Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

Bam stick in dragonflight

I get what you are saying. But why should we even have to pay anything? We’ve already paid for our mounts and riding training multiple times over. The ability to fly should just be unlocked for us immediately when hitting max level.


After BC we always ahad to either pay or earn it:
Wrath: Cold weather flying
Cata: Flight Master’s license
MoP: wisdom of the 4 winds

All of these seem to at least be based on either teaching our mounts how to fly in the area (cold weather/wisdom) or getting a license to legally fly in areas (FML)

Aside from WoD, the earning flight seemed to be more based on the idea of taking care of ground threats to flight or earning the recognition so we would not be shot down by allies who spotted us flying.

So either engage and earn the recognition or pay for the “license” to fly, and the payment would likely not be a drop on the wallet for most people, In other words, you might have to pay, but it would just be a matter of getting to the flight trainer after you hit max level.

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This thread never ends…

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Yes I remember, but my point is even those were BS. We paid for the mounts and flight training already.

And you can fly ALL you want… except in the New zones. (and restricted areas)

There is no reason for it to be restricted in the new zones once you hit max level. At the very most, require completion of story quests without time gates. Anything more is just BS.


And what happens if, say for cold weather flying, your mount is not used to the colder temperatures?

Hey dingus, this is one part of what I said would be PF, you would not have to pay if you did this, the pay was the idea for those who were like “I’ll just queue for dungeons and level up that way”. If you don’t do the world content, you pay, if you pay you don’t have to do the world content. One or the other.

^ They should prolly hire you

That last quote was @Indaria, not you.

They should fire her.

Oh no. I cant just fly by everything. Darn.

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Eh, I just see things differently from most, like I see what is likely the best ways to do things, or at least the ways that will satisfy the most people.

However, I have zero clue on programming such in game, so even if I was hired it would likely just be as an idea man or consulting like position.

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“God mode engaged!!!” (flies over all mobs, obstacles, terrain, gets to objective, plays for 48 hours straight) “WAH… This expansion sucks! There’s nothing to do!”

– Said the Pro-Fly from Day One people in GD if they got their wish…

I think that a lot of people are really concerned that Dragonriding might actually require some skill to do well.

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I am 1/2 way expecting a low skill floor, I.E. just to get from one place to another, high ceiling which might be needed for races, stunts and the like.

Which would be amazing by the way. It would be super rad if actually being sick at flying was some what challenging.

This is the most baseless assumption and probably one of the dumbest arguments ive ever heard and trust me there is a lot of dumb arguments out there these days.


Okay I’m not gonna agree or disagree with any points being made in this thread but for the love of God is it sad to see the dip this community has taken. I thought it was bad all the way back in WoD but it seems like it’s just gotten worse, we all love this game for one reason or another after all of we didn’t we wouldn’t be here discussing it but this isn’t a discussion all of you seem to have you opinions of the topic and instead of discussing it nicely you attack and belittle each other and it’s just sad to see what the community surrounding this game has become.

But it’s right on. Everytime they allow things to get EASIER, that’s what happens. People burn through the content and then complain there is nothing left to do.

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