Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

I want to to see that in writing or it’s hearsay.

I actually listened to the interview. Ion said they planned on flying mounts possibly a few months into the expansion. He also acknowledged that people had huge mount collections and knew they wanted to use them. It was Ion’s own voice. What more do you want them to do. I was happy to hear this myself. I suggest you go and listen for your selves.

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Traveling to your objective in a quicker and more efficient manner is not skipping content. You still have to DO said objective, when you get there.


Skipping hazards or challenges placed around objectives to beeline the goal is absolutely skipping content. The problem is the content no one enjoys.

I don’t think you understand, or you are one of those trolls that hangs about waiting for a kill shot with no effort on getting the kill.

The new flying will get you there on time, there is no difference to the current flying, but unlike the current flying the new flying is going to force you to land and therefore be in danger, which will put you in combat and force you to actually engage in combat instead of just hanging about to the side waiting for that one hit free kill to happen.

If you’d rather not play the game than you are free not too, but I would rather players not be that guy, I’d prefer if everyone who was in the area waiting for the kill to actually put in some effort instead of being a leech.

You are deliberately misrepresenting it. That’s because you’re a troll.

We have no evidence that this is true.

We have no evidence that this is true.

So we’re going to miss the tag and you think that’s a great thing, because you’re a raid logger who never goes out in the world.

If you’d rather not play the game with other people, continue to lobby for changes that both you and the devs are fully aware will result in a loss of players.

Maybe they should lock the bosses so only the people who have been waiting there long enough can tag him. Anybody who hasn’t been sitting there for an hour waiting for a spawn will have to wait another hour. That way you can be sure only people who deserve to kill him are permitted to.

Are you like this in real life, too? Because despising most players and wanting them to suffer sounds like a problem for you.

By the way, unlike you I don’t have anything against someone showing up to get the tag at the last minute. I don’t hurry up and kill that thing to keep them from killing it, to fix them for not being there already. I hold back until they can tag it.

Why do you play a game with other people in it if you’re all about trying to find ways to punish them?


No I think you are deliberately trying to make an argument to prove me wrong because I see it all the time, players hanging about waiting to get an easy kill that takes minimal effort. Maybe you are one of those trolls who lets others put in all the effort just so you can get your no effort kill.

We actually do, they provided some basic videos on how flying is going to work and it’s basically GW2 flying, especially early on where you can just fly like some UFO.

Yeh you are 100% either missing the point or purposely trying to make an argument just so you can ‘win’ and prove yourself right, how can people like you sleep at night?

The point is I want to play with other players, I just don’t want other players to leech off the efforts of those around them. I don’t want players to ‘show up just on time’ or ‘sorry I was AFK’ when in fact they were waiting for that moment to get an easy kill. I don’t want players to do what they were doing in ZM and tagging rares and leaving to tag the next rare and than leave to tag the next rare leaving others to get them a free kill. And I don’t want to play with others who “I’m doing my best” and end up where a hunter has their AA damage as their top damage.

I just want to play with players who are going to actually try, it’s quite a simple request, and I fully support Blizzard making changes that will in essence force others to put in some effort.

Well, I hope that is not the case, always ready to fight to get flying back sooner rather than later. Shouldn’t have to fight though, it should be that if you spend 5k on 1 character then flying is unlocked in every zone even new expansions off the bat. But nope the community here is hellbent on not having fun.


I’m with you when it comes to flying but until we see how dragonflight is, I will hold judgement. The thing is that right now we wait until halfway to three quarter way through an expansion to fly - if I will eventually get to use all my mounts then I am OK with that. If they make this dragonflight a pain in the butt, I will be very upset but from what I see, they are making your skills account-wide, so you only need to reach “dragon-flight” grinds once.

Let’s see more when alpha comes out and provide the solid feedback.

In fantasy games we can do anything, it is like saying Superman can fly but cannot hover yet in the comics he can do exactly that.

Games do not always need to have a real-life comparison.


What other item in WoW has increased in cost due to inflation?


flight shouldnt be any more than the price of a token.

I saw right through this the day the info all came out. Sure, there won’t be any time-gated systems related to player power, but it’s going to be incredibly difficult/slow/impossible to get to your destination if you don’t level your flying.
And the way they’re going about it is sneaky and dishonest. They’re careful with their words so as to not lie to us, but leaving out the whole truth is still abusive and toxic


That very well could be a possibility and maybe even enjoyable, but all indications with how carefully they’ve been wording things seems like it’s going to be painfully slow and annoying at the start.
The other issue is with the statement they made that “regular flying is something long term planned for later”. In other words, players cannot fly on their regular mounts until towards the end of the expansion, which is unacceptable.

Players have put in so much real life time and hours into getting AotC or CE mounts from raids and completely all raid achievements for other mounts. Some players have pvp’d so hard from bottom of toxic pugs up to gladiator status to get prestigious mounts. Others have farmed old raids for weeks or months or years to get other mounts. Some spent absurd amounts of gold from a vendor mount or on the AH.

I get that the devs want players to use their new gimmick for the xpac’s theme to start but reg flying needs to come much sooner than later, and people need to make it loud and clear about this issue.


Okay. Next time you accept a quest that’s over on the other side of the map, why don’t you just walk all the way over there - fighting every single animal, going around every huge mountain, and swimming through every body of water along the way, and tell me how much fun and not at all time consuming that was.


how can people shoot lightning bolts from their hands? how can they float this huge city over northrend? Hot can we step through a portal and end up in the outlands? How can gnomes carry 23 great swords in their back packs?


Imagine being mad that they’re turning a boring part of the game into gameplay.

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Just arbitrarily stringing players along before they can fly…dressed up slightly different.


We never hover in midair forever, we hover as long as we need to, to get something we want. Various things can hover - birds can, helicopters can, and we have both those things in WoW.

I don’t give a rat’s buttocks what some other game has done. I am not playing that other game, I am playing WoW, the game that has had flight in its current form from the second expansion.

So for an action that is done infrequently by the occasional player you would remove something that is used by everyone all the time? Yeah, right, that makes total logical sense…not.

I’ll use the old response to no-flight types: if you dont want to use flight, don’t use it. Just dont suggest the rest of us should give up the ability to use hundreds of mounts we have collected over a decade or more.


More timegates is what I got from this. I’m not a huge fan of QoL changes being locked behind weekly timegates. Like this patch for instance it was just completely overdone.

Didn’t get legendary for a few weeks. Didn’t get flying for another few weeks. Didn’t get access to creation catalyst for 2 months after launch. Still slowly unlocking charges on the catalyst…

They’re probably going to keep doing the timegates to milk sub money. It really does reek of desperation