Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

I highly doubt it.

This is why they are scaling back to level 60. It’s the ultimate squish that hasn’t been done yet. We will end up even fewer abilities than today, and we’ll earn them back over the next 10 levels.

But hey…you’ll get to choose a new talent again, so people will forget that they were taken away as usual.


Yeah not to mention the zone feels dead until you go to do one of those silly quests to get kelp or some such and then you have to race people on flying mounts to the items with mobs beating your face in. Otherwise you don’t even see anyone.

I really agree with you on WoD being worse. Don’t get me wrong, i hate Pathfinder in all its forms but i am still trying to go back and complete it in WoD with my max level toon and it is the ultimate pita. Having so much of it tied to old rep grinds that take forever and the eternally crappy mission table and garrisons is just aggravating, even more time gated and rng than current pathfinder. But it all sucks, Blizzard hates players, and they deserve a swift kick in the crotch for continuing to inflict things on players rather than trying to give us enjoyable content.

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I think people who weren’t there at the time underestimate the grind of having one faction with a single daily - same every day - which involved trying to gather 10 of a low spawn rate item that was often surrounded by aggressive mobs. Now, going back to get those crystals is merely tedious, but at the time it was far worse than the early “gather 10 seaweed” quests in Nazjatar. Sometimes that “daily” would take me three days to complete, because the crystals were so hotly contested.


Because everybody knows that the best way to refute somebody’s statement on something is to say “You’re stupid and everyone who agrees with you is stupid.”

At least put some effort into it.


I remember it, rough times. It was worse once people started getting flying and I didn’t have it. I ended up grinding and purchasing a lot of rep tokens.

I already explained the logical progression as to why I called those who liked the original post “snowflakes.” My accusation isn’t mere name-calling.

Yes it is. You are calling people you don’t know snowflakes because you don’t agree with them liking the thread. There’s no “logical progression” leading to calling people names. Unless you are a child. They tend to think that way.


unfortunately the only snowflakes are the ones getting upset because others aren’t blindly loyal to Blizzard like they are

the mere thought of others having a different opinion is appalling to them


The game has been trash for a while now… good on you for sticking it out as you have been.


You really lost whatever importance your argument had when you deemed everyone that disagrees with you as “Snowflakes.” For the sake of a stronger argument in the future, consider this:

  1. If you make the greatest, most logically-correct point in the world, and follow it up with an insult, only the insult is going to get carried forward because you have set up your own straw man right next to your logic for anybody to go after.

  2. The insult you chose weakened your position further. In this current culture, using a buzzword-insult like snowflake, instantly paints the user as the type of person who calls people snowflakes, which at the risk of getting political, is a caricature of a culturally inept right winger. I am not insinuating you in that kind of light, but you open yourself up to that kind of return fire if you use a politically specific insult.

  3. Just set a bunch of logic traps and lead people into them. This is the internet, people will look stupid on their own if you give them enough time. No need to skip to name calling.

In colloquial terms, we all know what is meant by someone being a “snowflake.” In my opinion, that is the best way to describe the attitude of the original post, using common or “popular” terms. It’s nothing but a string of complaints based on the poster’s frustrations about the game not being what he wants it to be.

When he says things in the spirit of, “Hey, since you don’t care about my feelings on this subject (because I hate grinding and the terrain designs), then you all suck at making decisions about what’s ‘fun,’” then he is behaving like what we think of when we hear the term “snowflake.” Self-entitled, whiny, lacking any sort of logical argumentation for his displeasure with the game, and just sheer laziness with anything that challenges his comfort zone.

So, once again, he is a snowflake, and those who share his sentiments are snowflakes, too. The original post isn’t a rational argument to rebut why Blizzard needs to improve its game; it’s a crybaby post which typifies the average post in these forums from players too lazy to do content and too entitled to just remove themselves from WoW and quietly go to another game that meets their (arbitrary) criteria on what a “fun MMORPG” is. I stand by my words.

Maybe, what I am trying to convey isn’t your point, but your strategy. If you are right, but you piss everyone off in the process, nobody will even acknowledge that your right. But if you are able to make the other person trip up and self-divulge how wrong they are, you gain a lot more favor with the crowd.

You gotta 4D chess that situation.

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Given the fact that Blizzard devs read these forums, I would say you should be giving Mephology that advice, not me.

All are welcome to the wisdom of my words. Just put a quarter into the slot and wait for my eyes to light up, then ask your question.

I’m not the one resorting to name calling. You had your chance to make a decent argument but you failed to do so and lost all your credibility here.

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you give him too much credit Meph he NEVER had any to lose

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Your original post is an insult towards Blizzard because you’re angry at the game, but you’ve got the audacity to accuse me of name-calling? You keep proving more and more how much of a snowflake you truly are. You think you’re entitled to say whatever you want about Blizzard, but no one else can say what they want of you, and that’s really the central problem with your entire thread.

Way to contradict yourself in your own post.

It didn’t even take you one more sentence before you hung yourself. Congrats. Also i find it pretty funny you think you are standing up for blizzard? Like its your buddy and i insulted it.

The more you post the more you undercut yourself credit wise. Maybe stop and think before actually replying this time. But judging by your previous replies you don’t seem to think at all.

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It’s not name-calling; it’s the truth. You really are a snowflake, so caught up in your feelings because you don’t like where the game is now, that you’re blinded by your own self-entitlement and whining.

I have yet to see you give a reasoned explanation as to why “the game isn’t fun,” how Blizzard “makes more and more bad decisions,” why the terrain design is “horrible,” or anything else you’ve b1tch3d about in your original post. As soon as someone calls you out for crying about nothing but your own self-entitlement to a game that meets your criteria (like the snowflake you are), you cry about that.