Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

So you agree that the content is the issue. Great.

Like I said, it’s AP 2.0 but nobody wants to listen.

Because you’re making a claim based on the context you take from the announcement of the feature which lacked any real details, the interviews that are still lacking in really in depth details, and completely ignoring we’ve not gotten alpha or beta feed back yet to validate your doom-saying in the slightest.
That’s pretty good reason for nobody to listen to you.

You do know this xpac is all about reworking flying right. Why would they put flying into the game when the whole xpac is about this new flying rework with new dragons and having flying abilities.

What are you not happy about? literally crazy town in here. Is it that you cant press Space bar and go straight up? i would take a flying rework over boring flying any day.

This guy points it out perfectly. There is no way blizz has the time to put new flying animations into all mounts so they have to limit it to the dragons in the new xpac, its not rocket science. And i am with him, transport in WOW is one of the most boring mounts and is so out dated. This is needed. BDO has better mounts and guild wars 2 has far better mounts and the dev team\player base is tiny in comparison. Wow needs a mount rework.

Essentially. Hell, this guy is proving the thing I’ve said about them wanting flying easier and easier; earlier and earlier, but none of them but this fella seem to be brave enough to say the quite part out loud.

then it was not based on the interview lol.

If blizzard want to improve the game and you dont like that the way they are improving the game IE Flying version 2. then WOTLK is there for you. You can press space bar and go right up its super fun

I wasn’t saying I didn’t want the improved flying. I was answering your question, and showing an example of the extreme they truely want it to got to.

“People won’t buy our 6 month sub packages? Well… now EVERYTHING in the game takes 6 months to grind out!”

-some vindictive dev, probably a jerk who is elitist.


If you actually think this is what they’re doing, you probably shouldn’t buy the expansion. There’s actual complaining about issues, and then there’s whinging for the sake of whinging without any basis in fact, which is exactly what you are doing right here.

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No, you probably shouldn’t buy the expansion.

People like you ruined Everquest and Everquest 2, Star Wars Galaxies and every other mmorpg that has ever existed, because you think mmorpg’s should be Hello Kitty Island Adventures level of Braindead easy. With “roleplaying” and “player housing” gimmicks.
“Farming” and “Mission Tables”. “Pokemon Pet Collections” and “Fashion Shows”.

Literal brain dead content that requires zero brain cells, aimed for kids but worshipped by adults for some strange reason.

So please, go play Everquest 2 and ruin that game. Leave this one alone.

This is Warcraft. Orcs Vs. Humans.

Not Disney’s “How to train your Cute Little Cuddly Dragon” craft.


Weird flex implying you know what I do or do not like, and what kind of content I do or do not engage with. Only thing I have to say to this is that calling roleplaying a gimmick when you’re playing a roleplaying game is… Interesting, to say the least.

I mean, there’s plenty of content for people to engage with that is more complicated/demanding. I typically prefer the complicated/demanding side, myself. My tendency is to ignore pets, mission tables, trivial world content, player housing, etc. I used to care about raiding, and I care about keys. 'bout it.

I mean, I’m not the fool that thinks they’re going to be ripping the “press 1/2/3” from the Maldraxxus flying quest and making that into Dragonriding.

Nobody’s seen how Dragonriding works in actual practice, only what we were shown in a technical short. You’re literally whinging about a feature just to whinge about it. Cease.

The technical short you are referring to, was enough to expose what the system actually is.

The Dragon, is a “Wintergrasp Vehicle” or, for intensive Purposes, a “Maldraxxus World Quest” mount.

The only difference is, it’s not on rails. So a little more like a Wintergrasp Vehicle, because you can turn left and right.

The dive bomb animation, is literally, a falling animation. When you press the dive bomb button on the dragon, visually, you see yourself diving downwards on the dragon. But computationally, you are actually falling.

While you are falling, an algorithm is tracking your fall distance (dive bomb distance), once you hit the button to shift out of “dive bomb”, and into “glide”. you are graphically and visually just seeing the dragon turn into something like a “Goblin Glider” or a druid shifting back into “Flight Form” after shifting out mid flight and falling.

Druids do this because fall speed is faster than flight speed so if you are at the top of a tower and need to do a world quest on the ground,. It’s faster to shift out of flight form, fall, then shift back into flight form before you hit the ground, than just flying downwards.

The dive bomb algorithm, keeps track of the distance you “fell” or “dive bombed” and then applies a movement speed buff to your dragon, once you enter glide mode.

This isn’t a physics change, this isn’t a flight model change.

It’s literally just taking the Druid Flight Form trick for Falling and re-entering flight form before hitting the ground, and adding an extra flight speed buff tacked on at the end based on your falling distance, to a Wintergrasp Vehicle, or a Maldraxxus World Quest Two Headed Wyvern.

It’s a wintergrasp vehicle. With Wintergrasp Vehicle Bar, and Wintergrasp Vehicle Buttons, and a dragon painted on.

The technical term, is called an “external actor”. It’s the entire limitation of Wow Vehicle systems since they scrapped Wintergrasp and Strand of the Ancients.

Wintergrasp is not a loved map. Strand of the Ancients was so hated, it’s been deleted from the game permanently. The reasons why those maps are hated is because, due to the “external actor” limitations in the WoW engine itself, they couldn’t actually do what was promised with either of those maps.

Wintergrasp was supposed to have flying combat vehicles…

Strand of the Ancients was supposed to be DOTA.

But due to limitations in the WoW engine itself, we got neither. We got whatever abomination they ended up with because the WoW engine is so old and limited.

This dragon, is the Abomination’s Baby.


Never saw that and never heard that. You’re the first person I’ve heard of to say this.

I could believe there’s a button for the rolling and such, but I’ve yet to hear of a “press x to dive” button.

Sure didn’t seem that way. It might wind up with an extra button or two for rolls (or even dives, you may be specifically right about that one part, nobody knows), but otherwise it seems to function mostly like I’d expect a flier with glide and velocity mechanics to.

Yeah, no… You don’t know this any more than anybody else does, but if we wanna be technical about it to that degree any and all movement in the game could be correlated to a Wintergrasp vehicle, no? You turn, you move… It’s really hard to quantify your point when you’re so vague about what exactly is being related to that.

Once again, you’re equating very different things to Dragonriding, which, once again, nobody knows nearly enough about to actually make that call on.

And there’s a reason I skipped over your entire condescending explanation. I’m perfectly aware of how, mechanically, this would work, whether or not there’s a dive “button”. I don’t need you to educate me on how this works.

I was simply pointing out that your assessment of it is premature. You seem rather hasty to pass judgment on something we’ve really seen almost nothing of.

Once again, nobody knows that or can say that with any degree of accuracy.

I’ll just end by saying this. You’re not talking to someone who regularly licks the boots of Blizzard here. I have no vested interest in “maintaining a status quo” or white knighting for Blizzard. If you dig through my post history you’ll find I do quite the opposite at times, where it’s due.

What I don’t do is try to speak as if I have a great deal of technical understanding and hands-on experience with a system that has seen nothing more than a slight feature showcase with no technical detailing. I also don’t try to pass judgment on systems that no player has seen outside of said slight feature showcase.

Lay off it until there’s actually enough information to judge it by. And once we have that information, if it’s as bad as you think it’s going to be now, I’ll be right there beside you in the camp of passing a negative judgment. But I’m not going to put the cart before the horse here.

i’m not gonna get on hands and knees and lick ion’s boots for giving me a crappier version of flying. we don’t exist to stroke ion’s ego. blizzard has forgotten that without customers they wouldn’t have jobs. if anything THEY serve us.


To be fair, Ion has already said they fully intend on still having a Pathfinder.

I’ll wait and see how this system looks in Alpha/Beta before I pass judgment, personally. It has potential to be interesting.

Actions speak louder than words. Given Blizzard’s track record with flying since WoD I am more inclined to believe they will continue to try and restrict it as much as possible.


They refuse to learn. And then they wonder why they are managing a descent.


…and right now, I could fly over to a rare being attacked by others, land in a safe spot nearby, and stroll over for the tag at the end.

I don’t think merely not being able to hover is going to change much of anything with that behaviour.


Where do you have this opinion from?
We couldn’t even test it yet.
How can you say it is crappy if there is no gameplay yet …

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