Congrats Alliance, you retailed AV

AV had multiple revisions during vanilla so the idea that blizzard never makes mistakes is silly.

Revisions don’t prove “fixes.” It can be fixes, but also can show Blizzard merely changing the map to change how players play on the map. To give players refreshment. Change.

Everything you guys keep saying about the now classic AV involves how players are playing it. Nothing about core design flaws that prove it’s rigged for the Horde. The Horde are just generally better players & coordinate more. The alliance just slop into AV. I know too, all I do is play AV for 90% of my time spent in wow classic. I like turtles alot, so I’m cool with it.

If horde are so cordinated why don’t they have a discord like is yet??

Ion literally has an interview about how they could NEVER BALANCE AV. Which literally counters your argument.

I’m pretty sure Ion knows more than you.

That’s fine, guess what a lot of alliance in fact don’t like spending 95% of their games stuck north of SHGY and eventually losing.


I know about AV by playing it alot. There is nothing wrong with it.

Let me show you a example about the Horde being better players. I made a alt on the Horde about 2 weeks ago. When I logged on, I was offered a wand from a stranger in like 5 minutes. I refused, because I don’t like handouts and wanted to start fresh.

But think about that. A random stranger offered me a wand. Wow. Another example from that alt, I needed some silver, so I farmed some silverleaf. I listed a stack on the AH and told trade, “Silverleaf stack for 7s. If you need silverleaf, help a new player out.” In like 25 seconds, a player bought it. They whispered me with a “:).” I thanked them. Wow welcome to the Horde. This kind of stuff never happened to me on Alliance.

So again your anecdotal evidence doesn’t counter what the game designer says ROFL.

Ion himself said they could never balance it in an actual interview about AV, which is why they never made another BG like it.

I’m sure you know better about AV than Ion tho…:thinking::thinking::thinking:

I don’t know who he is. He is probably a good player. I do think though when you have a certain disposition in mind, you can have confirmation bias about it & never come off of your views. Every bit of evidence can be seen as confirming a bias. This Ion player is not immune from that since he is a human.

If you heard someone talking about something else it was because: A. The game was already well in hand or B. There weren’t enough people in the premade to take control of the idiot pugs.

You obviously did not see the recorded count of HUNDREDS of wins. You didn’t pay attention to the screenshots. Or maybe you chose to check it out during AV weekend when tankers flooded the queue and made premading impossible. Whatever it is, you obviously have no idea what happens in the discord or in an average premade game.

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I pug AV randomly all the time & have never seen a premade with more than 10-15 friends on discord.

That’s all. Also, you can’t prove all the screenshots are from discord premades. Sadly, I’ve been in alot of rush games lately, with wins, and many have no mention of premades in the game. No turtles either, but I did have one turtle yesterday which I enjoyed.

Ion is the guy in charge of WOW LOL.

designers can have confirmation bias too…

Edit: If the map was rigged, Alliance would never win. So the evidence is there the map isn’t rigged.


Obviously a troll.

He said it always favored a faction in every iteration of AV.

If he was biased wouldn’t it of always favored the same faction??

Right and without premading when horde weren’t zerging alliance had a 95ish% loss rate…

I’m not a troll because I disagree with you.

Do you know that people in charge have been wrong about stuff, alot throughout history?

Trump was wrong about the election for example & he was president of the US…

Right which is why they actually you know have made changes to AV…

Blinks logic, is that Ion is in charge of WoW so that makes him right.

But I gave a very recent example where people in charge aren’t always right.

Right then stop saying the map is perfect.

Trump wasn’t the person who designed the election or oversaw the election.

Ion is the lead designer of WOW and he is in charge of it…

You’re not a troll because you don’t agree with me, you’re a troll because you throw away any counter argument that has actual data presented and you disregard it basically saying “NUH UH IM RIGHT AND YOU’RE WRONG”!!

I think Ion is wrong. AV is fine. The recent disruption of the win loss rates should make him rethink his opinion.

Even Shigeru Miyamoto, who created SMarioBros once said the minus world wasn’t a feature of the game, but he changed his opinion the more people enjoyed playing it. Designers aren’t always right about their creations.

Actually Trump had a duty to oversee the free and fair election. Do you know even the vice president counts the votes as part of the final act to make a election official?

Therefore, he was a part of it, big time. But he was wrong about his opinion it was not free and fair.

Read my example from the creator of super mario bros. All because Ion designed WoW doesn’t make him own WoW.