Confirmed Chromie is trans

you know…
reptile reproductive organs are in the inside in most cases (thanks Steve Erwin)
so it makes since that he would pick a female mammal as its more relatable to his normal biology.

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No, but you shouldn’t cancel game either lol

Ok then let people address Chromie as he.

Chromie is a 900 years old male dragon.

Nah, they’re a she, they’re referred to as she


The book refered them as he as well.

Nobody said Chromie was a he until the trans thing started.

Chromie was a she then, and a she now. Nothing’s changed.


chromie is a gnome, so the proper pronoun is “punt-able”


I take it you’re well antiquated with scalies.

Because people took the lie of HOTS devs at face value back then.

no just watched crocodile hunter a lot as a kid, im guessing scalies is something twitter does?
if its cartoons porking, i swear to god.

edit: googled it. god dangit.
Why do you know about this. ewwwwwww

So I guess the tales of ladies on the forums being slurred and silenced is made up.

If you’d like to read the Wowhead article at the top of this thread, they address that. Chromie was born male. Prior to the ceremony she uses male pronouns. After the ceremony, where she chooses her new form, she uses female pronouns.

Bro are you using a Mad Libs book?

Just write in whatever language you actually speak so we can use Google translate, it’ll probably work better.


Go to Hell Chromie.

I left me with Alexstrasza.

That’s Dragon Bikini :bikini:

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i hated chromie as a girl and ill hate her(?) as a man, only good thing they did was get clapped in that one quest like 800 times


This is why Wrathion assassinate him.

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no, I have not read your Battlefield Earth bible or saw your movie like you, and I will not read the Warcraft books either because it does not help anything in the video game system itself and its lore in the RPG because its books do not reach look quite something like the non-cannon son of Medivh Gary stu Me’dan.

And if I use a translator a little, as well as understand you without problems in wanting to put me in your disgusting sects.

Now you are well cultured.


ewww, this is why people vote for trump.
you know there are real people out there looking to hook up right? you don’t need donkey’s wife body pillows to be happy

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