Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

To be fair to the developers I think too much trust was put into participation reports. That led them to believe what they were doing was good for the game when it clearly wasn’t.

People hate pathfinder but pathfinder isn’t really the problem. The world quest / daily bottleneck is the problem. So telling Ion we hate pathfinder doesn’t really get to the meat of the issue.


how was this one any different from WoD or Legion???

As for the terrain with Nazjatar aside this was an easy to navigate xpac.

Yes, team 2 is the team that works on wow. team 1, 3, 4, etc are other game divisions. Team 2 during WoD had chilton and a handful of other folks that aren’t with the company or work on other games so that’s what I meant.

Yup. Every Q&A that had mention of participation numbers made me facepalm almost lol. It’s a tough balance to meet even when you look at the posts that give proper feed back 'cause I feel a lot of the developers can have a bit of an ego.

So while they shouldn’t cave to every demand, it’s true that they should consider to find a different way of looking at the full picture. Because at the end of the day, they seemingly know most of their content won’t suffice so they put in collectibles that effectively hooks a good portion of their player base in playing the patch out 'till the next big patch.

What really gets me about rep grinds is that they aren’t account bound. Pathfinder is account bound,and it should be. It’s a pain.

But the fact that I have to grind out the rep a second time, third time, eleventh time on every alt to get crafting recipes is absurd, imo. It made sense in Vanilla when there were only two or three tough grinds that netted a serious and game-changing benefit at the end. In BfA, however, it makes no sense that I have to grind out Tortollan rep with every alt that wants 2-star recipes.


The amount of progression tied to world content really is the core of the game now, if you ask me.
So many different things are tied to these zones, that i truly believe if you have a bleak outlook on ALL of it, you must barely enjoy this game.

Its just too important for everything else the game offers.
Ironically, including navigating the world.

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Don’t know how I missed this gem. You couldn’t be more wrong about that.

World Questing ain’t WoW. No more than pet battles are WoW.

Some people dig World Questing and that’s fine. Just like some people prefer Battlegrounds, some Arena, some dungeons, some raids.

Instead of forcing people into a part of the game they hate doing how about rewarding them for the part they like doing? This isn’t complicated to me.


I just replied to this same sentiment but we arent on the same page here honestly, and i dont think the OPs position aligns with this either.

This content is simply too important for the rest of the game.

Unless you dont participate in any end game content in bfa, you really cant look at this and try to diminish its importance.

If you hate ALL of the world content in this game right now, im sure you can possibly like other things, but i would be surprised to hear you did.

Hating such baseline activity that offers so many rewards is a clear indication that he needs a break.

Not sure why anyone would try to convince me otherwise.
What other solution is there? Undo all the world content ideas from the last 3 years?

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Dude… what?

Stop telling people to stop playing because you can’t possibly fathom them not liking something that you do.

That is so wrong… I have to stop typing… I don’t want to violate the code of conduct.


It’s not a question of how important it is right now. The question is WHY is this so important to them. Because from my perspective dailies and world quests are right up there with pet battles. I could do with an entire expansion where I never have to do a single world quest / daily to progress my rep gains.

The MMORPG is a themepark. Not a single mode of play “you must do X/Y/Z or quit because you obviously don’t like it.” That mentality of yours is why the game is in the doldrums.


Try to make it better. But I guess you like copy and pasted systems because it’s ‘‘important’’.

Importance =/= fun


I am also playing the game and I finished part 1 um…2 weeks ago. It was the first time I’ve ever completed any part of the pathfinder achieves. Not everyone plays the game the same way.

Pathfinder just makes you play the game “how Blizzard wants you to play” the game.


Well from my perspective, its importance is crucial to my response.
That’s why I said what I said.
The content is too core to the game’s progression.
It delivers far too much for some one to hate it and for me to feel like I could see them enjoying the game.

I’m not here to argue about this though.
What do you suggest the OP do instead?

I gave my suggestion.

You know that makes zero sense right? I would agree that too much of the game is tied to shallow world “content,” but it still isn’t black and white like you are making it out to be. I can sit here and argue that players need more options because the WQ garbage is just that, garbage but that still doesn’t equate to me hating every other aspect of the game. That sort of position is beyond nonsensical.


How could you make it better though, because based on what I’m reading “better” would be “remove it.”

That wasn’t a in game suggestion, you straight up told him to stop playing like a troll dude.


I have suggestions for the developer. Not suggestions for other players. I share their sentiment that the game is at an all time low and the subscription numbers point that out.

You are acting like a broken record right now. It’s so important because the developers made it that important. You literally cannot progress reps, professions, some transmogs, some mounts, flight and a bunch of other stuff without doing World Quests and Dailies. To me that is unacceptable.


Then don’t.

This sort of comment always makes my teeth ache. Can you, and those who think this is a good viewpoint for the game, ever consider that WoW functioned perfectly well before Pathfinder was introduced. In fact, a whole lot better. Yet the kneejerk reaction is to spout this stuff when anyone puts up a complaint about an unecessary and ridiculous grind.

thinks back to WoD when they announced the first Pathfinder and can almost guarantee you that “Yippeee, a pointless grind to be able to fly, bring it on!” was said by no one…



That’s the easy way out, to say that.
But I know it to be the opposite, so regardless of how you feel about it, its not going to change my mind.
I have seen the pattern far too long over 10 years of being a guild master and a community member.

When some one hates absolutely core content like this, especially content that provides so many different progression points, they are not long for the game.
The best advice I can give is take a break, because doing so MAY help them get over their current mental state.

If it doesn’t, well the end result is the same.

But I have seen a LOT of friends come and go with this same motif.

Over reaction to very basic issues that haven’t changed for years, especially relating to core progression systems outside of instanced content.

They say “but I still like raiding, so whatever.”
Then 6 months down the road they realize that no matter how much they like raiding, not enjoying the rest of the game means they have no attachment to it, and they end up leaving for a long time over it.

I would rather nip this in the bud, and this is the approach I have with anyone I see in this position.

Take the break now.
Clear your head and try to get a more realistic viewpoint on these topics.

Once you do, you may have your position change.
If you don’t, then that’s that.

They aren’t going to be removing world content so I’m not sure what other options there are to discuss.

This person has an irrational dislike for extremely core content that has trended the opposite of what he claims, so its an obvious discussion to have from my point of view.
Makes more sense then people trying to convince me I am some how incorrect about him disliking the game, at least to me.

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