Confirmed by Devs: No flying until late in the expansion

I didn’t ask for another Vash’jir. I suggested maybe, if you’re only going to make two viable pieces of mount equipment, one of which allows water walking, that you might want to have more than one decent-sized pond per zone per expansion.

Of course, and I don’t think anyone is really forcing anyone to like it, right? For those that don’t like this, it’s just a better version of pathfinder no? You have your ground mounts but the annoying flying is there if you want. Not much changes then, yeah?

They didn’t say end. They said not beginning. This could just mean 10.1

Was clearly stated it would be unlocked for normal mounts 2 weeks prior to the next expac for good reason.

Fun troll but you’d be better off making a new thread for it, it won’t convince anyone this deep into the thread.

It’s way, way, WAY too early for me to decide if I’m playing Dragonflight or not.

Look, I’m no Blizzard fanboi but give them time to prove DF will be bad before you decide it is.

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It just occurred to me, and I haven’t read the thread so maybe this has been addressed but…

Are we going to have to grind the dragon riding system on every alt we want to play?

This information has changed.


Is that what you kids are calling it now

What would this kid call it?

I was thinking along the lines of “status quo”

Basically, it’s the same as it’s always been for the past 8 years, but now with a newer mechanic that lets you fly at launch.

you may not like it, but that’s literally what it is lol


I’m going to disagree with this. All mount equipment is useless now but the one you chose to purchase, which is applied to all mounts. That’s a restriction they wanted to implement with the system. If they wanted to give players options they could have allowed them to purchase multiple mount equipments and applied them to individual mounts, which would have resulted in more mount equipment sales.

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That’s the point thought. You have to choose ONE based on your class/specs. If your a tank, you can choose WW and be in tank when mounting for example. If your a shaman or hunter, you can use a anti-dismount while using WW skills.

What they are doing is called collective punishment and “rewarding” at the end of the expansion. With all the mounts people paid this system is DoA unless it becomes miraculously better than the GW flying system.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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They do this over and over again. But the thing is, the people who are being punished collectively are not the ones they are upset at, because those people have already left and will never be regular subscribers again.

I can’t hear their whining over my casting of Water Walking.

What Ion’s lawyer speak said was this:

  1. No, you can’t use your mounts on dragon island at first – they don’t know when you’ll be able to, but eventually you will (it probably depends on how many people complain about their new dragon flying)

  2. Your dragon will have limited flying abilities at first and will have a stamina bar and well… when it is depleted, you’re grounded.

  3. No, you cannot use dragon flying any place except dragon island.

  4. You’ll meet a baby dragon day one and then do stuff to gain it’s trust/raise it so it becomes your companion and your mount.

Of course the guy who was interviewing him did not press him on anything so he was allowed to be very vague about flying. We do know that he dislikes it, so I wouldn’t expect to see regular flying until 10.2 at the earliest.

The guy who was interviewing him also did not ask Ion about what they plan to put into place for those who might struggle with this planned feature. But he was probably just excited to be able to interview developers and didn’t really care about asking tough questions.


Taliesin is an incredibly pro-Blizz YouTuber. That’s why they chose him. They probably gave him a list of questions to ask, which they already had answers prepared for.


This is from wowhead:’ In Dragonflight, nearly everything will be account-wide – linear narrative will be optional on a second character. Dragon Riding will be account-wide as well, while things aren’t fully fleshed out yet, if your Dragon has learned extra talents or traits, we don’t want to force you to re-earn those on your alts. We know that many people are going to have 70 alts the first week of the expansion, and the system should be the alt-friendly one right from the beginning.’

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