Congratulations Blizzard!

Yup. I prefer my collection mounts and based off what ive heard and seen in vids, dragon riding looks godawfully boring.

I may be stuck in the shadowlands for the next couple 3 years but at least i have my traditional flying.

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Much obliged, thanks!


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Get glyphs… or get better at dragonriding… its not hard… theres 3 buttons… two that really mayter.

I spend like no time at all waiting for vigor to refill.


Maybe you’re just bad at the game.


There will always be wow haters, and there will always be wow shills on this forum, always have. That is why this forum is more fun, than the game a lot of times :rofl: :beer:

Took me about 3. I did find dragon flying hard in the beginning. I’m not a fast learner.

Unlock all your glyphs.

You can reach every major quest and Campaign event from the ground. Also pick up 12 glyphs from every areas. Takes about 1 hour with wowhead. If you can’t manage that unsub. The whole Dragon Isles are built Dragonflight in mind and it works perfectly. Soaring is super fun. Don’t try to fly straigth line or upwards. Always fly from higher ground for the momentum.

don’t blame Blizzard for your skill issues.

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thank you…I only see 7 left on my map…so was wondering where the rest are, lol, this helped, I downloaded it so when I play again, maybe they will pop up

it doesn’t work with ALL of them, but you can use the races to get up to some of the higher points. thats what I did anyways. I could not seem to get enough speed to get high enough for them, so, I just did the race, used the wind booster thing, and it propelled me forward & up fast enough I could get the glyph…then…it just ports me back to the start of the race, so I can actually complete it.
some of them really are a pain tho…

Yup, been there done that many times soo far. Because my Dragon is totally spent after flapping its wings 4 times.

You’re doing it wrong.

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Thanks Ion

People who want to improve will.

Those who don’t, won’t.

Life is simple.

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Which one? I’m still missing 9, been avoiding guides telling me where they are for funsies.

Totally this. Was flying out to Uldaman in the Badlands for a M0 run and everyone was just… “… old school flying is so slow…”

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That’s actually a great idea, you can take up knitting and craft some great sweaters out! Send me one! :heart_eyes:

But yeah, I think that they should give you guys the slow riding dragons with a debuff or something. Not everyone can be special and be a Dragonrider coughs, I’m with you on this OP. May you get some slow mounts to ferry you across! :blush: :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You can fly perpetually without any glyphs with practice. I made a video showing how I do it if you want a link. It was really frustrating for me at first too but once I figured that out it became a lot easier.