Confirmed Chromie is trans

and the remaster of diablo 2, theres no longer playable females in it

no no, that’s what I meant, but Illidan has a side hustle with Maiev. He’s not very faithful…

and that already talked about another thread, apart from that it is a small low point apart from not remastered first Diablo 1, a point that would probably be a sign to make the same mistake as Warcraft 3: refunded.

Like Atom Eve desing in the Animated Invicible Series, both with mature content for a tiny little detail that makes its content hypocritical, it is fortunate that it was one of the best animated series, apart from its meme.

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He is trans, the trans community have claimed him, even Icy Veins community manager got fired for misgendering him.

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That’s not what happened lol

The woke monster will devour us all. Mark my words.


If you ignore it for long enough, it devours itself



I feel you are right. Wokesters have displayed time and again how they operate with the worst behaviours, lies, manipulation, abuse and bullying. They will turn on their own. It has already started.

I’m not religious but if I were, I’d pray for their souls, hearts and minds. They are obviously very sick.


That’s a leap. Please show me where I said as much, or don’t put words in my mouth that i didn’t say. I don’t consider myself a victim in t slightest.

So again, bring proof or I’ll dismiss this as lies and trolling.

Also by your logic, pointing out something bad equates to the observer being the victim… Very weird logic there.


So you’re not against victimhood?
That makes you pro victimhood.

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This was funnier in your head, i think.

I’m not here to do standup comedy for you, but I’m glad you can see the ridiculous nature of this position

Thank goodness, it would have been a very bleak life on food stamps and welfare, if you did.

You got me there, I think you’re pretty funny tho :blue_heart:

When I saw this on Asmongold stream it took me out

I feel like my brain is haemorrhaging when you speak.


maybe they just needed some therapy

eh?? ehh???
i’ll see myself out.



Chromie, but a 9 ft tall vampire.

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Would be super :face_vomiting:, it’s pretty much Dimitrescu without the asset.