Congratulations Blizzard!

Thank you .

Stop paying them.

Even with all the glyphs its still just worse flying. You have much less control over your character. Its like they design things without asking “is this fun?” after brainstorming. Like with collecting the herbs. Why do they blow you around or trip you when collecting them? Who thinks that is fun?!

They heard all the complaints about no flying in the last few expansions so gave us flying, but worse. I quit before warlords came out because no flying and only just came back when i heard about dragon riding. But its just terrible. Why do they hate flying?! Just give me normal fluing.


But its just worse flying. Theres no reason we cant just have normal flying.

Yeah for some reason my dragon flight handynotes not loading in from curseforge for that. I tryed reinstalling muliple times.

not really. its like normal flying that’s twice as fast with a little bit of effort.

Straight up better. Only worse if you suck at it

I felt exactly the same, but i was much angrier about it. I will say, after getting all the dragonflying upgrades, its pretty fun. But i did need ALL the upgrades before i found it fun

Imagine being bad at flying a Dragon. I bet you lack for skills in other areas of the game too and just find it easier to cry than get better

No, it’s better flying. It’s faster and more fun and did I mention so much faster? :star_struck:

Typical GD. I love DR it’s fast.

You know regular flying could be just as fast. You seem to just like the speed not the mechanics of DR.

GD - but it’s fun

You know we could make regular flying the same speed and you could have your fun and I could have mine

GD - NO mine has to be faster because it’s not fun if it isn’t

It gets better as you build your dragon. Also, I feel like you’re probably not using your dragon’s vitality wisely if you are spending that much time recovering.

why are you so mean? i’m just asking for regular flying in addition to normal. you lose nothing. i miss hovering and just auto flying. I get how it works, its easy. I just don’t enjoy it. Stop being mean to people who have different opinions about game mechanics.

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i dont know what youre talking about but i assume dragon riding? very first thing you should do is level it by getting all the glyphs. after that u just have perm flying with 830% speed

Tell us you don’t know how dragon riding works , without telling us you don’t know how dragon riding works

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Once you get all the dragon glyphs, which took me all of 30 minutes while i was lvl 64 (but i also had Soar as a backup worse version of dragonflight to help me get around), you can pretty much fly indefinitely if you know the right angle to get max speed while also maintaining minimal altitude loss. It gets down to 5 second vigor regain speed at high speed and resting, as well as having 6 vigor. With the vigor regen that fast you can get higher altitude than you lose if hold that perfect angle and keep using your upward thrust ability.

I’m not sure what the problem is. I feel powerless when I leave the Dragon Isles and I’m stuck with my “slow” standard 310% flying mount instead of my (up to) 830% dragonriding mount.

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The funniest part is that you’re crying so hard, when you apparently haven’t realized that there’s a glide function that a) builds up inertia for you to go airborne again and b) has a system that boosts your vigor regen simply by gaining speed.

The amount of people winging about dragonriding that don’t even understand it is just…it’s nice, I suppose, to be reminded of why I stopped coming to these forums. Ya’ll are hopeless.

I’ve been stuck on the side of a mountain waiting for vigor like one time.

And it was before I upgraded my dragon. lol

Before maxing out glyphs my biggest criticism of dragon riding was the vigor recharge wait.

Once you max out your talents it’s rarely ever an issue, but waiting around for a recharge isn’t fun.

You just dont like change. All the old mounts are still usable, so keep riding them around the map and deal with it