Confirmed Chromie is trans

I want me a butt-ugly thunder-thighed woman with massive biceps and boobs as a heroine


What shall we call her?
Thunderclap would be an apropos name, methinks.
Or Bagetha, for the brown paper bag that doth surely masketh her face.


no one makes fun of jack black or owen wilson or william da foe as main male roles, only fair they get female versions and also people of all sizes irl no actor or actress is over 300 pounds which is not realistic sizes of americans and varies people of the world not everyone is under 140 pounds and has abs or is “in shape”


I personally enjoy kickass females in media. Preferred Xena over Hercules, Lara over nathen, Lightning over Cloud,

Not liking a woke appeasement is not the same as not liking strong female characters.

Star Wars fans dislike woke mary sue Rey but I see nothing but love for super jedi Ahsoka. The difference is in the intent. leave politics out of the fantasy


Lmaoooo you kill me :joy:


Pretty sure cause that wasnt Mary Jane.

I mean, i doubt Invincible (great series btw) is know enough to cause a debacle, also A LOT of people really dislike her, so i guess they dont care.


Ah yeah theres Ashoka who went from a really dislikable character to one of the most loved ones, weird how good writing can work uh?


Even if it’s true who the heck cares this isn’t something you make a post over.
No matter if you are gay straight transgender black white doesn’t matter we are all human beings and we are all the same no one’s better than the next guy.

I don’t have a problem with this sort of thing at all what I do have a problem with his people who shine a spotlight on it and feel a need shine a spotlight on it like it deserves special attention.

Guess what. It doesn’t


Couldnt agree more.


news enough for wowhead to make a spectacle article about and yes if you bothered to google this has been a topic talk upon nonstop for since at least 2011 and is finally confirmed


They do it because they need clicks and make money from it you don’t. The more people that click on their articles the more money they make

When I company shines a spotlight on this sort of thing it’s to make money when a person does it it’s a bid for attention


so you are saying only corporate cash grabbing organization voices matter and not individuals? which you made a choice to try to voice your own opinions by targeting their post instead of having your own, hypocrisy at its finest

No I am saying the following and I will requote what I said above

When a company shines a spotlight on this sort of thing it’s to make money when a person does it it’s a bid for attention. Neither is okay but one is explainable the other is unacceptable

ive been talking about chromie for year, you are the one coming in here with assumptions

Nobody mentioned that in Heroes of the Storm, Chromie explains this, right?

She says she’s a female, but her name can be read as male or female. It’s like Sam for regular people.


yeah but ppl like shiftydruid want to silience anyone who knows about that and act like it doesnt exist while attacking and targeting others views.

No I’m pointing out that shining a spotlight on this sort of thing it’s not okay. There is literally no reason for it.

Should I make a post on my ingrown toenail next? Both are just as meaningful AKA they both mean nothing


the book is retcon. end of story