Confirmed Chromie is trans

'Tis proper logic, thou meanst.

Had we such threads I would urge posters thereof thither.

'Tis not arbitrary. There is a thread whither it belongeth, and so thither ought it be.

Away with thy moral chicanery.
Or don’t. I cannot thee control.
I bid thee well either way, though, craven who dared not thy reply linketh to yon post to which thou didst clearly meanest to respondest.

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If anything that just shows Fynn is Bisexual.


Stop with that crap. Leave if you’re going to try that phobia bull. This thread is fine. Don’t turn it into toxic junk.

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i don’t get what the big deal is about, just mentioning that in-game venrik mention’s flynn talking about a girl with hair ‘like raven-down’ or some other romantic-crap like that (it’s been a while since i did bfa stuff, gimme a break). it’s been confirmed it was taelia.

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Right then the Wranduin fans can just say Anduin is bi as well, but the gatekeeper will not like it until we submit to their headcanon.

I’m just familiar with that particular posters’ history and modus operandi.

Newsflash. This thread was already toxic from the beginning.


Anduin so far has only showed interested in woman.

Unlike Fynn who is confirmed to had a crush on Taelia at one point and its dating Matias


I don’t give a crap. I’m sick and tired of you people immediately going “YOU DON’T LIKE IT YOU’RE PHOBIC” and constantly trashing others. This thread was fine until you and Talonel came in here with that crap.


imo, anduin can be bi.

but uh… we have’nt seen him have any romance with dudes yet. just close friendship with wrathion (really, REALLY close).

It might have been listed as this thread has roared on, but I found this:
The quotes at ~1:25 in and the subsequent one at ~1:50 in might back things up a bit, or rather counter the thread’s title.


Ding ding ding we have found a modicum of basic thinking skills.


They already stated that him and Wrathion are good friends and nothing more.

You’re awfully triggered.

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Warcraft magazine about the dragons published by Blizzard confirmed it back in 2010.


that’s what i’m sayin! they’re close buddies.

…but if blizz came-out and said anduin was bi or whatever, i would’nt be phased/surprised.

That doesn’t mean you can shut fan theory because that’s what the story has shown to you so far. This is how you get another Flynn and Shaw. When will you learn to not assume until it happened?

Ah yes, capitulating to the woke mob to get woke points and retconning established lore is framed as “the bullies caused the truth to be twisted! The story was a leftist dream to begin with if it weren’t for those darned bigots!”


Newflash, people have been talking about lore and not who is phobic. Leave that bull out of it.


You came in here to harass someone. I’m not the one triggered.


Says the guy that assumes Anduin is bi…