Congratulations Blizzard!

It’s now about waffles.

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Legitimately the biggest issue I have with it.

The dragons we were given feel so ugly, and that’s made worse by the fact that customization, each and every piece, is locked behind something random.

If it’s supposed to be the new iteration of flying, then let us use it with every flying mount.

Mounts don’t exactly work as a reward when you cannot use them in the current expansion.

You can state an opinion without being mean about it. I get how it works, i do not enjoy it. Thats it. I dont like i cant hover in place or land more precisely or just fly slightly off the ground instead of being forced 300 feet in the air. I dont like not being able to fly as high as i want anytime. Its not as fun for me. Im not bad at it. I just dont enjoy it. Peope can like and dislike game mechanics for reasons that might not apply to you. Stop acting like a 16 year old child.

I think with more practice this will happen less often to you. You can really travel efficiently once you get the hang of it.

Of course your entitled to your opinion but I don’t think it’s a system or mechanics issue.

My opinion is they’ve integrated flight into the game in a way that’s fun. I have no issues with it.

Good luck.

Get all the glyphs and fill out the tree and you won’t have to rest/wait

Why do you think people still use flight paths? So they can idle and look at other stuff and not have to press a finger to get to where they need to go.

Same case for flying mounts once we unlock normal flying for dragon isles. As fun as dragon riding is it isnt gonna entirely replace normal flying with how manual it is compared to a flying mount on auto run

Both flying types can co-exist. I dont have to deal with anything. You want dragon riding go right on ahead, ill stick with my preferred traditional flying instead.

I’m a GW2 girl, and I can say this is 100% guild wars dragon flying. They ripped it straight over and I love it.

I had to get on a normal mount in old world and it felt DULL and it was beyond slow.

This is what flying should have been from the start.

Though I want to see other mounts in my collection usable for it. Even if just as a skin that paints over an existing dragon flying mount.

Then don’t use it. Just wait a year untill normal flying comes out and it takes you twice as long to fly across the map due to how slow normal mounts fly

So basically exclude motion sick and hand problemed people from flying from the start? Normal flying has its perks too. I also wanna afk hover on my mounts like Invincible.

You literally have no choice but to deal with it. Wherlther or not you play is still dealing with it. Just stop with the spam posting of “dragonflight is bad cuz its new” and realize that the game is allowed to evolve and no you dont have to like it

I will never understand why afk hovering is such a big deal. Youre afk, if you are in a spot where you would die because you werent hovering, maybe you shouldnt have gone afk there.

its an age old tradition to show off your mounts afk hovering, nothing more. And clearly I mean in a safe area or min mid air. Not somewhere where you will die. What if something comes up irl and you need to tend to it? Oh yeah…you can’t with DR, you have to find a mountain to land on. With normal flying you can stop mid air safely.

Good thing there are mountains with numerous safe spots literally everywhere for you to land on. Dunno how it’s so hard to ‘find’ a mountain when you’re probably walking on one already.

If your walking on a mountain, your doing it wrong. You go very high and land where you were aiming.

Try character unstuck, this has happened to my brother a few times (always when on dragonriding mount) and character unstuck fixes it after a few minutes.

I never said the new dlc was bad. Not once did i say that. What i said is that i prefer traditional flying for myself and nothing will change that.

If anyone needs to deal with something its you. I dont have to like dragon riding if i dont want to. Im allowed to prefer traditional flying over riding all i want.

Both flying types can co-exist without issue.

Your complaint seemed to be aimed at having to quote: “find a mountain to land on”. Which, in an expansion literally covered in mountains, outcroppings, etc to land on really shouldn’t be an issue worth complaining about. It isn’t hard to find a safe place, they are quite literally everywhere. I dunno what weird, paranoid three-dimensional minesweeper people seem to be playing, but dragonflight aint it.

Lmfao yes you can. Its a video game, if something comes up it just leave? Whys it matter if you die? If you wanna show off your mount, then mount up on the ground and afk. If you die, you die. Walk back and rez

Dragonriding, not dragonflight, my mistake. My point was you’re just complaining about dragon riding because it means you can’t be lazy and just creator mode in minecraft your way across the map.