Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

Um, that is name calling.


I mean there’s plenty of reasons why the game isn’t fun. There’s way too much RNG, class design is a mess, Warfronts/Island Expos/World Quests are a snorefest, the entire Azerite system was garbo tier until 8.2, still no PvP vendors, the GCD at launch, I could go on. And yeah they keep making bad decisions because they don’t listen to player feedback.


This guy is a walking face palm meme i swear. The stuff he says, clearly delusional.


hes a poster child for the ascii Capt Picard


All of that is subjective. Those things aren’t fun to you; and more to the point, that doesn’t give Blizzard any feedback on how or why those things ought to be changed. Just calling things “a mess” or “a snorefest” or “garbage” isn’t a constructive aid to help Blizzard devs understand how to improve their game; they’re just insults. And that’s what I’m talking about with the original post.

Well I thought that my opinion being subjective was completely obvious. When putting out that those things are boring though it should be obvious of what’s wrong with all of those things. If Blizzard can’t see that then we’re really in trouble. Because the people who are supposed to be spearheading the direction of the game have shown repeatedly that they don’t know what they’re doing.


You can’t expect Blizzard to make changes to their game based on subjective things like opinions. Those come a dime a dozen. For every complaint that Warfronts/World Quests/Island Expeditions are boring, there will be praises that those things are exciting. Both opinions are based on subjective measures about the quality of WoW, but which one should Blizzard utilize as the standard for improving the game? So it’s not so obvious that “the game is in trouble,” as you may think.

I see no reason why they can’t make changes based on opinions. Something simple for PvPers. It’s almost unanimous that if you brought the vendor back they would be extremely happy. But they won’t. Because they give us bogus reasons like “We were concerned about new players not being able to find the vendor” but then they add a RNG loot crate in each city for everyone to find every Tuesday.

Feedback on the GCD. We don’t like it, it feels extremely clunky and bad to play. What do they do? Little to nothing. And they peel back the changes over patches and hotfixes instead of just reverting the change that wasn’t liked by many.

Feedback on pruning. We just lost all of our Artifact weapon abilities. Are we going to replace them with some new on use abilities that fill in that hole? Nope. No new talents or abilities as you level. In fact at launch we had Azerite abilities while leveling and then lost them only to have to re-earn them with the gear that dropped from max level content because our necks weren’t high enough level. We shouldn’t have had to wait till 8.2 to get these abilities. And what were they? A majority of them being proc abilities. This system we have now should have been what we had at launch. But because we had to deal with it, its now had a bad taste that will forever be there regardless of what they’ve made.

The list goes on. There’s a lot of obvious fixes that Blizz could make that would make players happy but they refuse to do them for reasons that are beyond me to understand. It’s not hard to see this. And yeah I think the game is in trouble right now. And my line of thinking is based on watching their decisions as a company as well as my perspective from what I’ve experienced in the game.


Nazjatar is the worst zone Blizzard has ever created. Everything about that zone was designed to suck away your time and give you the most unenjoyable experience possible.

  • High mob density
  • Bodyguards which constantly pull all the mobs and permanently keep you in combat
  • All the mobs have overinflated health compared to other mobs, even mechagon mobs which released on the same day.
  • Malevolent map design intended to slow you down. I bet map designer laughed as they were creating this area to torture players.
  • Rep which somehow increases much slower compared to rustbolt, despite rustbolt only having 1 WQ a day while Naz has 10+ and multiple dailies.

Even the lava-filled areas of Argus weren’t as bad as this. I can’t even imagine how much worse Naz would have been if pathfinder part 2 wasn’t added in this patch. If I had to suffer for months in Naz without flying, I would have just quit.


Those of us who have been here since the beginning have grown way too use of the content cycle we have done for ages. Not everyone has been here as long as some of us old farts. I suggest give it a rest and go quietly. :wink:

Doesn’t it feel like WoW wants to be its own “WoW killer” at this point? The design decisions in Naz are so anti-fun they feel like we’re being trolled!

Meanwhile Mechagon is the closest thing the post-WoD team has come to a Timeless Isle and is actually kind of fun…but there’s no gear upgrades to farm there and honestly not much to do besides farm for the Rustfeather mount, so sadly people get their stuff done there and move on. This patch is embarrassing.


Why is it our job to give in depth feedback as to why something is boring? As a good entertainer that is all the feedback you need. When your fans stop using your product and start complaining in mass, it is time to do a little self reflection.

There are way too many shills on these forums defending the state of WoW. People like you just love to jump into these threads and derail the entire conversation trying to cherry pick pieces of the narrative to try to push this weird agenda.

If you love the game so much, then go play it and leave us alone here!


“Boring” is subjective, and it’s based on an individual’s perspective. The things you consider to be boring in the game are also things which players like myself enjoy (i.e., WQs, Island Expeditions, and rep grinding for flight). That’s why in-depth feedback is important; it provides the devs with information that can sort out why the content is boring to some while being entertaining to others. Just calling it “boring,” insulting Blizzard by telling them, “You suck at making decisions,” or crying, “I’m sick and tired of doing rep grinds” isn’t valuable feedback; they’re insults and gripes without substance, except to illustrate one’s own frustration with the game.

That’s just a classic and predictable comeback towards anyone who enjoys the current state of WoW, and it really shows the sort of bias that has infected these forums. No one needs to be a shill for Blizzard to express his or her pleasure with the game. Just because you and the hundreds of other snowflakes in these threads don’t enjoy it doesn’t make it objectively true that WoW is “in a bad place.”

The reason why I respond to people in these types of threads is because it’s pathetic how you all offer nothing constructive nor even rational in your complaints against the game. If I were a game developer, there’s no way I would be inspired to engage with you when I’m being told such things as, “Hey, Blizzard, you’re sucking the fun out of the game!” or, “Nazjatar is a nightmare! You guys need to do better!” or, “You guys want us to suffer because you’re angry about keeping flight in the game.”

Once again, those sorts of complaints aren’t reasonable feedback, which is what the forums are supposed to be about. There should be detailed, evidence-based pieces of information about why one is not enjoying the content. But instead, many of you choose the immature route of insults, whining, and threats which don’t help anyone, developer or player. And if someone “dares” to give positive feedback, then, lo and behold, that must mean that person is a shill! That’s where the agenda lies in these forums, if anything.

I am playing the game. Unlike you, I’m getting my money’s worth out of WoW, so I don’t need to spend tons of time on the forums to moan about why the game (allegedly) sucks. But I’m going to call people out when they insult Blizzard and think their insults are constructive facts that the majority of the player base agrees with. They’re not.

/cue the klaxon we got a white knight alert here

I didn’t know disagreeing with Blizzard was a crime


Just a reminder. Calling people out is not a very good idea, and is frowned upon by the mods.


Name calling isn’t immature? And when you do it it’s not but somehow justified right?

Taking a group of people that disagree with you regardless of the demographic and labeling them is name calling and worse really it completely negates their view all because you disagree with what they said on one topic. That’s even worse really, and the fact that there’s so many of them and only well you, doesn’t seem to bode well either.

It’s amazing what people will justify in the name of zealotry.


but but hes white knighting for Blizzard theyre not supposed to get mad at him for it

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don’t misunderstand my previous post Meph I agree with you he is no friend of mine that was simply a quote Jeho made I merely posted it in my comment as a reply to his but the fact is hes a moron that blindly defends EVERYTHING Blizzard says and does don’t get me wrong I will support some things Blizz does WHEN theyre right but not every decision that they make based on the fact it came from them :smiley:

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Ugh no, that wasn’t meant for you. The tags got messed up and it got edited. Apologies.

its all good guy I just didn’t want to give you the wrong impression but yeah ive seen those tags get borked in fact sometimes the quotes gets auto removed by the system where other times they don’t I think these new forums are still a bit wonky

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