn’t happen very much unless you are doing a lot of gathering

Oh. I did get this one, I didn’t think it was too bad, I just circled it to regain vigor, focusing on ascent rather than anything else. I think it took like a minute or two.

I predict the opposite will happen if/when normal flying is unlocked: A lot of the anti-DR people will complain about how unfair it is that it takes them twice as long to get anywhere.


Yeah there was already an “increase the speed of regular flying mounts” thread already.

if so i wont be one of them i prefer setting an A to B flight and doing something else.

Same. I dont feel like im going slow or that it takes me too long to get somewhere. Max flying skill is pretty fast. Gets me from A to B and thats what i love about it.

I’ve never had that issue since maxing out the tree.

You don’t deserve it. Isn’t Blizzard paying you what you are worth to be a house troll?


Those people will have left the game. They may or may not consider returning, since the requirement for unlocking flight will no doubt involve maxing out your dragonflying and completing content that is inaccessible without it.

Or perhaps Blizzard is planning on charging real money in the cash shop to people whose disabilities prevent them from using it.

You cost Blizzard real money by being that guy.

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If you think this is the way you’re supposed to do it, you need to get better at dragonriding. You’re supposed to circle the mountain while keeping enough speed to refill your energy but enough altitude to be able to create gains when you have enough energy to press 2 again.

This is a classic case of PEBKAC.

You should have practiced more and gone after the lower glyphs first.

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I hope not. Based off what ive seen and heard of riding, i already know i won’t enjoy it. Being forced to do it for traditional flying would be the final straw.

If nothing else id rather just spend a thousand gold on flying and be done with it.

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Can you give me some of your tinfoil? I have some chicken to bake tonight.


Just say you’re lazy bro.

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How is that done? I can not find that option, and have looked for it endlessly.

I play video games for relaxation and fun, not to work. If i wanna work ill go out into the real world.

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Try cleaning, you know your " area " could use it

I got lots of areas that can use it but sadly I don’t get stuck waiting on the side of a mountain.

Wow a whole ONE thread? Because that is the only ONE i have seen. But yeah, lets just lump everyone who wants regular flying in with ONE person who was probably a tween.

personally I won’t complain one iota…

how though? you can get from point A to point B faster even if you fly into a mountain wall and have to wait because of how slow normal flying is.

just cork screw spiral up a few times and then you are all the way into the sky where you can fly to any location and recharge vigor faster than you need to spend it.

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