Confirmed Chromie is trans

Chromie is species fluid, does that fit under that ever increasing size umbrella? I am all for making things fit my narrative, but this is getting out of hand.


where did i say that chromie specifically was trans

im not fitting anything in any narrative i was merely saying that a term was in fact a trans term

I’m very happy that blizzard is proving to be lgbt friendly in many different ways. Especially with their new line up of lgbt shirts that’s exclusive in the gear shop!

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I’m sure you’re THRILLED they are being offered…

Yet will buy exactly NONE.

thats awesome a pixelated thing in a game being trans brought up oh boy. most of you are way behind the times with these posts this stuff has been discussed over and over for so long yet somehow someone thinks it is a new popular thing to troll the forums. you guys are so behind the times.

Yeah, what’s your point?

Nothing. Go back to your nap.

No she isn’t, she’s a dragon who alters her form for the sake of communicating with mortals and concealing that she’s a dragon

Science does not say a man that decides he is now a woman was born a woman.

If a man wants to live as a woman, then he should do what makes him/her happy. But don’t start claiming scientific statements about such a decision is true. It’s just not.


Interesting thing just occured… Went in to ignore some of the most hate mongering commenters here and after flagging one… 3 others were auto flagged when I looked them up… hmmm. Someone is desperate to spread their anti lgbt rhetoric.



no you cannot, why? because race isnt dictated by a biological randomly generated number. yes some genes lean towards a dominant male gene or a dominant female gene, but biologically a baby’s chance being a specific gender is never 0. two parents of white descent will never pop out an asian baby… unless… the relationship has questionable loyalties of course.

culture is not something you are born into, its something you are raised in. I’m native american myself from my dad’s side (whos mexican/native) and polish from my mom’s side (whos puerto rican/polish) but ill never but myself in cultural conversations because i was raised in a mexican and puerto rican household. i trust the words of those that were raised in the native american’s and polish’ way rather than my own speculations on such matters.

why do you think people always roll their eyes when someone says “im native american and i dont find this appropriating”

this right here, those women that find this “offensive”, we call them TERFs, meaning trans-exclusionary radical feminists, their words hold no value and their nothing but transphobic feminazis that even attack biological women because their rhetoric is nothing but a poorly veiled facade of patriarchy

no you cannot because there is no such thing as gender

you cannot define gender by any measurement other than “this is man/woman because i say so” read any book about sex and gender and they’ll explain it is much more complicated than that

define a woman by a uterus? well what happens if they remove it? are they no longer a woman? define a man by a dick? what if they get bottom surgery? wanna talk about chromosomes and how theyre the “end all be all” in these gender discussions? well then what about intersex people? how do they fit in this conversation? they dont because youre trying to make something that is fluid and changing into something thats 100% and factual when it never will be.

gender is only “confusing” when people want to pin point it, stick needles in it and shape it to be something that it isnt and something that it never will be


We did it guys! WoW is saved! Chromie the trans gnome dragon!

/facepalm …whats even more sad is the word isn’t even allowed on these forums.


It’s a dragon. What humanoid form it takes really doesn’t matter.

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Omg I love it, I was always fond of Chromie as a character, she’s fun

lol i already said

Pain, nothing but pain.

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The son of the first Night Elf Druid also identify as female in the book.
Night Elf finally got some love in the lore.

Pain and agony.

I don’t think Ysera can ever leave the Shadowlands, though? It sounds like she is forever bound to Ardenweald for all eternity and can never again return to Azeroth, if I’m understanding the lore correctly. If so, then she isn’t really coming back.

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looks more goblin than demon