Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

The flaw with the flying restriction is that I see like rank 1 gladiators running threw zm on stream trying to get flying. What a crappy game design. Its a game were there is 1400 ret pallies crushing rank 1 gladiators in arenas.

Its a terrible game design. Why is flying so heavily restricted. It serves absolutely no one in the game. If you are a new player to WoW and you need flying in a bunch of diferent expansions. Its a bogus system.

If they say this way makes them more money and thats their only argument. They are just money drunk and cant see clearly. They are riding off the backs of the hard work of others and think they are doing good, its pathetic.

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In VR brings tears to my eyes. I never get over flying past stars. I could do it for hours.

I agree in the sense that once an expansion is “over”, I use this word since Blizz does little, if anything to incentivize players to return to old content, flying should than be immediately gifted upon completion of the story. For myself, it does not matter since I unlocked it when it was current. But as you said, for new/returning players, keeping it gated behind rep farm/grind is stupid. Unpopular opinion, in Dragonflight I to think it should be gated. I am unsure as to why people think they should be given it day one, the idea is silly to me

Ive seen the game they have been putting out, if I was putting out that same game im sure I would be gating the flying as well. Its just a way to keep someone playing a bad game longer.

If they made a good game however, they would want flying unlocked right away then more people could enjoy the beauty of the gameplay in its entirity, not just locked into some dead end grind.

Both models sell
 just one creates lasting subscriptions and the other one welll
 wears down a loyal costumer base over time.


I have to disagree, I think your argument insinuates that “flying=good gameplay”. Which isn’t true. If you require flying to find enjoyment in the open world than your mentality is sadly flawed. Remember WoW’s roots, even before your beloved MoP where the majority of the game took place from the ground up, not vice versa. I cherish those little off the beaten path moments in WoW’s history, where you felt a true sense of danger. Not what you are asking for, by means of just flying/skipping over the zone.

We had flying in MoP because there was good gameplay so they didnt need to put a crazy timegate on it, Infact in MoP I swear getting flying upon reaching max level was just the normal thing. It isnt that flying is good game play, Its that it gives the player the freedom to do whatever they would like to experience the gameplay in its full, not to be forced to run on the ground to do quests the entire expansion, That isnt gameplay.

Why do you think forcing players who just want to play WoW the way they want to play to do some crappy achievements is good gameplay?

No the memorable time in MoP was not leveling through the zones before I got flying infact I dont even remember that part of the game. But all of my memories I made in WoW come from that single expansion where flying was available right away, sure I can take away small minor things from other expansions I liked but none fill the cake by comparrison.


Some of us feel that if pathfinder was done right, it would have succeeded, by that I mean keep it to what was suggested when the initial flight debacle came about:
Hit max level
zone storylines
Honored-revered reputation (mainly what you could be expected to hit doing the storylines)
Exploration of the zones/world
Maybe, I repeat, MAYBE a handful of WQs, either to finish reps up or engage with the factions after the story.
Repeat exploration and story for new patch zones

We were also open to the idea of PF being account wide, so perfect for those with a lot of alts, and still having the ability to buy flight at max level if someone only had like 1-3 characters (or a number so small the account wide would not really matter for them).

None of this “do this and wait” BS, but as always, Blizzard took what could have been the best compromise and messed it up, possibly as payback for what some of the players were putting them through


The thing is that, none of those leveling quests or any of that actually provide no real meaningful experience for players. I mean im sure there is an audience who likes to explore the zones on foot and grind the reps.

The reality of it is that all of that stuff should be able to be skipped for a higher level player that is never going to need the rewards from those reputations. There should have been nothing more but toys and cosmetics gated behind reps and storylines.

I think having zones with no flying like timeless isle would have been a great idea, I am just confused at why they game devs are so sideways about people wanting to play the game and not have to jump through pointless hoops to play the game theyve always played it.

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I feel the same way but I want to see how BlizZard copies GW fight system. Failure to copy it properly will cause ripples of discontent.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

The idea would have been more based on doing the bulk of what was needed as a part of the expansion leveling. The hamstring comes at max level, everything done, but still no flight.

My question here is are the ones complaining the most the ones that did the quests, stories, exploration, etc. as they leveled up or are they the ones that sat around playing “queues of warcraft”. I am not saying that such is not a way to play, but if all you do is sit around in cities, garrison, etc. do you really need flight?

They can when you do them at least one time leveling up, and I al not talking about the older content meant to be sped through. There are those of us that actually want to immerse ourselves in the world, and can find meaningful experience as for us the story is what dives us, the exploration is a factor as well.

If you don’t care about the world, lore, etc. You can have your flight at max level by buying it, but let those of us that engage more get more. If you want the rewards, including gear (and it was not uncommon for rep gear, earned at honored to revered, to at least be a good starting point/supplement for fresh max levels). I will conceded that exalted rep should be toys, mounts and cosmetics. But storylines only gave a bare minimum gear wise, mainly just something to better aid in getting the good stuff or aid in leveling up.

For example, I was workin a full time job tough work at a lumber yard putting together orders, My buddy tried to get me into slands to do some arenas, It would have been impossible for me to even get flying let alone start doing arenas with him. Terrible game design.

And after day one flying, they went on to make all the patch content except the Barrens into no-fly zones. Even at launch, like half the initial dailies were in caves or used some sort of forced dismount gimmick as a work around for flying. One could argue this is a better model to solve the issue, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t an issue.

Contrary to popular opinion, the war on flight didn’t start with WoD. They’ve been struggling with flight since the moment it was introduced. Hence the Sunwell patch, in the very expansion which added flight, being a no-fly zone.

Granted, as a player, you have no reason to care whether or not it’s harder for quest and level designers to make stuff, but ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away.

Well in WoD the expectations for pathfinder were just unreal.

I dont remember the legion one it must not have been that bad.

Bfa was terrible no flying the whole time till after mechagon

Slands is redic too I would rather sit the expansion out than grind the pathfinder.

Yes I do want flying if I dont wana do the quests. I want the option to go do whatever I want, one of my fav things to do in Pandaria was there professions, Fly around and herb and alchemy, did miner and jc on priest. Flying around in Pandaria was great, Not to mention all the experiences I had that would never have been possible if I didnt have flying.

In WoD I was condemned to a city to que. Its a really bad game design.

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Dragonflying looks fun and will be more than fine for the expac.

Legion’s was just like WoDs, only thing was we knew we were getting it and when, and could work on it from the start.

Agreed, my question was more about those that, even if they had flight, would not step one foot out of the city.

No it wasnt, I automattically got legion flying. I did not look up how to get it or anything WoD flying by the time I looked up how to get it, I would have played for the same length of time trying to get it as I did up until that point.

I was playing Legion from the start, it was a 2 part meta achievement, WoD’s was 1-2 parts, but that was due to how long the devs hmmed and hawed about it.

Remember the list I stated? A lot of them were things that would come naturally if people were playing in a way that actually got them out in the world, so one might not notice it if they were not paying attention.

There is also the fact that, after Legion, any but the most recent former expansion had the requirements lifted.

Yeah I agree, and I have said in the past that pathfinder could have certainly been a reasonable compromise. But at the end of the day, even if it were a reasonable compromise, I still believe that it would be a terrible game design

WoW is a good game. They do not need to put up pointless barriers to entry and put systems in place to make people not want to play it seems counter intuitive to me like I dont understand the design philosophy that forces people do something they dont want to do in order to get to something they like
 wouldnt the answer for most be to simply not play if they arent enjoying it.

Why dig through piles of crap to find one hidden gem?

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Which is why I wanted both ways in game, PF for those low on gold or more likely to engage with the world and unlocks flight account wide while those who had the gold, or did not care to engage/had few characters could buy it once at max level.