Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

The questions came from a Twitter post by Taliesin and Evitel a few days(/weeks) prior.

That is the normal practice for Blizz anyway.
The questions are always selected and answered beforehand.

Iā€™m sure they did. Itā€™s a shame though because the actual WoW community has a lot of questions theyā€™d like answers to. Interviewers like this donā€™t help get improvements made to the game.

I am amused though by the PR tour the developers are on.

Thank you! I was at work and couldnā€™t look it up, just got home and saw this update.

you just made my day <3

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I listened in to the part about flying and Ion didnt say it wouldnt be available until the end, he just said it would not be available at the start. Which we knew anyhow. What he did NOT say is that it would not be available at all. Sure, he can change his mind, he has in the past. But based on what he said in that interview, it will probably be unavailable at least for the first full patch until people have time to play around with dragon riding.

We dont know if its something they plan to do going forward and if so how they would, or even really much about the system at all. The interview at least gave me some hope its not a complete wipe of normal flight for the expansion.

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From my reading of what they said, each character will have to unlock their dragon, and further abilities will be account-wide.

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Still very, very wrong.

Why does Dragonriding increasing feel like their latest attempt to get rid of actual flying?

One step forward, two steps back.


Because GD has seen how Blizzard handles things like this. People want to just be free to fly. Sounds like players will be juggling arcade style controls, a stamina bar, dodging threats in the air, etc. We are not going to be able to just travel from point a to point b without playing a mini-game from the sounds of things.

Still donā€™t hate it yet as there isnā€™t enough info. The more I hear the more concerned I become though.


We were from BC through MOP.


Would you rather spend an ever increasing amount of gold to buy the ability to fly or engage with the provided content that allows for free flying as soon as you finish some tasks?

This was before mount equipment was a thing. They first floated taking away waterstriding during Legionā€™s alpha.

I think Iā€™m ok with that. hopefully unlocking the dragon isnā€™t too long of a quest chain

We really donā€™t.

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Tha twas the only time it came in final patch and out side of that and 9.1 in SL both Legion and BfA flying came in the .2 patches and they were not the last ones


You get flying with dragonflightā€¦ So you get flying. Just NOT your flying.
Do you want this system or Leggos 3.0 or Azrite again?

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God forbid the gameā€™s core traversal mechanic is more interesting than ā€œpress numlock and go put on the kettelā€. Sheesh.


i donā€™t want travel to be a mini game. itā€™s fine as an option, as forced, iā€™ll do exactly what i did when he had no flight - do the bare minimum in the new areas and hurry back to where i can fly my way, instead of the devsā€™ never ending war on flight way.


Dude at least we can glide around to some extent. Itā€™s better than be grounded for months. I know itā€™s not what I wanted personally, but Iā€™ll take it as a compromise.


This is what I have done since WoD, I donā€™t buy until flight is fully achievable and available in game.