Congrats Alliance, you retailed AV

/slow clap


All I hear is, “WHAAAAA!”


Care to explain?

It must sound familar from losing AV so much until now, now that you’re all premading. You know, going against Blizzard intentions of how AV should be played.

Whaaaaa, the starting cave is unfair and why we lose!! WHAAAA!

Funny how it has no bearing at this time. Zero.


All I hear is, “I don’t get my free win anymore by abusing map advantages so you’re cheating”! Pity you, but I don’t actually do AV. I just love the tears from the entitled whiny Horde babies.

A premade beating a PuG - a “premade” in that they’re just communicating - how shocking.


The rush strat? It’s BORING. Horde almost always gets more honor even when losing so the horde are the real winners and that’s how horde feel about it.

I had some alliance friends back in the day that said I was lucky to play horde because I got to PVP and they hated the 6 minutes no PVP allowed rush games that they’d spend all day playing. I can see why they hated it now.

I’ve been playing defense this weekend in AV. People get mad half the time. I had someone fighting with me a few games back telling me I shouldn’t PVP in a battleground and that I was a noob for not knowing that. I don’t care.

If you have 10-15 on defense you can really mess with their push and if I’m going to play this that’s what I’ll be doing.

If it keeps being rush games though I’ll just stop playing AV again. The newer AV meta that developed alongside the premades made AV fun again but this isn’t fun. The only thing it’s good for is honor and rep for alts.


Mad, smol muscle horde hiding behind retail alt sad he doesn’t get free wins anymore.


meanwhile horde player on level 11 alliance alt

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it would appear the AV problem of Alliance losing and horde queue times has been corrected by the palyerbase.

well done, WoW community. Took 14 months but you did it.



Allliance now no kidding went straight back to Phase 3 strat of zugzug to dreck, not even kidding, and it’s a total race to see who wins the PvE race again.

It’s nit even fun or interesting now, because for a week it was mow down the horde, push them to the cave and proceed to savage them.

Now it’s ignore the horde and PvE to win, there is literally nothing interesting about it any more.

Back to AB and WSG, the alliance wins are coming to a close because they default to eating their own vomit.

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What happened?

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that was the meta at end of classic / early TBC


ally dont rank with horde so


AV was never played like this in Vanilla, people need to stop saying nonsense like this because it’s obvious they’re lying.

If there were 10 minute AV games with minimal to zero PvP even at the end of Vanilla, the developers would’ve immediately stepped in and corrected it. Going into a designated PvP battleground to avoid any and all PvP interaction completely circumvents developer intention.

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Av is lame who cares, we can get our marks in peace and either win or lose in 10 mins. Good riddance to the old av


clearly the map has no issue as to whether you win or lose, i think others have pointed this out. your own faction is pointing this out by winning EVERY game yet the cave has not moved.

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Alliance went from 99% loss rate to 99% win rate, OVERNIGHT
i wonder what happened? (Rhetorical question
we all know its because of discord being used to sidestep Blizzard’s attempt to stop premades in AV)

Cave didn’t move
Nothing changed
just discord and coordinated queue/premade.



Most “rush Drek” games are pure PUGS with no discord comms. We don’t win because we are better in this meta, we win because YOU LITERALLY LET US GET TO DREK UNOPPOSED.

We have seen what happens when horde harrases us on the way: 90% horde win rate. But horde has finally realized they get more honor and rep per hour when they don’t play “scorched earth” because the games and their queue times become shorter in this meta.

Let me repeat. Alliance wins because horde lets us win. On purpose.


What on earth are you talking about? ‘Drek or kek’ only works because Horde allow it. Half the time, Horde still get more honor. If anything it’s displaying the stupidity of Alliance pugs.

Lately Horde haven’t been letting it happen though. As soon as AV weekend ends things will go back to the natural order: AV premades stomping a mud hole in Horde.