Congratulations Blizzard!

Nope that’s not even close. Nice try at assuming but you couldn’t be further from the truth.

I prefer traditional flying not only because its what i enjoy but also because i have hundreds of mounts i like to cycle through on different toons. Im always going to prefer traditional flying. Nothing will change that.

Having said that. Both flying types can easily co-exist with no problems.

I do love all these players that say they got all damn glyph’s in less then 30 mins or less then a hour…guess they didn’t have to deal with wrecked hands and wrists from damage from Arthritis or Carpal Tunnel which I have both in both my hands and wrists…its killing me to use this dragon to collect ores or herb… as some said above many are in tight areas and if you miss it and your vigor is out you have to land and wait to recharge.

Guess Blizzard doesn’t care the pain they are giving to older folks with this flying …they forgot many of their player base is older …and I am not one of those that puts my mount on auto pilot and walks away…I keep any eye on my toons when they are in the air…I may regret getting this expansion…

I had no plans on buying dragonflight then I thought I can’t really condemn dragonriding without trying it. So I bought and yes I learned dragonriding sucks for reasons. It’s time for regular flying to be released now.

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Pro-tip: Aim your camera directly upward while you use Skyward Ascent.

Another pro-tip: Collect all the glyphs. You can do this right at the start, no gating.

Again, nothing is stopping you from using old mounts. Just cant fly with them. Im not against both existing, but youre arguements arent any more valid because of me agreeing on that.

Tell me you are bad at dragonriding without telling me you are bad at it.

Im not making any arguments. I only stated what i personally prefer.

Sorry to hear of your difficulty, I hope you find areas of the expansion to enjoy.

So you don’t know how to use the system and feel the need to cry about it instead of learning how it works. Got it.

I agree, Ceire…i’ve been told to “gitgud”
when i mentioned the potential
inconvenience of flappy-floppy-dragon-gliding…
alternately i was told to get a new computer
and isp…and my mom was sometimes mentioned
as a source of the problem!
lol…so…watch your step…lol.
the blizzard infallibility squads are watching.

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Ok, so just level up your dragon riding and you will not have to wait for anything.