Congratulations Blizzard!

Hey, guy. It’s not a rep grind. It’s 30 minutes of collecting glyphs. Don’t act like 30 minutes out of your UBER BUSY 32-40 hour work week is anything compared to the sluggish ground mount slog you’ve been dealing with for the past several expansions. You certainly don’t have to get them, but if you’re so lazy in a video game to the point where you feel like 30 minutes is a waste of time then you deserve to have your feet glued to the ground. There are literally memes about folks like you.

just a friendly reminder to everyone that you dont have to be bad at something to dislike it.

Definetely not a fan of havjng to spend hours tracking down stupid emblems just to make flying bearable.

You should…definitely quit the game to take up knitting, and knit us all some horde banners. For the Horde. Meanwhile, as someone who understands that its just physics and gliding, i will be soaring above you, infinitely refilling my hourglasses cause I took the time to gather glyphs and not come onto a forum to cry about it.

Considering how much faster we have access to flight? It’s not even comparable

As someone who played wow in the past…
Where it wasnt uncommon after killing just a few mobs to have to sit 30 seconds to eat/drink…

Waiting 30 seconds for one globe to fill up so i can glide 600-1000 feet in 10s isnt really that big of a deal.

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You’re not entitled to your opinion without criticism, by the way.

Are you talking about the Dragon riding glyph stop the tallest mountain?

If so, you can get up there with base upgrades in about 2-3 minutes via dragon riding.

With just enough upgrades for the faster high speed Regen and the fifth resource pip, you can do it in about 1 minute.

The better way to look at it is more like if you are learning to dragon ride properly, then this glyph takes at most 5 minutes, provided you’re still struggling to learn but actively trying

If you’re bad at dragon riding and/or lazy, there is an ALTERNATIVE route in that you could wait to cheese it a la mountain climbing. It takes approximately 4-5 waves up, or 8-10 minutes at no upgrades. 10 mins is if you’re doing absolutely zero dragon riding beyond ascent.

If you get your fifth orb and no time upgrades, you’ll shave off 30 seconds. With one 5 second upgrade, that drops to 25 shaved, but each of the other 11-24 pips ALSO shave 5 seconds, or drops the time an additional 55 to 140 seconds.

This 8-10 mins becomes 6:40 to 8:15, assuming you aren’t also potatoing the climb.

If each glyph we’re like this, I’d say “fair argument”. But in this case, an average player can get this glyph faster than they could watch a TikTok, and a below average and/or lazy player could just watch something short.

For example, if I care about M+, I could watch nearly half of the dungeon’s 2 minutes summary videos, which I was going to watch anyway.

Or I could watch the cinematics I skipped.

Or I could log to an alt for a few quests or some farming and swap back.

For that matter, glyphs are shared on alts, so you could even just have an alt do that ascent if you really wanted to.

Or you could save that glyph for last. With all but one upgrade, assuming you chose not to take the 6th pip, you will start with 5 pips and have 5 second air recharge. If you’re at the base of the mountain, you can angle your camera up and hit max speed with the first two pips with decent timing. If you watch for the trails to start to fade, you can chain without losing momentum. This gives you around 3 seconds of high speed per pips 2 to 5, which is 12 seconds or enough for two more pips, which brings you to 2+6 seconds, for one more pip, which is now 3+3 seconds for one more pip, which means you also exit a straight ascent high speed with 80% of a pop. If you tilt the camera down just before those trails run out, you get yet another pip to ascend before you ever need to touch ground. Of the 12 you NEED for the straight ascent cliffside, you managed to get 9 of them IMMEDIATELY and 60% of the 10th. You then touch ground, wait 21 seconds to hit 2 pips, repeat. You’ll need to glide for just 1-2 seconds, and boom you have 12 bursts. Total time? Around 50-60 seconds, with effectively ZERO actual dragon riding, from the bottommost points to the glyph proper.

And if you can dragon ride for just enough to refill pips without losing much altitude, that 21 seconds wait drops down to 7 seconds; you can worst case it in around 35 seconds if you’re decent to mediocre.

And because the “hardest” glyph can be attained with no upgrades by riding, can be attained with no upgrades by cheese scaling, and can be attained with upgrades in less time it took you to even come to the forums and write this post…

…I’m gonna go with a “this isn’t a problem, but a YOU problem”.

Not trying to be mean, but this community already complains about the damnedest of things. This particular complaint is NOT a design issue nor a game issue, but one of the player. The player has multiple avenues for the worst case, for varying levels of skill, and the progression system itself makes the hardest glyph trivial; you can even fall off the mountain 3 times, fully, and still come out ahead of your strategy.

It is not fair nor reasonable for you to complain about time when YOU chose the worst strategy available to you.

So… get normal flying and AFK for 10 minutes flying from point A to point B multiple times a day while alt-tabbed and watching youtube.

  • or -

Spend 10 minutes one day getting all the glyphs and utilize one of the best features of the expansion.

It is amazing how hard people try to not play the game.

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Just accept it and move on. So much b**ching about a game that hasn’t even really started yet. No ranked, no mythic+ etc etc.

So much whining. Not telling you to quit. Just play it or don’t, add your feedback and move on.

Someone who isn’t good at the game complaining about something we all had to do at one point

This isn’t Blizzard, this is you.

low skill level = bad experience.

Dragon flying gets you from point a to point b too. Just faster

Whats with your sad bogus ps? Waaaah i shared my trash opinion cause i suck at a game and i dont like people sharing their opinions about mine waaaaah im the only one allowed to express their opinion waaaah

it literally takes 10 seconds to recharge ONE vigor which is enough to fly again.

way to expose yourself, need to learn to fly better

My guy still doesn’t know how to ride a dragon :rofl:

Dont care. I like my 310 speed. It works for me.

Woot woot Happy Birthday Bliz! You don’t look a day over 2004.

It’s not fun waiting for Vigor to load when you have natural given wings and should be allowed to fly unlimited.

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