Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

They already described dragon riding as a mini game.

That doesn’t mean it has to be a hassle, if it can get me up the vertical hellscapes that Blizz seem to be in utter love with, then it’s more effective than finding a different path up. If it’s some spammy dumb cluster of bad excuses to timegate me then I’m just going elsewhere.


don’t want dragonflying and i don’t care if it was stated later you can just fly if they want everyone to shut up should just have the option to do either at the same time. so for the ones who think there gonna love it have at it i don’t want no part of it. i don’t care what gw2 has i play wow for wow i don’t need garbage from another i don’t like and it seems theirs just as many people who don’t want it as their is people who do. options blizz you say your listening well lets see. imagine how much more peaceful this game would of been when you took over and this obsession with just not leaving flying alone.


I know right, it makes as much sense as having a giant sword stuck into your planet, throwing fireballs from your hands and rubbing a rock to teleport to your local inn.

No, I’d prefer the system we had since TBC. The one where we don’t get locked out of flight until we jump through enough timegated hoops.


Those actually aren’t the only two options. The idea that characters would have to pay a massive amount of gold to get flying is just a Forum Talking Point™ that has no real basis.

And saying “free flying as soon as we finish some tasks” is disingenuous, given we don’t have details about how much work is involved and how long the time gating will be.


I am pretty sure they confirmed that it would only come later in the expansion and never said the end of it. But if I am wrong by all means prove me wrong and I will get the pitchforks back out. I want to keep my flying mounts.


So in other words you prefer not getting to the rare in time to tag it. Often or usually.

Do you think the main purpose of being out in the world is to kill the same random valueless trash mobs every day on our way to our objectives? Do you do this even though you can fly because the game has been designed like that, or do you skip the trash?

If you’d rather kill the trash, you currently are free to.

There have been several threads speculating on this, but I don’t believe it was actually ever said.


After you unlock dragon riding to a certain point you should also be able to use all of your normal mounts to fly too. Seems like a decent compromise. But if this is as bad as it sounds it might make me not want to play as much. Considering the zones are huge and if you’re gimped severely with “gliding”, I’ll be stuck on my ground mount running across what equates to Icecrown’s size. Not going to be fun.


They had some sort of interview today where it was confirmed we would get to fly on our regular flying mounts sometime during the expansion but not right away, it never alluded to being the end of the expansion though.

I’m not going to hunt down the exact quote. But often what they say can be interpreted differently by people with different levels of cynicism.

Between this and feeling a Dragonflight expansion should have come after Wrath, if anything… I’m just not interested.

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Oh, I know where it is too, unfortunately, it says 2 different things. Wowhead posted about it with a caption that outright says we will get to fly on your normal flying mounts. But then you click the link and it says something a little more vague than that so.


They’ve made it clear we WILL get flying on our mounts.

The issue is they’ve built this whole timegated system as an expansion feature, and they’ve confirmed real flying won’t be available until “later”.

All signs point to a worse timegate than Pathfinder.


really? how could it be worse?
at least you are able to move through the air beforehand.
Besides, as long as you engage with the available content, Pathfinder was never a real problem.

Because pathfinder has been a slap in the face of the players since WoD. One of the dumbest things they’ve added in the game.

You must play the way that is invisioned by the devs or else you cannot fly in that expansion for the next 5 years.

Dragon riding is so bad and worse than regular pathfinder because they would go to any length just to have players not be able to use their flying mounts they have had since 2007.

The game devs have been consistently ruining this game since WoD and then telling you they know best. Well news flash they don’t.

If any logical person can put two and two together and see that bfa and shadowlands were terrible and dragonflight is made by the same devs and can’t possibly be much better.


I can goblin glide now.

from the ground upwards?

Watch dragonriding be way better than the current flying system/graphics/effects and then you eat crow.


I’ll be extremely happy if i’m wrong.