wowhead just confirmed that chromie is trans
before choosing the form of a little gnome girl chromie was a grown male dragon
btw Blizzard, why did you scrap Chromie’s continued storyline? remember back in legion? where it was revealed wrathion was her assassin in the chromie scenario? then she was absent in BFA and SL except for the timewalking lvling experience?
Hopefully this means chromie might now have a bigger role in the next xpac (althought dragon isles seems like it wont be the next xpac so far since 9.1’s new dungeon points to Light based xpac)
Wonderful, mayhap thou shouldst hie thyself to the megathread and issue that news thither instead.
There’s a bit of a difference between transmorphing between gnome and dragon, and between actual transgender . . .
I want 952 posts in this thread. No more, no less. Make it so GD!
just saw, they have screenshots of the book sadly. Really think blizz opened a can of worms on this one because IRL at least in the USA there was a whole big case in the media a years back where a 49 year old man made the news because he started identifying as a 9 year old girl. It is way to late to have her choose a different form of mortal like a human or an elf now. I am pretty sure blizz is aware of how she may now be percieved thru memes and such
Please elaborate.
Till date it was confirmed that chromie is a female dragon with a male name.
Chromodormu is a joke on all the players who play female toons but are male in reality.
Or at least was originally. I’ve no idea what they may have retconned him to.
I mean technically chromie isn’t transgender. If the book is canon at all then he fully admits he is a male dragon who prefers the guise of a female mortal. He doesn’t identify himself as a female dragon once a guy. At most this is just cross dressing but with magic.
check the wowhead link they have screenshots of the book.
current day and age that type of joke is offensive though so probably why they retconned but the retcon is kinda offensive as well considering the form she choose.
"The blue dragon nodded. “I believe I understand why you chose to take the form of a gnome. But if I may ask, why did you choose to become female as well?”
Chrome smiled. “It suits me,” she said, and shared with Kalec a long, happy hug."
this is similar to how pelegos described their new form from living to kyrian.
Good luck trying to catch that tail.
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Chromie is Chromie.
What she is will affect me lots more than what she was.
In any case, she hasn’t said anything about it to me.
How stunning and brave. I’m impressed.
At this point its just whatever for me, i dont really know enough of Chromie to share my take on it.
Blizzard current writing is all over the place regardless, so it wouldnt surprise me at all that she went from being a female with a masculine name to an actual trans character, just to force inclusivity.
i mean in the game chromie full out admits that she/he prefers the guise of a gnome because chromie knows that dragons are highly intimidating to mortals. And being the bronze representative to mortals he/she picked the least threatening mortal guise which is gnomes, to top it off the gender that mortals feel less threatened by too being female. Plus gnome males are creepy asf so i dont blame chromie if this is the case.
All that was stated was that his name was not a Male Name not that Chromie was Female!
The Dragon merely denied that the name was Masculine in nature!
For all we know Nozdormu(the source of Male Bronzes having a “u” at the end of their names) was named after his Protodrake mother!
Well she retcons everything else.
Except before the choosing ceremony she uses male pronouns, and after she chooses her mortal form she uses female pronouns. It’s about as blatantly confirming her as trans without actually using the real world term for it.

This is basically just canonizing a long time fan theory. It’s not a big deal.