Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

No, I really just think you are stupid, bad at the game and want to ruin it for millions of others.

Yeah, that is pretty much you in a nut shell. You finally admitted it even though you have to project it.

Are you like 3 years old, I know you are but what am I? You are a true beaner kid

you get flying via dragons. stop spreading false info because you arent able to fly on your golden pig right at launch

Awwwww, am I upsetting the “Legend”. He’s even started using racial slurs he’s so upset.

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Lmao. I am a legend compared to you peak my 2400 arena. That is legendary to people. The fact is that I am a way better player than you ever will be. So no you are wrong and trolling. SO its pretty funny.

I have pre-nerf insane. Almost done bigger bag, hit 4 horse pre-bc then muru bc.

Not having flying is just clownshoe timewasting for the sake of it. It’s not about avoiding a grind, it’s about arbitrary nonsense with no benefit.

I suppose if you don’t value your time at all, then blizzard putting endless meaningless obstacles in your path isn’t a big deal.


Yes, the 9% of the player base that actually participates in rated PvP. Your very impressive.

There’s that copium again. A PvPer using his status to assume he’s a better player when the rest of the game is too hard for him to play. Lmao

I wouldnt play pvp either. They made the game trash over years, im surprised anyone plays at all, they are lucky they have mindless wq andies like you arround lol.

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THis guy legit kills npcs in the open world in 2022 and is tryna say hes a better player than me, This is what is wrong with WoW these days.

Oh no, I play the game and enjoy myself. The travesty that I a former raider who got burnt out on raids got called a world quest andy by a city sitter who can only complain about having to play.
Stupid blizzard how dare I enjoy something less mindless than sitting in org and waiting for queues.

Yes, your elitesest cancer saying the game must be tailored to you and not the majority of the player base is what is wrong with WoW these days. Thank you for outing yourself for us to see the example of the problem.

An example of factors would be to keep the expac thematically coherent as to enhance immersion into the world of dragons.

That’s a bold move with a huge potential in both positive and negative way.
They have all the interest in the world to make it work.

I’ll hold off on the “It’S JUst GLiDing DUhHhH” and “iT’s cLeArlY GoINg tO S***” since no one actually got to try it yet.

Everything this guy says I wish I could see this guy. I wish I could see the guy typing all this nonsense at me LOL. You retired from killing npcs to kill some more npcs, good job.

What im saying is that the game should be tailored to be a game that is playable for everyone incudling but not only your dumb wq andie azz

THey can easily have an opt in no fly challenge for people who would be into that. you can get Mikazgrim and like 10 others in the world to do it.

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That would only hurt your feelings more.

Listen if raids are too difficult for you I won’t judge. They can be grueling, especially if you’re bad at the game and the raid leader yells at you a lot. I feel like I’d of had to yell at you a lot.

Good thing it is then. You can sit in the city and queue up for PvP all day long; won’t have to fly anywhere. How dumb do you have to be to complain about how hard flying is to obtain the bash someone playing the part of the game that is really the only part that gets any benefit from the flying, and that you clearly wouldn’t want to do anything but city sit even if you had flying…wait…your level a dumb. Answered my own question.

Raiding is really easy. But the more people I need to rely on to play the game that isnt really the game mode for me, Luckily over the years they made raiding, pvp and M+ all give similar rewards, so they ended up making it tailored more towards me.

Allowing me focus on one area of the game and trickle over into others. Creating a game that I didnt feel burdened to log on.

No one is impressed with stuff you did 15 years ago. Why do boomers always bring up this stuff.

Very few boomers play this game, not that they don’t exist but you’re much more likely to be talking to someone from Gen X or Millennials.

This is not accurate at all. It’s like a lie you are telling yourself to normalize something because of your confirmation bias.

But yeah, blatantly false


Boomer, in this case, is a mindset. Saying stuff like “I used to raid heroic lich king 25 man” or “I killed Muru back in BC” has the same energy as “Back when I was in 'Nam” or “I was the star quarterback on my high school team.”

It’s cringe and weird.