Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

Pathfinder can be obtained by simply playing the game… it’s made up of campaigns and quests and exploration. GAWD it isn’t hard!

You mean an entire new population of players who could double the money for the company, or keep in a bunch of pointless timegates. They are fixing a lot of the time gates why do they think keeping flying gone is going to serve them, it wont in anyway. Slowing players down or controling what they do just feels bad. Why would I play a game like that or tell anyone else to play?

“Hit max level, got flight, gear from world content still kind of sucks, but at least I got flight. Time to start up the next alt and do it all again, because that’s all I do: World content over and over and over again. I always have things to do.”

  • Said me if I got flying on day one at level cap

Blizzard’s micromanagement of players like me with all of the time-gating and daily caps on progress kills more enthusiasm for this game than having flight on day one ever could.


People really think that youre guna get max level, get flying and quit? Well prolly if it has bfa/shadowland gameplay so if it does keep pathfinder suck out whatever blood you can tbh.

But if its legiony/mop style gameplay dont gate flying and you will get more customers simple.




You forgot about time gates and pointless rep grinds. If it was just the quest chains and exploration, it would be fine.

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No I had it right the first time. A whole group of people who complain about unlocking things by actually having to play the game and think the game should just be sit in the capital city queuing for PvP and M+.

Clearly you don’t, nor do any of your friends. Because the concept of actually playing the game seems to disturb you so.

I look at your character and youve not played a single game mode > : ( WTF

You mean I’m that casual player you said doesn’t have time for pathfinder…funny that.

Im a legend in WoW dude, I get 2k naked. No sometimes youre not guna have all the time in the world to play, and if I do log on the last thing I wana do is bunch of stupid grindinging I didnt ask to do.

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Sure you are buddy, I played from beginning of BC to the end of WotLK as a raider before my old account got hacked and I lost it.
I was a raid leader in Legion and BFA.
And I’ve never heard of you…so if you’re a legend in WoW it is only to yourself.

If you don’t want to play the game, go find a different game. Grinding has always been a part of this game since day one from levels to reps.

Im sure me and millions of other players will surely play better games if they do indeed make this one trash like they have been and keep WQ andies like you around to buy boosts and race changes because that is the extent to their game play.

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Just breath all the copium in you need bud. To make yourself feel better. We’ll ignore the fact the only boosts I’ve ever gotten was the ones from the xpacs and the only race change I ever bought was because I wanted my main to be a nightbourne instead of a Bloodelf in Legion.

But go on, continue going on your tiraide about how the game doesn’t cater to the lowest percentage of players by making them play the game.

Yep, I have quit WoW several times since WoD came out and my flying mounts were locked behind Crapfinder. I am back to play classic, as in BC/Wrath I can fly at max level again. lol

I am cautiously optimistic on dragon flight, but if it’s too limiting after max level I’ll just stick to classic Wrath.

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Lmao took you 10 minutes to regurgitate that cringe.

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I mean you have been rather cringe. You should really get the self projection of yours checked.

They are making gear not matter in pvp. That alone makes the game worth playing, But if they gate flying at 70 it will be a bad game and people will quit, then they will change it.

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K there bud you sound like a straight sally to me.

If you think that killing level x2 mobs is indicative of some semblance of “skill” your bar for “skill” is so low that logging in is pro gaming alone.

There is that self projection of yours again. This is an odd defense mechanism to resort to, but what ever makes you feel better. :man_shrugging: