Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

Pathfinder Part 2, the most pointless crap in existence, lul.


I just don’t understand them so I assume they go by participation reports but they should know that those reports are dirty. When they stuff things behind activities we hate but we want those things we tend to do the things we hate. Up to a point where we just lose interest in the entire game.

How many people have quit because of this is something I’d like to see. It seems a small percentage of the existing population actually digs world questing and dailies or it could actually be they stomach it, like we do. I have no idea but it can’t be good for the game.


I agree with you 100%.


Clearly he lives in a black and white world.


Pathfinder is rewarding? :face_vomiting:
And sorry but 8.2 world content is camp rares in Tiragarde 2.0 I mean Mechagon… and do dailies that have like 5 repeating ones. Naz’jatar has more World Quests.

They could of, maybe, put a little more thought into these zones rather than just slapping in rares with things that have low % drop chance to sucker in the obsessive collectors, dailies that are… well dailies and World Quests that were promised to us to have a revamp but we never saw it.


I like world quests and dailies - I far prefer world content to instanced content - but even as someone who enjoys those activities, I would like more options for things like rep (and dear god, more variety in the wq/dailies themselves, especially in the new zones). I honestly miss the Timeless Isle rep grind, where I could go beat my undergeared face against yaungol for 5 to 25 rep apiece after I’d done my questing. I died a lot, but at least I had options.


Why are they irrelevant? They’re the primary game mechanic in an MMO. How is that irrelevant?

My point is that people are complaining about grinds which are, again, the main mechanic in this type of game. Your logic is confusing because it just doesn’t apply here. You’re not giving any reason why they’re irrelevant, or why it doesn’t make sense to say that grinding is what an MMO is built on. You just keep saying “it’s irrelevant” without backing that argument up.

That’s confusing. It doesn’t make sense.

Grinds are not new. They’ve been in the game since Classic.

I like that as well.

Separate achievements for things like puzzle games, collector games (chests / ground toggles / etc), conquerer games (dungeon romps), PvP.

All of which funnel into your rep gains and of course rep needs to be made account wide. Then make it take 6 months to finish all reps. That’s also fine. Because we will be earning it in the content we actually enjoy.


Grinds can be fun. These grinds are not fun.

Ask anyone about the days with our beloved tabbards that let us do grinds and reps at our pace.

If blizzard gave us those back you wouldn’t see people complain about grinds because those tabbards gave us options to get rep through dungeon runs instead of just dailies. If they gave us those back so many people would see it as less of an issue. Dailies on the other hand can GTFO.


I want them to expand on the rep tabard. Make it a rep banner and give it tiers, different levels and have it function through all the content. So it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. Can be World Questing, can be dungeons, can be arena or battlegrounds or raiding. All of it would reward a sum of rep for the time invested.


Grinds have never been fun, especially when they comprised of killing thousands of mobs.

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I’m not debating ease.

Does no one read? :expressionless:

Let me try this again: Flying should NOT be gated for a YEAR after hitting max level, when we once had flying integrated into the content at max level.

Part two should not exist. We should have flying and have it integrated into our content after part one.


I just started up again after being gone a year+. Been playing 6-8 hours a day for the last 2-3 weeks. I’m having a blast.

I think if you aren’t having fun maybe you should take a break from the game. Sometimes you just need some time away.

Comparatively I’d much rather grind experience in a dungeon that engages me than monotonous minigames in the world.

Everyone has a different thing they enjoy doing in the game. No reason the game can’t take that into account.


I never understood how someone can find fun in a ‘‘grind’’ /shrug/
Still stumps me to this day.

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I so disagree having spent years farming in Tyrs Hand and learning a bit of chinese. Those were great times.

Grinding can be fun. It’s what MMO’s are about. It’s how they structure the grind that makes it fun. WoW’s only gotten not fun since they handed it over to the WoD guys again.


I liked the Timeless grind, even though most of the mobs that gave rep would murder my pet then punch my hunter’s face in. I liked being able to grind via Shao-Hao’s weekly quest, then either try to pick off the easier, but lower value, mobs near the base of the hill, or group up and take on the tougher, more lucrative, mobs up by the bridge.

It probably helped because it was a grind I chose to do (I wanted the cloud serpent, but never actually finished the grind on my hunter, who only made it to revered; eventually, I went back on this toon and got it) rather than something I was doing because the devs had locked flying behind it.

There are no WoD guys lol the TEAM working on WoW is TEAM 2. They simply have had a huge shift around on who works on what so you don’t have the same members working on this game today let’s say for the most part that worked on it 10 years ago. There is a handful but a lot have come from other games (a lot from Diablo) and you have a team lead who couldn’t design his way out of a box if it wasn’t for his ‘‘numbers’’ of ‘‘participation’’ which clearly somehow states people are enjoying the content. :roll_eyes: /sarcasm/

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Team 2 as you call them are the same guys that did WoD. It’s been noted in articles who worked on this.

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