Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

There is already a term for that. It’s called nostalgia.
You’re needlessly convoluting terms that don’t need to be to form an insult out of it. It’s not a boomer thing to feel nostalgic, everyone regardless of the generation can feel nostalgic.

And you’re right, someone nostalgia is not necessarily relevant to answers today’s challenges and expectations of the game.

Maybe read the post I replied too.

Zoomers. Utterly embarrassing people need their hands held as they get spoon fed the answers to everything.

Meh it was brought up because the poster I replied too was asserting that pro-flyers are all lazy, hate grinding, and expect everything delivered too them while they afk in town.

I don’t have any problem at all with grinding or working for something. I do have a problem with blizzard making busywork out of non work just so they can make non-work take longer, so they are then required to do less on their end to still meet their “player engagement” quotas.

Having a bunch of nails in your tires that makes you constantly stop at gas stations to pump them up (because you arnt allowed to patch them) will keep you super busy, but it’s not useful. This is the same thing.

Silly rabbit.

Don’t you realize you’re supposed to let the liars keep lying about you and what you want and do?


Personally, if someone calls me lazy and uninterested in world content and they don’t have either, much less both of the 10,000 daily/WQ achievements (that I happen to have), I’m going to drop their opinions about how wonderful grinding world content is straight into the garbage.

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I’m so close to those haha, they go by quick.

Gonna farm those legion cache mounts you know how it is I’m sure.

Farming them up SUCKED.

Legion, where getting exalted with a faction started not to mean a damn thing.

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Ahh I don’t mind it, I only do the warden ones though (fly here and kill 1 thing).

Lots of time to get it done, but yea lol you are right.

I will say the Legion caches are a perfect example of why players probably value open world content less than they used to. It was the first expansion where the faction mounts were placed in RNG caches and not simply vendor purchases.

Fixed rewards with fixed methods to achieve them, even if those method might take months to complete, are better than grinding for RNG loot boxes that will disappoint the vast majority of the time. When effort and time are replaced with luck - and effort is usually gated by the availability of appropriate content - what is the motivation to put in more than the bare minimum?


I had guildmates who it either took forever to get the Valarjar Stormwing or they never got it and in the meantime I think it dropped at least 2 or 3 times for me. Speaking of the Valarjar Stormwing. I was annoyed they introduced this really cool new model and only gave us one or two to have as mounts.

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I’m totally fine with no flying till late in the expansion.

Keep in mind that Dragonflight is not like other expansions. No flying does not mean we’ll be stuck on the ground the whole time.

We’ll be flying almost from the start … but with the new physics engine that gives a more realistic feeling of flight.

I expect initially players will complain a lot. Until dragon flying skill is leveled up it will feel quite limited. More like gliding with short range. Also players will take time to get used to the system.

But once players get used to it and once dragon flying skill goes up, hopefully players will like it more than regular WoW flying.

The devs are quite right in saying that WoW flying has no physics involved. It’s a way to get from point A to point B, but doesn’t feel realistic at all. WoW has needed a new flight model for some time. It’s nice to see them finally try something to implement it.

While these particular statements from the devs are correct, the conclusions they have drawn from them are not. Who cares if it’s “not realistic”? This is a game, nothing is realistic. Flying makes traversing the world they made more fun and relaxing. It’s one of several reasons why BC/Wrath/Cata/MoP were more fun than anything after they put in Crapfinder.


They’ve learned nothing


omg…this sounds like it was written by a very young person. :baby:t2:

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Why because some dude thought he was better than me in a video game and all he did was kill npcs?

How dumb can people get.

Calling people names and bragging about your ‘legendary’ status is pretty immature.

My game play was pretty legendary, im sure most 2400 players gameplay is.

Legendary would imply people know who you are. I doubt your father even knows you.

Why are you here then.

Lmao, legendary can mean a lot of things there is legendary items in WoW are they famous people? Why are the wq andies whos best gameplay in WoW are killing npcs so butt hurt that they made a bad game and everyone is quitting because they are losing faith in their ability to make a good game.

Dont hate me for pointing out the obvious to apparently clueless people :laughing:

Every time you make a thread about flying i am forced to re-live this video. I replay the parts that hurt me the most when they don’t hurt me enough.