Congrats for sucking the fun out of the game

That’s because current zones are designed like mazes where you can get stuck on any and every rock, twig, and mini hill in the entire zone. There’s one “correct path” to WQs and if you don’t take it you can’t get to it.

It’s horrible design. It made me want flying more than any other expansion.


It’s trajectory and a mental state override.

We’re creatures of momentum and the more we do something the more we seek it done. So when finished we’re done with that subject matter.

This is why the current WQ or die mentality is bad for the game. Lots of us play WoW for things other than WQ. But we’re forced to do WQ for a lot more reasons now. More than ever. Especially with flight attached.

So we do the things we don’t want to do (WQ) to the point of repetition that it soaks all of our time and momentum. Then we finish and feel like we’re done with the game.

Weeks spent building up to a disappointment that weeks on confirmed boredom, a sense of no fulfillment and a desire to cancel subscription.

Instead of being encouraged to actually do the parts of the game we find fulfilling where we’d complete and feel well, fulfilled.


Trying to collect flotsam is fun when people on flying mounts zip in and grab it and go.

I never expected to fly in the new zones. Blizzard usually made them a no fly zone so they seem populated but right now they seem empty with everyone in the air.

And that and the space between ‘quest areas’ as well. Looking back at BC or Wrath, there was a lot more travel time between each quest. Not that it was bad though. There was a fairly clear distinction between each of the quest areas. Now they are all stacked up on top of each other. While the maps look nice, the terrain is extremely convoluted. I miss having some zones with more wide open space. Voldun is about as close we get now.


Flotsam is never fun to collect unless you were taking drugs and were abandoned by a baby dolphin that was raised by a biologist.


I groaned when i saw the Naz terrain. The mechagon terrain isn’t too bad. It’s open in spots and not too maze like.

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Yea, it’s better for sure.

I miss old Nagrand. That was such a perfect zone for a fantasy game. Most of Wrath is pretty amazing as well. The new zones just do a poor job of creating any sense of scale or vastness. They feel cramped.

They could take the same zone and just make all the area around the paths about 30-40 yards… that would be a big improvement. Being able to move between quest areas without running into 10-20 mobs would be great. Would have made the need or want for flying substantially lower.


It’s been close to 4 years now that we have had pathfinder, I have read hundreds of posts about how horrible it is, yet nobody I play with really cares about it. are There is an unbreakable stalemate of the people who still enjoy WoW as a whole and don’t mind pathfinder, and the people who only enjoy parts of WoW and want to fly to avoid everything else.

Navigating the world on foot was really not that bad. Objectively speaking, it was really, really not that bad. Definitely not worth all of the thousands of posts.

All Blizzard really needs to do is insure that the time between parts 1-2 isn’t longer than a couple of months, or have part 1 apply to applicable zones upon completion and have part 2 cover any patch zones released later in the game.

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If a quest takes more than 2 hours to do then it is not worth doing.

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I don’t think you even bothered to read what he wrote.


Hey, I fixed your post for you, to make it more accurate (changes in Bold). You don’t have to thank me.

I started this post. Of course its my opinion. Thanks for nothing captain obvious.

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To be fair, all of the quests in ESO are the same, even if the stories are very interesting, and the questing in FF14 is boring. They are mostly you, running back and forth between two to four spots, speaking to people, and when you finally get a quest to fight, you run to a shadowy circle, and kill three things, just to run back to continue the ten minute discussion. I like both games, but lets not pretend they are doing revolutionary things with questing.

well said…and 110% agreed.
How they took the wonderful art in BFA and turned it into a boring mechanical grindfest is beyond me.
kudos to the art team, though


doesnt need to be revolutionary. No one expects that.
What I personally expect is not to keep me bogged down in busy work having to fight every stinking moving thing between points A and B just to make me think there is actually enough in the game to keep me interested.
I want STORY…NOT mindlessly fighting crap world trash every 8 feet.


The Diablofication of WoW. I hope you have a phone.


And everyone I play with very much cares. It just depends on the people.

Flying isn’t about avoiding things. Please go back and look at how flying was once integrated into content. That’s what some people miss. That’s what Blizz isn’t doing. We could have a ton more content if they embraced flying once more.

Which isn’t the point at all. Navigation is pointless to me. Content is what’s important. And flying can add more content. It did in BC.

Subjective. Not objective. People will feel differently.

Or stop fighting against it, create content for flying, and only have Part One then add double the content with flying areas for max level.


Speaking for myself, I’m really enjoying them.

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They are beautiful to look at. I like mech but not Naz. Too much of a maze for my liking. Reminds me of Broken Shores as well which isn’t a compliment.

Different people like different things. FF questing is god awful for me. That is busy work.

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