Confirmed: Brutosaur Mount is now a Feat of Strength

Blizzard says they think everyone will have one some day, which is in direct contrast to your statement here.

It’s also the principal - removal for the sake of removal. There have been countless suggestions to remedy whatever their issue is without taking anything away (save the AH vendor on the mount, which would leave the ones with it “prestigious” or whatever) that have been ignored.

The biggest and most realistic argument against the removal is if you take away long term goals, you lose long term subs. Give me something to work for at my own pace and I’ll keep giving you my money. They apparently prefer short content release burst subs.


^This a million times.

The more someone pushes me, the more I want to just go the other way. First the Pandaren tell me to “Slooowww Dooowwwwn” and now I’m being told I have to rush and it’s my fault if I don’t hurry, hurry, hurry to get the mount in time.

And some people can’t see why that’s really a turn off.


You’re right. They need to remove the mount so that they can add a new one that costs more so that there won’t be too many of them running around.

A bit off topic, but I feel like Shadowlands is pretty indicative of this. For the first time in a long time, it feels like Blizzard stepping back away from the slope and really focusing on what will make the game fun.

Not entirely. It being so expensive made it something people could work toward over time. Like the mammoths in Wrath or the Yak in Mists. Both of which are still available.

Removing the dinosaur doesn’t make any sense at all, unless I give into my cynical side and believe it is a plot to drive token sales.


My general suspicion is that they use player count in the faction capitals as a success metric, and one of the primary hooks to get players in them is through the AH.

The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur threatens to eliminate the AH as a primary reason to visit Orgrimmar/Stormwind, so they’re removing easy, guaranteed access to the Brutosaur to limit acquisition of the mount as much as possible.

The impending removal of the Brutosaur from the current vendors wasn’t even mentioned in the content update notes, so I’m thinking they are trying to move the Brutosaur to the BMAH as quietly as possible in order to keep the ownership numbers of the mount as low as possible.

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That could be. They could take the AH guy off future sales.

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That would explain why they’re so determined to strip quality of life features like portals and AHs from every other capital and force players into SW/Org. They’ve admitted in the past that they want players in those two cities, but never really given a good explanation as to WHY those are the only capitals that should “feel alive”.

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They absolutely want players funneled through the two main capital cities, just look at the portal decimation a while back. No freedom allowed in deciding how to get wherever you’re going. You will travel through Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

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And yet half the “people” I see when I travel through the portal room are still the various “adventurer” NPCs.


Man, it’s almost like those are the major cities for the factions or something and that they’ve been struggling with keeping their older world relevant outside of every expansion.

For a capital city of my faction I spent:
No time there in TBC

No time there in Wrath

Spent time there in Cata because it was once more relevant

No time there in MoP

No time there in WoD

No time there in Legion (Back to idling in Dalaran for me)

Precious little time there in BFA.

You don’t see that as a problem when your factions main capital is something you’ve only actually utilized for two periods of the game, one of which being when a majority of the current playerbase wasn’t even playing?

I never had any interest in the mount so I won’t be farming for it. But why can’t t hey just swap out the AH on the mount for something else? The changed the reforging on the Yak to something else in the past so they have the ability to do so.

At the start of Shadowlands they need to be sure to communicate with us one what is going to be removed in the future so that players know how much time they have to gain it.


Still waiting on a huge cost mount that has socketed vendors in it like a wagon or something.

Give me a victorian carriage with two or three sockets to which I can buy the vendor’s services, make it worth 8m and I’d pay for it easily. That’s actually something interesting. The brutosaur is just a bland and boring mount with its only benefit being “LMAO IT’S HUGE!”

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Forcing you to run across a portal room to get from here to there, or to run a couple of blocks to the AH because god forbid there be an AH in current content, hardly counts as “keeping the older world relevant”.


Except there is one, right next to the scrapper. . .

Because everyone is an engineer.

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I’m engi, and I get so mad when I start flying down there on my non-engis and remember that, hey, no AH for this toon!

I was so hoping the Dala one, now no longer current, would be changed. No dice. I get that Org is my capital, but if they want the world to feel alive (their own reasons stated for portal removal) why are they herding us all into one city? :thinking:

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It’s not prestigious.

Exactly! SW and Org are not the entirety of the world.


Why? Some of us have jobs, and we have more money than we know what to do with.