Confirmed Chromie is trans

The wolf form for casters is kind of why? thing though.

Pull the trigger on a rifle and its wolf time?

Also genn fights often not in gilnean human form. LIke in legion…he goes wolf form only when he needs the boost. The airship fight in legion he is human for most of it.

Sort of like in a Bruce lee movie. He’s not truly fighting…until the shirt comes off.

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Is remarkably scarce for a thing purported to be common, I do find.

in HOTS she says “chronormu is not a male name and you clearly don’t understand dragons culture”


If you would actually read my comments you would see I’m the one along with a couple others bringing common sense into this thread

i agree with this point, it’s got good logic.
but uh… little sidenote: lemmie point out it’s the same for all our characters, since we can go back-and-forth between genders like it’s nothin at the barbershop. sure, we can’t do it willy-nilly like chromie, but… y’know, we can swap the genders (and races if we cough up irl cash).

Are you?

Cause youre the one getting way too aggressive to force your point of view on us.

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I do not recall mentioning any one person in particular.
Thou needst not be so on edge; relax, 'tis but disagreement on a forum.

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It’s not a point of view it’s literally the way things are it’s written in the terms of service and it’s written in the copyright law.

It’s blizzards game it is up to them what direction they take it in end of story they own it. Legally speaking you do not get a say so until you become an investor in the company

This is not a point of view it’s literally the way it is


most definately

yeah hes the type to probably attacking someone while screaming at their face for not agreeing with them

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Freaking again, your audience matters, their opinion matters.

Youre making a product, and youre selling it to them, if you fail and they leave you, its your fault.


so you are saying everything you been saying and all your thoughts are completely irrelevant as much and anyone else posting on the forum, so stop being so aggressive to everyone while you demean everyones lives


Huh. Blizzard had stated on the forums and in the Official Warcraft Magazine that due to the naming convention not being established, that the name “Chronormu” wasn’t a ‘male’ name at the time, and Chromie was simply female.

Yes, this is a retcon. At least it’s a very minor one, though. Does feel a bit… cheap and inorganic. Pelagos felt more organic. The ex-night warrior and his husband in Ardeanweald felt more organic. This feels like… I don’t know, just feels a bit forced.


I wouldn’t sweat it the guy is clearly a toxic and mean troll

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Because no one in the whole thread can find where blizz said this and link it for people pretending it never happened the trolls keep flagging everyone. If literally one person can post where the devs confirmed this it will stop they ignorant trolls. At this point I think blizzard deleted it before wowhead even posted their article. They are notorious for doing stuff like this over retcons and controversies because when they do then anyone defending or speaking up takes al lthe blame and fall because they can no longer just post the official words from blizzard anymore


It’s been retconned, Chromie is a male dragon transforming to female gnome now.

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HOTS isn’t even canon :woman_shrugging:


Yes and people have issue with how manipulative, mercenary, and agenda-pushing it is.


Please stop. Lie upon lie.

HotS events are not canon. But HotS does not change the characters’ base identities.