Jesus can’t we just have an video game with good story and characters that make sense in it’s world. Rather than stuff getting randomly changed to fit whatever random political views some weirdo in the company gets.
Yes we’re all very proud of you blizzard you made gay pride shirts and a gender bending magic dragon just in time to milk the lgbtqss pride day/week/month.
At least this confirms all the erp spells can be canon that are used in Goldshire so… we’ve got that going for us.
All of the dragon aspects can choose their humanoid form and gender at will… Most pick one and are fine with it… Its just magic, nothing trans about it.
But it does because people can be trans and be “out” whenever they want. Some real people don’t come out until much later in life. Did they retcon their own sexuality? Lololololol
I swear y’all so dense and up in arms about a trans character for no reason. Wow actual lore gets retconned and changed constantly, heck this whole expansion is a retcon.
Stop being babies and accept chromie is trans and always was, y’all wherent that smart to realize it so that’s on y’all.
I would think for some reason why they went back on Chromie is because Pelagos was the trans rep. The thing is that barely anyone cared. Many people didn’t even know he was trans until other players pointed it out, so they decided to alter an already established, well-received character that you still get to see with Chromie Time. Shrugs Just pulling out why’s and maybe’s anyway.
IMHO, can’t say that I care what she is but good on her. Sooo can we please just have a good story instead of going back an altering characters for the sake of?
Y’all are weird, you guys are alright with the whole dragon being able to transform into various mortal races. But then you somehow manage to make a megathread over said dragons being able to switch their gender