Confirmed - armor, resists values on pservers is wrong

Caps on total population. I know one TBC private server had a 15k pop cap.

When/if they manage to do that in a raid, on Classic, I’ll be impressed.

With reportedly under-tuned resistance and armor values(as per Blizzard), a lot of their high DPS can be accounted for there. Throw in passive regen rates that are being reported as slower in Classic than what the Pservers have, and that also potentially accounts for higher DPS numbers as well, healers not going OOM as quickly/easily, allowing (melee) DPS to stay in when they’d otherwise be out, and for casters to keep casting when they should have been OOM.


wha…dude, how is that where your logic took you? The fact that people are doing 3 times the dps of vanilla wow only proves that the numbers on pservers are scuffed out of this world.

“lol, humanity has evolved to this point naturally. people are just better at the game”. I call bull. It is the math on pservers that is causing these insane speedruns and 2, 3, or 4 times the expected DPS, not player skill. give me a break.


BS, we have that math, its well documented from Vanilla theorycrafting. Boss resists arent an open book.

No resist or armor gap can possibly compose a 3 times dps difference. You’re straight up not correct if you think otherwise. It’s pretty much impossible. I’d concede losing 25% dps to missed tuning at max, and that’s really pushing it, I’d assume a 15% give or take on the resist values compared to their vanilla counterparts.

Why’s he keep saying another thing I noticed instead of another thing I was wrong about?

I see math is not your forte.


I think sound reason and a discerning eye to the evidence pretty much back you up here. Pserver heroes want to white-knight their pserver numbers, but the majority of sound-minded individuals remain skeptical.


Not sure what backwater server you’re referencing but there were quite a few players doing 1200+ DPS on fights like Patchwerk in actual Vanilla.

That’s not far off from the 1500 DPS that you’re claiming from the private servers.


I have attempted to explain that 1% here, 5% there, 1% over there, 10% on that, 7% under that, 5% next to that and so one adds up…

Especially when you have the order of operations, methodology, and special cases all wrong.

But who needs order of operations and special cases eh? I mean how much difference could 2% make? LOL… /sarcasm.


Legitimately nobody says pugs can kill it in 15 seconds. That’s a number you’ve come up with out of nowhere.

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It’s magic now

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Everything is additive don’t ya know!

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This means Warlocks are going to suck even more than usual.

You suck and MC and BWL. Finally start to get pumping in AQ and then you hit Naxx and it’s like jk Shadow resist everywhere.

pour one out for the homies.

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You do realize there are videos of people killing things in BWL sub 30s right? In fact you can easily look here where they killed Vael - “The Guild breaker” in 29s flat and Broodlord in 36s

Don’t worry though they just gods, don’t worry mate.

Time Stamp: 8:53-9:22

Timestamp: 19:16-19:52


Maybe trade a dps for an extra healer on these long fights but warrior dps qould have to be scaled like +5% more then rogues and warriors will almost surely be the top dps still. Maybe mages pull ahead slightly. The difference is a warrior might do 5% less on classic thennprivate server but so will all physical damage dealers.

They’re speedrunning in full buffs in Naxx gear. They arent progressing on it, they aren’t a pug, they’re the best Classic guild as of this moment, that seems pretty fair TBH, naxx gear is absolutely insane compared to anything a fresh 60 or bwl geared character might have.

Enphasis on ‘not a pug’.

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Most of them are not in Naxx gear, in fact the dude whose screen you look at is using BWL weapons and like three pieces of Naxx gear, two AQ pieces the rest of ZG/prior

Everything I have seen in private server videos does not indicate expert play, I have seen a few where they would have wiped horribly in vanilla. No worries tho bro, private servers!


Wonderful. I sure am glad your reading comprehension is there.

Comparing Salad Bakers to a Pug is downright insulting.

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I never once was talking about pugs, just making a mockery of private servers.

Gotta get them overlapping world buffs, overlapping buffs, and nearly zero boss armor for them 7eet skills

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