Confirmed Chromie is trans

This all makes sense now. The reason Shadowlands lore is worse than WoD is because they waste their time on stuff like this….

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Let’s face it, anything that isn’t cis, straight and white (and sometimes male) is forcing an agenda to them when anytime a character is announced or a story is written for them.



Huh. And here I thought, based on my admittedly limited knowledge, that a person being trans was most definitely not a “choice” for the person much like being LGBT is not a choice one simply makes.

I always thought being LGBT was simply a matter of biological fact; specifically, in the case of being trans, one is naturally born the wrong biological sex to what their brain tells them. This state is called dysphoria, I believe.

Chromie choosing to be female sounds more like a cishet biological male who thinks it’s fun to wear fingernail polish (and for the record, that’s perfectly fine to do so) yet still identifying as cishet male but calls themselves “queer” or “trans” in a misguided attempt to “relate” when, in fact, they cannot because of the lack of dysphoria.

Speaking only for myself as a cishet biological male, I find the concept of one choosing their biological sex insulting to trans peeps who experience the frankly horrifying concept of dysphoria because being trans is not something one “chooses”. Trans people, like anyone else, LGBT or otherwise, are born the way they are.

But, perhaps I’m wrong.

But I think if Chromie were to be confirmed as trans, it would be more realistic to simply say, “I did not chose this outward appearance, it’s my natural mortal form.”

But that’s simply just my gut reaction.

See it more as an allegory to a trans person choosing their new name. Dragons being able to choose their mortal form is possible in their lore and they generally choose a form they feel relates to themselves the most.

Chromie being male assigned at birth as a dragon, her transition involved choosing a mortal form to represent and suit her best. Since even in her dragon form she still identifies as female.

Think of it as a trans person choosing a name to replace their dead name, not literally choosing to be trans.

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This was unnecessary comment to bring out and no way relates to the topic, I dont see how this cringe is comparable to the topic at hand, and if you see this topic and think of this I think the problem is you.

That’s understandable. I still feel the word choice is a terrible one though as it provided much to “bait”. You know the kind, I’m sure. The old “SEE?!??! TRANS IS A CHOICE AND SO IS BEING GAY!” garbage.

And while the issue does stem from retconning naming convention, it makes sense as names, self-chosen or not, are more representative of any person’s totality of being than just outward appearance.

Edit: Ooh! I just had an epiphany on the whole “dead naming” issue. I used to get it but now I understand it. Just never realized my own outlook was so closely entertwined with it.

It’s confirmed. I don’t care

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Well, what do I give you, for me he is one less idiot in this world while I have to tolerate that for these reasons the entertainment industry is dying due to political reasons and minorities that is not focused on them, but on minorities that it has money like the SJWs and Twitter sewer rats hoping to make a name for themselves by mediating scandals like a TV Soap opera.

while WoWhead blocks the comments regarding this news that obviously will not support it for such stupidity.

like i said, There is nothing you can do anymore when they use the entertainment industry like video games for political means.

Blizzard getting another award from GLAAD, it was not expected to do the logic of The Last of Us 2.

Live and let the progress of the twitter sewers die.

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We should not altar how we behave or what representation we get just because bigots and malcontents use it as fuel against us.

They could use the same logic with carpet changing. “See! They changed the carpet throughout their house so obv trans is a choice.”

Hateful people are going to be hateful, changing and altaring for them just legitimizes them.

And they do the same, what hypocrisy are you talking about? It is only that another person like Gina Garano appears and they prepare their pitchfork and cyber torches to attack on Twitter, as always.

In the end, nothing can be done, the one that puts in the most money is the one that totally manipulates the entertainment industry, that’s why I see these changes in ideologies, it is not for the advancement of society while they do not realize that we are going backwards. .

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A brain haemorrage.

Just because more forms of media are recognising the value of representation doesn’t mean the “entertainment industry is dying”. Good lord, calm down on the outrage.

As someone who is gay, I admire all the lavishing of attention transgender people have gotten in the last decade. Seeing as how they’re only like 1/10 of 1% of the gay community.

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you see the OSCAR’s this last year, you see the OSCAR’s… It is a clear example when it is forced inclusion, nobody cares it only makes it move away like a stinking sewer, ideal for these people who live on scandal.

But it’s not gay, it’s only trans, In the end, they may even contradict each other when they focus on one gender and minorize the rest of the LGBT.

Why then immediately or back. To begin with, go sideways. So far, “back” is the legalization of slavery, restrictions on voting rights (sex, property, etc.). What else has changed there? General basic education, medicine (also basic). M … Lifetime (or so) compulsory military service? Hazing?

You know the Oscars and award shows don’t represent the entire entertainment industry, right? Netflix is MASSIVELY popular and has a ton of diverse shows with diverse characters :man_shrugging:

Also, lmao I saw your post where you said you wanted me to die. Nice edit buddy.

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Some people just want to be part of the parade.

Don’t worry. There’s probably a GY somewhere nearby. You’ll be back in no time.

I guess every thread is now about Chromie getting retconned into being Trans… joy.

What’s wrong with the Oscars? It seems that they have introduced a “restriction” or “quotas” for film academics for representatives of “non-Western” culture. Perhaps - “quotas” of age, gender, orientation. The previous version of the film academy - 70% were “older western men.”
Or is it not so? I am guided only by recent radio broadcasts.

Yeah, but corpse-running is a pain :frowning: