Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

Seriously after playing since release i gotta hand it to you Blizz you really know how to suck the fun out of the game with grinds and horrible terrain design. I’m sick of doing pathfinder grinds every expansion. They get more and more bloated every expansion.

But hey you don’t care, you make this evident more and more with bad decisions. And it seems you guys never run out of those. Here’s to hoping you guys actually make some decisions based on fun and not the bloated time metric for the next expansion. But hey i’m not holding out hope after this xpac.


I’m still have fun playing the game.


If you were “playing the game” you’d have finished Pathfinder-2 4 weeks ago. But hey, you don’t care.


Don’t forget the pruning of class abilities, more like butchering at this point, and the decision to do away with the expansive talent trees in favor of a cookie cutter design that an infant could figure out. Pathfinder is just one of the problems. So many people quit after Cata and MoP it’s not even funny.


I play the game and finished part two only two days ago. Not everyone plays the same amount of time.

And part two of Pathfinder is crap. It needs removed.


You hear that OP? Just keep playing a game and doing a thing in it that is completely unenjoyable for you. Forget the game being fun, just play it anyway.

Way to completely miss the point, guy.

I’m with you OP, I’m fed up with doing Pathfinder and I refuse to do it again this expansion, too. Which means no flying, so no point in playing BfA. And if it’s the same next expansion? No point in playing that, either. It’s not fun, it’s frustrating and annoying. And I’d rather play a game where I’m actually having fun instead. I know, crazy concept, right? Paying for entertainment that is actually enjoyable, who would do that?


Technically… if you respond deep down you did care, and it initiated the response you gave.

Just saying…


responding in text isn’t caring. It’s called bumping a thread.


Ahh… if that is what you want/ need… is more view counts and replies. Then at least you are getting something out of this ordeal.





I’m as casual as they come and I’ve got mine done. I don’t understand getting mad for actually having to play the game?


Is going around things really this difficult for people? I mean, there’s a few spots in Zuldazar that are annoying (more because with all the foliage, it’s hard to see where’s safe to walk than anything else) and those stupid Vol’dun mesas are annoying… and there’s that one WQ in Stormsong that’s a bear… but for the most part it’s really not that hard to get places if you watch where you’re going.


Aye. Honestly right now its more fun than playing the game proper.


You do know that the current dev team will take this a actual praise, don’t you??


It’s more about having to do it every single expansion. The first few times in WoD and Legion? Okay I’ll give it a shot, and even then ugh Suramar was just the worst. Now I’m just sick of it, just let me buy flying with gold again. Or at least let us unlock flying earlier on, like at max level. Making us wait and having to jump through arbitrary hoops is just getting old and annoying, I especially hate the time gated rep grinds, I’m absolutely SICK of time gated rep grinds being the entire game at this point. I started to notice that I was spending most of my time playing this game doing time gated rep grinds to unlock an important aspect of the game flying, and then what would I be doing after that? Probably more time gated rep grinds, which I will do on a class with poor design and limited, boring rotations.

It’s just not worth it anymore. Doing world quests, unlocking flying, just playing the game in general. The rewards don’t feel rewarding, and the game in general doesn’t feel fun. There is no motivating thing left to play it anymore except my love and nostalgia for the Warcraft series in general and that’s about it.


No one is mad they have to play the game. They’re upset because Pathfinder part two is bs and it took us a year after hitting max level to finally get the ability to fly again. Which is ridiculous.

Part one is all that’s needed.


Because we want the game to be better again.


If you don’t care why did you read and respond? Just to say you don’t care? Either way i enjoy the bump.


Most had it done in a couple of weeks. It really wasn’t a big deal. Like… at all.


It’s not venomous. It’s frustration at having something that was part of the game, once integrated into gameplay, suddenly end up as enemy number one to Blizz that’s gated for a year.