Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

you saw all the bad flak they caught for CRZ and look what happened

it was even more poorly received than the recent don’t you people have phones fiasco and yet Blizzard still went full steam ahead with it


I know players have given Blizzard good feedback about their problems with the game, only to receive no reply from Blizzard. Your last thread that you linked is one evidence of that.

But if you’ve come to understand that no matter what the player base suggests, it will be ignored by Blizzard, then “yelling louder” at the devs isn’t going to do anything. At the end of the day, Blizzard is going to implement their decisions in the game, if they believe it’s for the best of the game (whether we agree with it or not).

If you don’t want to support a good or service where you feel your feedback is constantly ignored, then the best action is to not buy that good or service. But you also need to understand that all consumers can’t be pleased, and WoW has millions of players. If the devs make one change, it will always be embraced by some, and rejected by others. That’s one of the reasons why I think Blizzard repeatedly tells us, “You think you want it, but you don’t.”

Until they decided to cave on the primary source of that meme. And no matter how much people want to ignore it, Classic has a lot of hype right now. If there was information that we just don’t know, then it also falls on them for not answering people as to why certain things are the way they are.

People also yell because it’s unbelievable how blind they have been for years now. The one thing I agree on with Ion is that this feedback comes from a place of pain. Pain from players who put in +10 years into the game only to be pushed to the wayside. It’s frustrating. When our Uldir progression came to an end so did my interest in WoW. Shortly after my sub lapsed.

I’m only here again for Classic. Not only for my enjoyment but to help in the message that they’re so far removed from the reason why people picked up the game in the first place.


The devs are not allowed to have fun doing their job. It’s against the rules. That’s why their game feels more like a job than recreation. It mirrors their mentality toward gaming.


How do you know that?

having plenty of fun. Sounds like you just are mad you have to wait.

there have always been grinds in every expansion. There have been flying grinds for 3 expansions now. MMOs themselves are nothing but grinds. Have you been asleep the past 15 years? BFA is LESS of a grind that classic/vanilla

The BFA pathfinder is even less of a grind than WoD and Legion…so really…you just don’t have a actual factual point here aside from you don’t want to grind stuff. If that is the case, by all means do you, but don’t play MMOs

Warfronts aren’t boring? Jeez Louise, I have must have an extremely low boredom threshold then because I’ve never, in my 10 years of playing this game, done anything more boring. I think fishing is more interesting, and that’s saying something.


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could be worse at least you haven’t quite reached the point to where THIS is actually more entertaining than IEs

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Is it really? How is it less of a grind when it has more reputations to push than Legion, which had more reputations to push than WoD?

WoD flying I got very late once someone (rest in peace Manoor) got me the shipyard as I’d not bothered with adding it to the garrison and didn’t know it was needed for flying.

Legion flying was more organic, I got a bit of reputation while leveling. The emissaries and rep tokens sped things along greatly. The hardest part was the drip drip drip of Tanaan daily quests.

For BFA…I’m starting to level a hunter who doesn’t have legendary armor to lose at 115. The sheer amount that needs to be done is daunting, and I’ve never had to grind out levels/rep/storyline alone before–always had a friend to be with. There’s more going on than the grind but BFA has more grinds and they’re done in punishing terrain, for a reward I earned twice over and I’m weaker now? What happened to my progression?


I wouldn’t call it improved more like regressed a few steps after much progress was made that lead up to a point they decided to move things in a worst direction.

Yes but the Mechagon grind produces no Azerite, and the whole game is now based on leveling your artifact. I think that’s what annoys people.

Can you please get off your soap box already! As long as people aren’t breaking the CoC rules then they are free to complain as much as they want. As a small business owner I learned that dealing with customer complaints is just part of the territory of running a business.

The people at Blizzard know this too and I think it is ridiculous that people have to sit on these forums and play the part of their emotional shield for these developers.

These guys knew what they were getting into and when they signed up to make games for a big studio. They are big boys and girls and if they can’t handle a little criticism then they need to find a new job.

You mentioned that the OP is a snowflake, but honestly, who is the snowflake here? Who is trying to the deflect criticism and point fingers at other players for their comments?


I’ll step down from my soapbox when you get off yours. As I’ve repeatedly said, I don’t have an issue with people complaining, and as you’ve stated, complaints are part of a business.

What I do take issue with is complaints that basically boil down to, “Blizzard, you guys are a bunch of doodyheads because I don’t like doing your content!” The original post is just like that, and as such, it reveals how much of a snowflake he is. I’m just calling a spade a “spade.”

No at this point you are just making a spectacle of yourself and ruining credit you have in the future if people look up some of these posts to use against you in the future. That’s all you are doing at this point.

Please by all means keep at it. You’ve kept this thread active with constant posting. The thing with that is most people won’t read all of the posts the larger the thread gets. Usually they read just the top and a maybe a summary.

Basically you keep furthering my opinion and it’s hilarious watching you try to take a stand in this thread against everyone else and help me out by constant bumping.


And yet, you still haven’t shown by any sort of logical presentation or metric how Blizzard is “sucking fun out of the game.” But you go ahead and continue being a snowflake about it. I’ll be here to reinforce that point every time.

That’s the funny thing to me about this too. I don’t have to show or prove anything to you for this to be useful to me do i? I post something, you post something and the game continues.

It doesn’t matter how constructive i make a post you will want to refute it. So i’m not going to bother and instead just respond like this and wait for you to do your thing and the thread lives on.


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Well it’s more like “You guys that are calling Blizzard doodyheads are actually doodyheads”. It’s pretty much complaining about people complaining. Which is hypocritical.


I think people have been very constructive in describing things they don’t like and things that they want to see as well as explaining their view of the current state of the game. What more can you expect from constructive criticism?

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Anger sells.
5 star resturant
“My compliments to the chef” 6
“My food is bad could you fix it” 104
When was the last time you told the waiter after a meal to go and literally tell the chef the food is good?
Now how often when the food is bad do you say “hey fix this”