interesting point.
Is ‘transmorphing’ into another form and back the same as ‘transitioning’?
Ive seen the transhuman/animal thing…reading about stuff like that anyway.
Kinda curious stuff, for sure. Doesnt seem to be anything new.
Damn boy, we were wrong to fight the legion
female to female, not sure that qualifies as trans lol
I think at some point we’re going to have to accept that “transgender” is going to look different than hormone therapy and reassignment surgery when it comes to fantasy settings.
yeah, probably. Personally I just live and let live. Not my business what folks do to their body or in the privacy of their own lives.
Is interesting to read about. My brain is always trying to dissect everything anyway. Just curiosity more than anything.
Oh certainly. It’s an interesting subject to approach - and I’m not trans so I can’t really speak as one. This sort of thing came up with Pelagos too, questioning whether he could really count as trans representation when he doesn’t have to go through what a real life person would (the actual transition process, not necessarily the social and psychological issues, since he alludes to suffering from those in life).
It’s sad but this is what giving everyone a “voice” does. The internet helped in so many ways but it’s also caused us a whole load of other problems.
The thing that I find most jarring about not just Chromie, but every. single. time. there’s an LGBT character is that I hear the same arguments. Ticking boxes and forced diversity. So initially I’m thinking “huh, this doesn’t really affect me in any way but I can sort of see your point. Maybe throwing it in for the sake of throwing it in doesn’t really add much if you think about it.”
But that’s never really the case. People always nitpick the most insignificant details. Like lore. “No blizzard can’t do that because it won’t fit the lore.” Completely overlooking the fact that they make the lore, so they get to make the rules.
“Ah but it’s a retcon you see. You just can’t change things willy nilly because it affects the integrity of the current universe.” Then fail to mention the mountains of other retcons that were made over the years that nobody gets this worked up over. Like me’dan being literally deleted or Sylvanas’s face markings being changed because the artists thought it would be cool.
And then people meme on this type of thing like “no one’s being transphobic it’s just about the lore”. You can scroll up this thread (and others) and find plenty of people suggesting that Chromie is some kind of predator because of it.
Yeah no, the thing is, is actual transphobia lol and for the first time I’m able to actually see it. It’s disgusting.
I think if Chromie being trans is enough to make you feel inspired or represented, more power to you.
Damn new Waggle Action Jaina
It’s a special brand of funny to see people who peddle falsehoods, gaslight others, and slur women acting all outraged and righteous all while waving the flag of progressivism.
2021 is a strange year.
I would still find them more attractive than you, m8
No one has slurred women.
so the dragon just wanted to be a lolie…
I remember Brise and Malgorok because they’re bae.
Yeahh that makes him kinda weird…
…What the hell did I just read?
Not in this thread. But the same posters have repeatedly slurred, silenced and dismissed women elsewhere.
So it’s amusing in a twisted way to see them get so righteously outraged at perceived hate.
You’ll have to give more information because right now it’s x to doubt.
How exactly were people slurring and silencing women?
he claimed alot of lies lol
goblin cannon being shot in BFA
Xpac after Legion being dragon based