Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

You’re missing the point. And you have zero proof of “most.” Everyone plays different amounts.


So much this. Right now i’m just gated behind the rep for the newest faction. That’s all i’m missing. It’s horribly annoying trying to navigate the new terrain which is of course all hills and maze like design.


I finished pathfinder in 9 days.

I’m still havin’ fun. :slight_smile:


Naz is the WORST zone ever created second to the water zone. I’m just glad I figured out I could ride on “the roof” and jump to where I need to go. Thank the makers for heroic leap.

Anyway, that zone shouldn’t be included in ANY achievement.


Not everyone had time to sit and do nothing but grind when it came out. I took a break waiting for the patch to hit and came back just recently to find the part 2 grind for rep. I’m tired of the gates to something we used to get at max level. Which made max level feel more rewarding.


Ya because every other version of the old system wasn’t cookie cutter… some people these days.


Haha i feel the same way.

I have always had an easy time getting around.

Even Nazjatar is easy, i mean you have a freaking map.


Its not and has never been about being difficult to get around. Its about having fun while getting around. Being on the ground sucks and feels like a slog with this current dev team. Their terrain design is nothing but trying to suck the most time out of getting from point A to point B. Its not designed to be fun at all.


You are the hero GD needs.


People only speak up if they are wronged…

This has been prevalent for all of history.

People don’t write news stories on everything going right and everything being good, they write stories on every vile horrible thing that is going on.

“If it bleeds it reads” as many people will say.

The forums are here to house negative reactions to things in game.

The forums are not an echo chamber for the developers to constantly be praised for how well they did things.

People only feel compelled to write in the forums when they feel they have been wronged.

Just look at the forums… 99.9% of all posts are negative.

That is how earth works.

If everything was going well with the game, the forums would be empty, because everyone would be busy playing the game.


I guess everyone flying around me was in my mind.


Its more fun when you arent terrible.

Not true. I’ve praised Blizzard on the forums on many occasions. Just not this time.


Stockholm syndrome.

I’ll elaborate, If you are a prisoner and treated like trash for years, then suddenly your jailers give you an act of kindness, you’re likely to really really like that and forgive all past wrongs.

Further elaboration…

" Stockholm syndrome is a condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity."


Every time i try to do pathfinder i make it to the first questing area i just end up hearthing out and doing something else lol

Pathfinder has some positives if done right. Instead of flying over the zone and missing everything you are forced to explore and see the content.
Now that’s where it ends.

If you locked pathfinder behind completing all the zone story quests then fine.
You have now at least seen all the new content.
But gating it behind an artificial “time” that is beyond player control. That is the problem.


I am gearing up to use the net-o-magic 5000 on flying toons should be fun.

It’s an addiction playing the game for some. They might have played the game for years and it’s really hard to quit at that point even if the game isn’t enjoyable. However BfA happened.

I’ve taken a break from wow for almost a month now and I couldn’t be happier. I have no reason at all to go back playing. It’s far more enjoyable just to read these forums than playing the game. That’s BfA. I’m sure I’ll go back at some point probably during the next content patch to take a look.

This expansion has not been enjoyable at all. Everything just felt like chore or a grind. Which isn’t bad because we play these mmos because it’s a grind but it has to be FUN if not then what is the point?


Lol it’s clearly beyond your understanding.

It’s bad because being on the ground is tedious. Its not difficult. Its tedious and not fun. Fun is supposed to be what gaming is about.


I was talking to flowermilk who used to be a pleasant forum poster. Not anymore.

You, I don’t even know.

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