Congratulations Blizzard!

And when you get it, you’ll complain that it’s too slow.

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Aye, I’m also excited for regular flying but not because of the flying bit. I am excited because I want to afk in the sky while I go use the bio.

That is it. That and I like my mechanical flying mounts.

You are free to express your opinion, no one stopped you, just like we are free to tell you to quit the game and take up knitting.

There’s a billion places to land on your DR mount to do the same. Hovering isn’t much different.

I know that, doesn’t change that I am lazy and just want to go straight up and live in the sky

If something looks like “work” then people will be less inclined to take part, to be fair I’d avoid working in a game too if it felt that way, and WoW can be a chore at times.

This is true, get addon, go collect glyphs, happy flying.

So are edgy responses my friend.

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And I wonder if dragon riding will only ever be available in Dragonflight zones and will be useless and forgotten.

Just playing the campaign, I found easily 75% of the glyphs. It took me about 45 minutes to get the rest once I finished the campaign.

but you are a wow god (bs on the hour)

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Really… If you have an alt… Log into them after they have at least gotten to the new zone and have ‘Dragon Isles Summary’ Icon on your map. Click that, click the dragon riding skills and unlocks. and you can apply the glyphs right there.

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Me today. Using a regular flyer in Org to get the the DMF transporter and I hate it. It’s like 20 feet and I HATE IT.

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OP had to wait a couple minutes for their vigor to fill up, so obviously the world is ending.

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LOL it’s not “bs.” A lot of people have done it. It only takes an hour to two hours to get them, depending on if you’re using an addon or not. And apparently depending on how much you fail at dragon riding.

Stop failing at dragon riding.


Pretty much this. If people would stop blowing all their vigor at once this would be less of an issue. Even before you max out you can use the double jump whatever and fast glide to refresh vigor. If people are trying to duck walk straight up a mountain then yeah that will be a problem, but the solution is to not do that.

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It is certainly frustrating if you don’t know how to ride your dragon and sometimes I got stuck too even though I know! My daughter was dealing with this last night as she just started. But she waited and pushed through and now has all her glyphs from waking shores.

It’s really not that bad imo. It sort of motivates you to go out exploring to get those glyphs.

Now that I finally have my last glyph … omg. It’s a world different than how it started. This is the best flying I’ve seen in WoW (imo) and I never wait. Ever. It’s absolutely fantastic to me that I can skip on using flight paths because they are too slow.

Take the time to get the glyphs. Figure out the nuance for how to fly up by “pulling the drake back to point into the sky”. I rarely use the surge but fly up is definitely a requirement. Once it clicks and you have more glyphs it will feel way better.

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All it takes is to hit skyward ascent and nothing else. Hit it once, fly around mountain in a circle, hit it again, keep flying around in a circle. You get everywhere just by doing that— including up the huge mountain. With almost no glyphs. :woman_shrugging:


Yep, exactly. I have a feeling people are just using skyward back to back and trying to hop up the mountain. It doesn’t work that way lol.


There’s an icon around edge of mini map like garrisons/covenants/etc had.

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Truly a slap in the face, nay! a slap ON the face, why can’t I just instantly have everything I want, where is the manager?!

The amount of drama over having to wait a minute or two is absolutely the most hillarious thing ever, how dare they make me wait like two minutes.

As a guildie posted in our discord: “I see you dragon glyph! I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Posted with a pic of the glyph way, way up high at a mountain peak.

/moo :cow:

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