Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

The game has always been a “borrowed” set of ideas from other mmos that was subsisted entirely by a community that blizzard cannot take credit for.

It was never truly “fun.” The fun was all due to the players exclusively.

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I remember when I started at the beginning of Wrath. If you said anything slightly negative you’d get a team of fan boys jumping all over you. A lot of it was valid feedback and they did make changes, but it was pretty messed up how some posters were back then.

I think, sometimes, people get confused on what’s feedback and what’s an insult.


for some white knights there is no distinction between the two if you don’t automatically agree with EVERY decision Blizzard says or does then your wrong theres no debating it


I think it’s more investment in their ideas that they can’t express properly so they assume either you’re trolling or too dumb to understand what they want to say. Maybe an immaturity or frustration at not being able to express themselves.

I have this saying, it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference between someone being mean or someone being dumb because a dumb person will assume you’re insulting them and attack back. Not that this is directed against any particular individual, just something in life.

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Maybe. Believe call out posts fall under the harassment part of the coc. Been quite awhile since I read the coc, and pretty sure it’s probably been updated numerous times over the last few years. Anyways was just a reminder to that person I quoted.

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well theres an old saying about never arguing with an idiot they will overwhelm you with experience


Okay but you haven’t countered anything that has been brought up. You don’t ask any questions on how certain types of content are boring. You just lash out at people who say negative things about the game. If you wanted to interact with people on the subject matter engage with them and figure out why they feel that way and give your perspective. Because all you’ve been doing is shilling hard for Blizzard.

I made a mass thread about the things I didn’t enjoy about BFA at the time. In great detail actually.

Along with my feedback, a majority of it doesn’t matter to them. They don’t listen to feedback. They only listen to outrages that suddenly start hitting them financially. Occasionally they make changes that people request but it always seems like you can give them feedback and their retort is “Okay but what about this instead?”


There’s nothing wrong with disagreeing with Blizzard. The problem isn’t what you’re complaining about; the problem is how you’re complaining. There are things I don’t like about the game that Blizzard has changed, but I’m not going to insult their intelligence and get emotional about it because of anger at what they’ve changed.

It’s ultimately their game, and if I don’t like it, then I have the freedom to withdraw my money and leave. But I’m not going to be a snowflake about it and act entitled as if I know how to create an MMORPG better than the devs, as many of you do.

If a person behaves and speaks a certain way, characteristic of something, then it’s not name-calling. I’ve already explained many times how you’re a snowflake, and the funny thing is, you prove my point the more you challenge it, just by how you react to it.

The only zealot in this thread is you and the ones who are defending your original post. You are the one claiming Blizzard is “sucking the fun out of the game,” with no evidence of how that’s being done. By what metric is fun being sucked out the game, Mephology, besides your own personal gripe that “you don’t feel like doing rep grinds”?

You want to call me a zealot, and yet your whole thread is based on zealotry. You’re the one who’s extremely zealous that Blizzard can’t create content that meets your expectations and standards on what’s “fun.” But you’re so blinded by your entitled attitude that you can’t even see that zealotry. So don’t even come at me with that crap.

for once I have to agree with you after all zealots actually believe in the nonsense they spout but in this case I think the word that best describes you would be triggered

after all your attacking and arguing with anyone that doesn’t blindly agree with everything Blizzard does somehow acting like itll score you brownie points or something perhaps secretly hoping it might even land you a coveted green text position

but im done trying to even have a logical convo since its obvious logic isn’t even in your vocabulary so good day all further comments by you will automatically be disregarded

I said good day


I’m not trying to counter anything because I’m not trying to defend Blizzard’s content. I just disagree that Blizzard is “sucking fun out of the game,” but more importantly, I get tired of the same old crybaby posts like the original post, which offer nothing of substance but just entitlement and arrogance towards Blizzard.

It’s the nature of the complaints that I take issue with, not the subject of those complaints. I’ll say it again. It’s the nature of the complaints, not the subject of the complaints that I’m challenging. And accusing the devs of “not caring” or “making more and more bad decisions” aren’t legitimate complaints.

I want to know how it is we got to this point?

You are the head of the most popular and successful MMO in history. You see someone playing crappy facebook games and decide ‘this is what the game needs!’. ‘this is what character progression should be centered around!’.


What exactly is playing the game proper? You haven’t stepped foot into a raid or dungeon seemingly almost all expansion even including LFR. You don’t pvp, it doesn’t seem like you do much at all so I’m not really sure what your definition of playing the game proper is?

I’m having fun but only because of raiding and my guild. Theres some huge issues with the game (Gearing is a complete RNG mess, flying takes way too long to get, class design is in a poor state, etc) that I really hope get taken care of soon. I definitely agree flying comes out way too late, it should probably just be part 1 with a bit more added to it and that’s it available to start working on at launch.

I don’t care that much about flying but with the way they’ve been designing zones with hundreds of groups of mobs at every turn that aren’t even difficult I’d much rather have flying. I also want the other issues in the game to be fixed too.


You blame Blizz but YOU are a bigger part of the problem.

You still play. I don’t know if you have taken time off, ended and restarted you sub or don’t even pay the monthly sub with real money.

YOU still accepted the trash they have put out with each expansion.

Blizzard was doing just fine then the company got hit by an Ion storm and it caused an electrical disturbance which totally scrambled up the polarity and it hasn’t worked right since


I think they are. One of the worst things that you can do as someone who’s supposed to be providing a service to someone is make the consumer feel like you don’t care. And it’s obvious with the things that I listed that would be simple solutions to very big problems with the game right now are met with misdirection, lies or straight up avoidance.

Again, I stopped caring when Blizzard told me as a PvP only player that they’re taking away my gear progression system because they didn’t want players to make the wrong decision when purchasing gear. As well as those same players having a hard time finding the vendor. The first statement on this was to appease players who probably weren’t interested in to begin with and the second was a lie.

I made a thread back in December 2016 about World Defense and what it meant to me and my realm. How it was a key component in keeping spontaneous RP PvP battles a thing. They told us it was being worked on and they would like to bring it back and then…nothing. BFA comes out and not a word on the topic. Don’t believe me? Take a read and watch the videos.

It comes to a point where the community just stops trying to take the “give them positive and constructive feedback” when time after time that kind of response is met with lies and silence.


sadly that also backfires on the customer as well since by not giving any feedback at all they’ll merely play it off as hey look no negative comments ergo they must be happy

its all matter of PR to them they’ll ignore critics and naysayers and when they get to your point of no longer saying anything they’ll simply spin doctor it into acceptance and compliancy

I agree. And there have been plenty of people who were trying to tell Blizzard during Beta about all the things that they didn’t like about the game. Simple thing like the GCD. I didn’t see a single person applaud it at all and feedback was people saying that they wanted it reverted because it made their classes feel clunky and slow. But then Blizz was like…

“We hear you. But lets put it in the game anyway and see what the playerbase thinks”

…like…what? Why have Beta at that point if feedback is going to be ignored?

Then the next course of action is to “vote with your wallet” and stop supporting Blizzard, as a vote of no confidence. That’s how flight was able to be kept in the game, after all.

But using the forums as a punching bag on Blizzard because you’re frustrated with their lack of correspondence or “lies and silence” isn’t the proper way to get things changed. In fact, it creates a hostile environment of hatred, immaturity, and a cesspool of insults and whining, which is what WoW Forums has become notorious for. Mephology’s original post is just a microcosm of that bigger problem.

But it’s a result of them ignoring feedback. That’s what you’re not understand and/or choosing to ignore. I’m laying out multiple scenarios where feedback was given within this expansion by a lot of players only to be ignored. People don’t want to give up WoW. They want the company that used to believe in creating a product that gives their consumers an experience they’ll never forget. And for that, I feel bad for them. Because I feel the same way but have pulled plug on playing retail due to the game being boring as well as being led by devs who clearly don’t have a vision or direction for the game anymore. And for me personally, I don’t care if you don’t like how I give feedback in some places. This is what they’ve earned over years of lying and neglecting criticisms given to them.

The first major thing that they’ve listened to in quite a long time is bringing Vanilla WoW back. Which my time will be spent there.