Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

The language of your post fails to make that obvious. You’ve spoken as if, objectively speaking, “fun has been sucked out of the game,” or the terrain is horrible, and things of that nature. But, of course, the game is fun, and the terrain is actually impressive.

You’re just another entitled poster who has to whine and complain about there being challenges in the game and because things aren’t given to you immediately. God forbid Blizzard dares to make its own game difficult at max levels. But you go ahead and run off to another game. In a day, nobody here will care that you’re gone.

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You replied to me. And it seems you put a lot of work into it for someone who doesn’t care about what i say you sure have a lot to say about it.

Also cupcake i’m not leaving. Nor did i ever say i was. That’s something you invented. Go troll somewhere else.


Agreed, I’m sick of Pathfinder… I do it because I love flying, but I highly dislike it… this is the 3rd expansion with it… time for something else


In all honesty, I would love if when you hit the level cap, you could buy the flying with gold again :slightly_smiling_face: You leveled up in quite a few areas, you’ve “seen” the content. If you level alts, you’ll get sick of all of the content you’ll see over and over again lol but I think unlocking flying per character that’s max level was honestly the best. You looked forward to hitting max level for a few reasons and this was definitely one of them! :dizzy::herb::slightly_smiling_face:


yeah like an entirely new staff of developers send the B team currently creating WoW content back to D3 let them butcher it for a while

The saving grace here maybe is that the next xpac will be done by the A team that seems to have a better grasp on what makes an xpac fun.

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saving grace meh as long as Watcher is in charge I doubt not even Shigeru Miyamoto and Hideo Kojima would be enough talent to fix what he has broken

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well Mepho logic is like a scalpel efficient precise and in the right hands can actually be beneficial

but sadly theres too many people like Jeho that wield it like a chainsaw then attempt to carve a thanksgiving turkey while using a blindfold and earplugs


buddy half of WoD subs cancelled within a month of the ‘no-flying’ announcement

80% of players never get flying because the pathfinder grind is too long and/or too boring

I personally know tons of players that quit because of it, and I know tons of players that hate the pathfinder gating and grind. It takes them away from what they really want to do in the game.

All blizzard really need to do is ensure their players are having fun. Then maybe they can stem the constant sub slide since WoD. This game has fallen from 12M subs to 500k. The design decisions have been disastrous. Thus we now have wow tokens to buy gold with real money because they lost so much revenue.

The people that are fine with pathfinder are a small minority and I guess you are part of it.


Is Vol’dun an example of Horrible terrain design?

How about Stormsong Valley? Horrible terrain design?

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They also had the aa cannons around that quest area near thrallmar in hellfire that would dismount you, if you got to close. But killing certain mobs there was part of a quest objective, so it didn’t really matter anyways. The quest npc also sends you back on another quest to take out 5 cannons , if remembering correctly. The aa guns in Blades Edge were a little less forgiving lol. Blades edge also had that one dragon elite that flew around, and would basically oneshot you, if you got to close to it. Was never a huge fan of TBC expansion questing zones except for Outland Nagrand which imo is to this day the best quest zone in game. Even though TBC is my least favorite expansion, I will admit Flight was handled perfectly in that expansion. Again just my opinion. The only complaints I ever heard about flight in over 12 years now was not long after cata dropped. And those complaints were mostly from the classic zone nostalgia freaks that got upset that they added flight to kalimdor, and the eastern kingdoms.


It seems that it’s the newer crew that did WoD when ion got on board is when blizzard waged a war on flying. The original devs were planning around it as we saw with the AA they were playing with in TBC.

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since the people support pathfinder for earning flight lets see how passionate their are by requiring a similar policy for obtaining ground mounts then

after all why ruin all that immersion by simply jumping on your sabercat or kodos and charge right by the mobs let them earn the right to not be forced to walk everywhere and fight all the trash mobs

I mean pathfinder is a nice “compromise” for flying so surely theyd not be opposed to a ground mount version look how many RPers would enjoy the chance to sightsee rather than flee until mobs hit their leash zone and reset

but we all know they wont support the idea because at the end of the day the only reason they will openly embrace pathfinder as long as it doesn’t impact THIER playstyle and it only limits flight


It’s a simple solution. Just don’t preorder the next xpac and wait until all the pathfinder requirements are available to complete before starting the next expansion.

In BFA you were actually punished for getting your neck level to 50 early. They locked the content until a patch was released. Also if you worked hard and achieved things in previous expansions when you started the next expansion you had a slight edge beginning the next xpac.

The way it is now you might as well be starting a new game with every new expansion. They do total resets on several levels so whats the motivation to not just start the newest content a few months after it releases? The game design encourages it.

You can also pay less as they will put it on sale. It is ridiculous game design that has nothing to creating the kind of content that once 12 millions played. There’s no one left at wow that is capable of creating that kind of content anymore.


It has bothered me for quite a while but in the end it’s just a hamster wheel that keeps spinning and spinning - with you in it.


I honestly don’t mind pathfinder, it is just the content after you get the exploring and questing achievements for the zones is boring.

100 WQs, many of them are the same ones you did when leveling and the rep requirements are just a drag. This is just lazy design, no offense. Blizzard, you can do better!!!

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honestly I kind of hope the rumors of Disney wanting to buy Blizzards IP are true that way maybe they’ll reorganize the staff and actually bring in some talent with a degree in game development/computer programing experience and not just hand people a job based solely on guild management skills from older MMOs


Honestly, some of the best designers don’t have degrees. They need hire people that are talented entertainers. Personally, I think a lot of the younger game devs coming out of school kind of suck, not all of them of course. You can’t teach creativity and imagination.

Original WoW was a copy of EQ which which drew it’s inspiration from table top DnD. We need to get back to DnD roots that made the genre popular in the first place.

The game has been too streamlined to make it into a game to try to target people who don’t want to play a MMO fantasy RPG.

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I really don’t understand why Blizzard has tripled down on this pathfinder nonsense. I just came back 2 weeks ago and I am at a complete disadvantage in Nazjatar when it comes to chasing rares to farm mana crystals. Not to mention the grind is utterly ridiculous. Have to log on every day and do HOURS of tedious daily quests that I have done 50 times before.


I’m enjoying BFA and I’m not a shill. Does BFA have room for improvement? YES!

I’m not a shill, look at my post and you will see endless criticism of Blizzard.

If I wasn’t enjoying BFA, I would have given my opinion and they unsubscribed.

This is my biggest complaint the last couple expansions. Not horrible zones, I think they are fantastic.

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