Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

I would like it to be how it was pre-WoD - get to cap, do certain small things and buy a flight license. Yes, back then it was one per character but by this point I wouldn’t even mind doing that if I could then buy a license for every toon that wanted it.


Some (former) Eve players are laughing.

what was that? joke about how it takes 2 weeks to fly a ship?

At least in eve you can put the skill train in, go on 2 week vacation and come back to…flying that ship lol.

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While the wow community was effectively having a royal melt down over speculative information about a new feature that has only just been announced and not explained very well, people were quick to jump down my throat because WoWhead apparently said whatever confirmed their bias at the time.

Additionally, this also confirms misinformation for the sake of hate bait on the forums.

You won’t get flying at the end of the expansion. You’ll get it on Day 1 with an asterisk.

At this point, I want the community to stay angry, if not that it’s no less satisfying to see such maligned takes desecrate every discussion space imaginable because y’all deserve no less.

This, too, will age like milk.

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I said a number of times in previous posts on flight that Wowhead’s tweet had not been confirmed by anyone from Blizzard yet many people made loud protestations that wowhead was always right and how dare I question it.

The thing is that in various interviews since the announcement various devs had given conflicting information about the same topic. If even the devs cant get it right, why is it so unusual to say that a quote from a dev to some misc. wowhead person might just not be entirely accurate?

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IIRC, they said something about meeting your dragonriding dragon in the 2nd zone while leveling.

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Oh no, less ways to skip content we hate to grind reskins and currencies then lament lack of content.

Clearly the flying is the problem.

My only concern was being unable to utilize my regular flying mounts at any point in the Dragon Isles while the expansion was still current. He didn’t give a definitive date is to when regular flying would be enabled in the Dragon Isles, but did confirm that it would happen at some point. To me, that’s good enough. I don’t mind staying grounded so to speak the first part of an expansion. That’s when most of it is still new.

I’m interested to see how the Dragonriding feels to utilize. If I like it, I’ll use both alongside with regular flying mounts when both are active at the same time. If I find it cumbersome or a nuisance, then I’ll use my regular flying mounts. Instead of a pathfinder achievement process, which I always hated, only the passage of time is what will inevitably enable regular flying within the Dragon Isles.

I’m happy to hear that, a nice compromise. Maybe not for every one, but it’s what I wanted to hear.

There have in fact been many many times that WoWhead wasn’t entirely accurate. That’s not to say they are unreliable, but they are not 100% accurate 100% of the time.

They just aren’t.

Unpasteurized milk.

I honestly don’t think this is a bad thing. I don’t mind running around on ground mounts a majority of the time and having a limited amount of time in the air to start.

I don’t think you know what confirmed means if you have to clarify it’s just your opinion.

I have zero problems with dragon riding being needed until later patches.

Would you prefer the system we’ve had since WoD where we have to only use ground mounts until it’s unlocked?

…it’s a transcription of things Ion said.

Im talking about the tweet, where a Wowhead person asked a Blizzard person to confirm something and tweet responded with “not flight at all” or words to that effect. It was all in a tweet. My responses were that an interview with a dev or a blue post from Blizzard would be good to confirm it definately.

Comparison to the cypher system and them describing the “daily experience in Dragonflight” as being similar to Zereth Mortis has me worried. I’m retiring to Epsilon WoW if the dragonriding ends up being more of a hassle than just running up the hillside on my regular mount, and if the game goes back to feeling like a chore. WotLK: Classic is the last “break glass in case of bad expansion” they have. They better hope Beta makes it look fun, Blizz can’t take another Shadowlands.

Everyone should be happy to not purchase or play the game at all out of how trash they have treated their players over the years


And yet, repeatable activities in this game become MORE chore-like in the absence of fast travel, not less. It’s not about immersion or danger, it’s about #timeplayed and softly genociding our alts they don’t want us to have anymore since they started selling game time for gold.

Don’t act like they aren’t going to make every mountain path up to a high point a serpentine course filled with hostile mobs. But I’m still not going to stop and fight every one of them, so if you get trained and die, don’t blame me, blame Ion.



Can’t wait.

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It not be so bad if some of the old ways…were still around.

While not 100% thrilling to kill a multitude of mobs in zangamarsh I get things for it. Like plant parts. to get rep. so as 200 mobs die I get rep. Better than nothing really.

where the grind got unfun later on. Max level cap…the trash mobs serve no function. No longer XP, loot is trash. Its not even immersion.

Blood trolls in BFa going ya blood for g’huun.

psst, blood troll…you are beaten and I squashed g’huun like the garden slug he is.

blood troll goes between you and me…I know. I am paid to say this every time you come here. pays the bills dude. See you are all uber geared…please end this quickly. I got my next appointment in 5 minutes so kind of want to go on break before that.

That’s probably a better argument for the decoupling of travel from traversal. When going from, say, Org to Thunder Bluff with no plans to stop in between, there’s very little gameplay difference between manually flying, taking a flight path, or using a mage portal. IE, all are essentially passive.

Even walking there is mostly a matter of hitting autorun and watching. Aside from the elevator boss, obviously.

Instant flightpaths (“hop on birb, fade to black”) and a universal flight whistle would cut down on passive travel time while leaving the dynamic bits intact for when it’s time to actually do stuff.

GW2 does teleportation along with their fancy mounts. As does ESO, and that only has ground mounts, which require lots of training.

Who cares? We have a new way of flying that may end up being the only way to fly because let’s be honest here, the current way of flying makes no sense, like how can a mount just hover in mid air forever?

What they are doing and what GW2 have done is make flying make sense, we can still fly, but we cannot just hover anywhere so we get the best of both worlds, flying and the risk of being attacked while not flying, an entire expansion made around the need to fly with the purpose that we cannot just sit there mid air and keep out of danger and be trolls.

Right now I can fly just over the top of a rare in ZM that other people are attacking and when it gets to 10% health drop in for an easy kill. The new way of flying is going to stop players doing that and you will need to decide, play the game that the devs made to be played, or just don’t participate and that’s a win for everyone who wants to actually play and not allow others to take credit for nothing.