Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

Imagine not playing an expansion because of no flight until late in the expansion instead of because the expansion is gonna be terrible.

People complained about not having enough to do so the answer was to take the most boring mundane part of the game and stretch it out for about half of every expansion?

Pretty sure pathfinder was never going to solve that issue the only thing it did was make the players resent the company and eventually leave.


if you dont want to use the dragon riding and just want to afk on flying mounts then usee the flight paths. what a dumb thing to complain about

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Well I probably wont play anyway, This company used up all my good graces. Unless they actually make a good game I wont buy it. I dont believe them that they are listening to feed back, I dont believe them that they are trying to make a playable game.

I dont care about dragonriding. It can be cool whatever.

I do care about all the years I had to put up with the stupid pathfinder though so if that isnt addressed im sure like myself a ton of players just wont get it.

I probably will not buy dragonflight, I have no faith in them making playable classes, no faith in them making playable in game systems or delivering a finished product.

They seemingly have a private server called assension that has been up since 2016 with over 100k players, It has to be owned by blizzard or else a private server that size would get shut down. Its got chromie and some other shadowlands npcs. Its a terrible server btw, just as bad as the modern games theyve been putting out since WoD.

The current WoW game devs cannot make a good expansion if their life depended on it. They dont know what good game play is. They are guna take the best game on earth and burn it in a fire with their terrible game designs. That is exactly what weve seen been playing out.


Y’ok… you are persistent.

Wrong, as far as I’m concerned, But persistent.

The thing is thought that im 1000% right, and no game has come close to actually being able to compete with WoW and what is capable of at a core level in regards to game play. But instead of making that the focus of the game they made it ALL about pointless lengthy grinds that were made to keep you logged on in playing and it worked up until BFA thats when people started to realize that is not a repeatable game motto.

BFA and Shadowlands were both designed to suck life out of players and to not actually be a playable game.

Going from WoD onward the focus of the game was to make a profitable game and not a playable one. THe only reason it worked for them is that they built a loyal player base that would have followed them no matter what they did, because they knew they could put out a great game.

If they went with the WoD theme, with MoP game play, flying at 100. Warcraft would have gotten better. The worst thing about MoP was panadas? You litterally had the best expansion about pandas, then cut the gameplay in half put pathfinder and had orcs.

You sneaky greedy company with nothing but sticky fingers.


Well… Wow… just wow. I think I’ll tip toe away because you sound seriously triggered and bitter toward a game company. That isn’t healthy for you, Dude. If I felt as strongly as you do toward a company, I don’t think I’d be hanging around their forums anymore.

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Its just the truth :hugs:

It’s ridiculous to make you get your character to renown 44, and complete a main quest of a patch to unlock flying? SL doesn’t even have a Pathfinder Achievement. It’s literally just do the main content of the game, and then be handed it for your account.

Make rank 1 gladiators run around in a stupid zone thats a bad timeless isles remake chase around a bunch of rares and stuff. Its a terrible game design. Slands flying sucks ill never finish it in my life.

So you’re not actually complaining about flying in SL at all. You’re specifically complaining about flying in Zerith Mortis which can literally be achieved in like 2-3 hours of gameplay if you haven’t done any of the weekly campaign quests.

So the main flying of shadowlands, accomplishable just by playing the main story.
Zerith Mortis flying, 2-3 hours of work.

The fact that you can’t finish and say it’s terrible game design when it is the lowest effort Pathfinder they’ve put in for a single zone; says more about you then the game design sucking.

What it says about me is that I think its a bad game and I wont play it. Make all the false assumptions you want, But the flying in shadowlands sucks, it doesnt matter how much all the other pathfinders sucked as well lol


Youre telling me there is actually 2 diferent flying one for zm and one for slands? its even worse than I thought LOL


I mean your free to that opinion. But you are saying Shadowlands flying in general sucks. Meaning you are complaining about what it took to get flying in Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweld, and Revendreath as well, which were literally just play the main story.
Zerith Mortis is the only one that had an achievement tied to it and it takes like 2-3 hours if you’re not being a baby about it.

Based on you argument and this statement

You actually have no clue what is going on or the state of flying. You just like complaining about things and have found something to latch onto.

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Hey dude, im just saying facts about how the company has been pointlessly gating flying the whole time and losing a bunch of players because of it, Its a really stupid system for anyone who wants to play casually. I could have played shadowlands all year with the time I had at the time and got absolutely no where.

So you can claim that it was no work and it was easy. But you have no idea, BFA and shadowlands have been complete jokes as far as progression, catchup flying all of that its all just a gated mess.

WoW turned into a theme park for its customers but its not actually a playable game outside of them. Outside of the poor smucks theyve conditioned to put up with their abuse, No one is going to play it.


BS. The most successful expansions had flying available from the start at max level.


That’s weird…because I play casually. Maybe 1-2 hours a weekday, 4 or more on the weekend and I’ve always managed to get pathfinder since WoD.

Strange again, because I had no trouble in BFA, and as far as SL I quite playing for 3 months, came back, and had flying for SL in general unlocked within a day because of the renown catch up and just doing my covenant quests.

This is seeming more and more like you’re the one who has no idea, and are making baseless claims.

Yup and Blizzard sure is winning! They managed to get rid of those die hard flyers by sticking to their guns and those players dropping their sub and quitting!



You must be one of those guys whos main game play is getting pathfinder then or something and thats a rare breed because whoever can enjoy doing somethin like that… Idk what to say other than… lameeee whats what I would expect from a WoW player way to give us a lame nerdy steriotype guy wants to go do a bunch of lengthy time gates for flying and crap. LOL I aint gettin my buddies to play that lemme tell ya ra na

You mean I actually play the game and don’t sit in a capital city all day and spam queues.

Oh no, I’ve been called a nerd for actually playing WoW. Clearly I am the fool for going into the game and actually playing by doing WQs, grinding reps for rewards, and collecting trading mats. Wait…no…except for the WQs that has been the game play since it launched way back in 2004.

Oh thank god. Last thing this game needs is more people that think the entirety of the game should just be them queuing for PvP and M+, and that there is no game beyond that, and clogging up the forums with their complaints of having to play the game like the rest of us to get something they want.