Confirmed Chromie is trans

No that’s not the case at all the point I’m trying to make is whether you’re transgender gay straight it doesn’t matter. You don’t need to announce it to the world

Has nothing to do with tiny silencing things it’s just like people that are vegans they feel the need to announce it to the world. Why? It doesn’t make you special you’re not we are all the same.

That is equality and that’s what equality is. People have complained for years they want a quality and then when they finally get it they complain and feel the need to shine a spotlight on themselves. It’s almost like they don’t want to be treated as an equal at all they want special attention


It was, but I guess no lore can be left alone anymore. :roll_eyes:

The suffix “-ormu” is normally typical of the male bronze dragon naming pattern, while female bronze dragon names end in “-ormi”. As Chronormu is female,[34] she is an exception to this rule.


i am aware of what blizzard had confirmed with this, which is now retconned and no one is allowed to voice their say about it being what blizzard told us before without being false flagged and attacked because apparently its okay to retcon as long as it degrades one community for another, many female players were rejoiced when blizz confirmed hey just because a female has a name thats neutral doesn’t mean she is not fully female and always has been.

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Let’s not get dramatic. People probably flagged it for trolling, because this crap always turns into some huge toxic downward spiral and there’s a megathread.

You have to realize at the end of the day it’s blizzards game.

It would be no different than if you wrote a book yourself and wanted to change things in the book The Audience doesn’t get his say so in that it’s your book and it’s your story.

You have to understand there’s a very strong entitlement Vibe going on nowadays. Maybe it’s just because I’m Gen X but when I grew up I was clearly told by pretty much everyone you’re not special you’re the same as everyone else. You are entitled to nothing


This is a stupid statement…


lol how many times has blizzard retconned, because of peoples voices, meanwhile those same ppl are siliencing others so only their voices matter especially on matters that actually touched on diverse matter already just to be ripped away for another crowd?

No it’s not dude it’s their game they can do what they want with it they literally own it.

We do not pay a monthly fee to be on the board. We are not on the development staff. Do you not understand that? It pretty much goes like this blizzard wrote a book. We pay a monthly fee to be able to read it

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Name them.

I mean… we are the ones giving them money, we have SOME entitlement, sure we arent the ones deciding stuff in the end, but we are more than allowed to voice our opinion in their decisions.

And call them out when they screw up.

This kind of thinking is what allowed horrible people like Naughty Dog to get away with all the garbage they made with the trash-fire TLOU2 was


If you wrote a book dude and wanted retcon your own book. Two particular readers of your book followed you everyday shouting at you about it

It’s all about whether or not you’re going to give in to those two people and change it just to make them go away.

Thing is, you cant use ignore your audience.


Actually no we don’t have any entitlement if you read the terms of service it’s clearly stated in there that the only thing the money we paid to Blizzard gives us is access to the game that’s it

It even says that they can take your account away and your characters at any moment in time. They won’t of course without good reason but they can

If we didnt payed for their games, they would go bankrupt…

Any creator has to realize that, your success is completely based on your audience.

If you treat your audience poorly, then you deserve to lose.


Don’t bother trying with these kids they just don’t get it and they don’t get the point. If they want to ride on their self-entitlement high horse let them

No you don’t. You can absolutely voice your opinion all you want, but you’re not entitled to anything. You give them money of your own volition. They don’t take it from you. And your money is access to servers, not input on writing. That’s like saying you paid for Disney+ and hate Mandalorian, so now you’re entitled to have a say in it.


Maybe read the entire comment instead of taking it out of context.


No there is no way to take it out of context you get no say-so whatsoever you have no stake in the matter you are not an investor

Your statement would only make sense if you were an investor in the company

I did read the entire comment and didn’t take it out of context. I specifically pointed out that you can absolutely voice an opinion. But nowhere does that entitle them to listen to you.

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This is truly getting old. Blizzard please give them there own forum Please :pleading_face: