Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

Waiting almost a year before we could even start it was a pretty big deal… for me anyway.


The problem isn’t pathfinder IMO. It’s their incessant need to have us doing world quests and dailies that irks me to no end.

If we’re locking things behind rep that’s one thing. If we’re locking things behind rep AND making rep a World Quest exclusive gain then we have some real problems.

Many of us loathe these world quests and dailies. They personally make me hate the game. Precious time that should be spent doing the things I want to do in the game are instead diverted to doing these fool minigames I’d rather not touch. Especially as I get older and have less energy for gaming.

I personally want a rep grind alternative so I never have to do a single World Quest / Daily ever again. Intro quests are fine. Story element quests are fine. Highly repetitive, trivial. boring monotonous world quests are not fine and I don’t subscribe to WoW for them.

TL;DR: give me back my rep tabard functionality so I can actually do what I want to do in the game and still get reps done.



Did people just black out the majority of vanilla because that’s all it is. That’s what an MMO is. Endless grinding.


Yes people black out the version of the game that is 15 years old. It’s completely irrelevant to compare anything in vanilla to anything in modern wow. FIFTEEN YEARS. Let that sink in.


…lol what.

People can only pretend to be nice to fit the forum code of conduct for so long, before who they really are starts shining through.

Fake dystopia where everyone has to be nice to each other? And can only be passive aggressive at best? The image is gonna crack eventually. Fake smiles only go so far.

Nah, we’ll be here talking about the worst WQs and Time-Lost hunting and How Does My Mog Look?

A lot of the forum regulars are at work. We’d be playing the game if we were home!

You quoted “grind” then said “Did people just black out the majority of vanilla because that’s all it is” comparing vanilla to current wow. Vanilla grinds are irrelevant when comparing them to modern wow.

I didn’t think that logic was too hard to follow. Would you like me to try to break it down further?


Flying is FUN and exhilarating. I finally stopped doing content I enjoy and am working on rep. Guess what. I do the emissary and log off - not having fun. If I were to actually do what I want, I would PVP or do dungeons and play alts and spend 10 times longer having fun, but now I just log off after emissary because that is the current process. I like BFA, bit hate pathfinder. If I had not been working on Alts, I would have had pathfinder a long time ago, but I enjoy alts. Right now I only have 8 120s, but I normally play each class at max level.



I wouldn’t mind it so much if the WQ’s weren’t time gates on the rep gate. I hate rep grinding, so I approach it the same way I approached resistance gear grinding. I want to just block out a few days and no-life that sucker until it’s done. Get it over with. Put it behind me. Get back to the stuff I like (fishing and dungeons and raiding and trying to make gold while I talk on comms with my people).

I came to 8.2 late. I missed the first two and a half weeks, and I only dipped my toe in the first week I was back.

I got flight in 2.5 weeks. If I hadn’t no-life’d it, Pathfinder 2 would’ve happened passively by the fourth week without my trying so hard.

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While i agree somewhat that some of the fun has been “sucked out of the game”, i disagree that Pathfinder is the reason WHY.

Or … i find it amazing that I’m still playing a game which is older than all of my various nieces and nephews. (The oldest is in 9th grade!)

Fun is subjective.

Sorry your not having fun.

I’m enjoying myself now when I play.

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To be fair, no Pathfinder requirement was more bloated than WoD’s… but that’s also like saying “this particular turd didn’t clog the toilet”.

The devs have become weirdly anti-fun and somehow less respectful of one’s time than many freemium mobile games. Their current design direction feels like aliens trying to parse the MMO formula and screwing it up royally.

The higher ups all need to sit down, break out DnD, and start a campaign to remember what a fun group RPG feels like again.


I guess you don’t seem to understand that not everyone is in your personal viewing distance, there are people on the ground and your server isn’t everyone.

You’re also stll missing the entire point: gating flying for a year after people hit max level is insane when once upon a time flying was integrated into this game.


That is called “Projecting”

It means that, rather than picking up on how you actually are feeling, the other party prematurely assumes to understand how you 're feeling, based on their own machinations. … It usually indicates that someone is self-absorbed for the moment, if someone is projecting their feelings onto you .

Nah, part two is fine. Easy stuff.

I was one of the people who had it done in a couple of weeks, because I specifically focused on grinding out the rep to get flying. But unless you think playing the game “normally” involves clearing the map of WQ every day and snagging every possible rare and pet battle, don’t act like the people who got flying quickly were “just playing the game”.


Battle for Azeroth release date: August 14, 2018.
Todays Date: August 5th, 2019

Maybe my math is off but it seems to be a little more than a couple of weeks. :man_shrugging:


This is without question the easiest and most rewarding “Pathfinder grind” but honestly if travel is this big of a problem for you, then it is absolutely time for a break.
Take some time away, and you will hopefully return with a more realistic perspective on both the tasks themselves, but also the importance of keeping up with regular progression and how its integral to the success of the video game.

There are plenty of things to be disappointed with in this game, but if you are upset with 8.2 world content, then you just don’t enjoy this game any more.


“If you hate McDonald’s breakfast you clearly hate all of McDonald’s now.”

You know you can hate one aspect and enjoy others right?